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Who "owns" Day Z?

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This is mostly a series of open ended questions directed at Rocket et al. As the thread topic asks, who "owns" Day Z in terms of IP and related related rights? If this is something that you can't currently discuss, I completely understand. I'm just interested in both IP issues, and how employee/company relations with regards to IP and ideas can function.

From what I've read (and I admit I could have missed something), Day Z was originally something Rocket came up with. Later, Rocket began working for Bohemia, and started working on Day Z for them. At that point, did Day Z become property of Bohemia, or did Rocket still retain any rights? In most companies I've worked for, any creative ideas you have tend to become property of your employers, at least under existing employment agreements/contracts etc..., so I'd be interested in knowing how this all worked.'

A side thought I had, a common argument raised is that "this is just a mod, you are a tester, not a customer" when dealing various complaints/suggestions. If Bohemia has some rights to Day Z, then I think an argument could be made that we are both customer and tester, and I think this does change the dynamic between the community and developers somewhat, though not necessarily for the worse...

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If you were a customer and demanded to be treated that way you know what the end result of that is right? The Alpha gets yanked out of public and put behind closed doors and you don't get to play it at all until it's ready. Maybe Beta if your lucky which could still be a long time away, but more likely it would be full release before you would be playing DayZ again. No company would ever publicly release an Alpha build to paying customers.

If you want to be treated like a customer delete DayZ and don't play it until it's finished. We are lucky to be playing at this point and you just have to understand the only way to allow people to play the Alpha is for them to understand it's going to be broken every once in a while because it's a game still in progress.

Don't get all entitled because you payed $30 for a full retail game + expansion pack and happened to get DayZ thrown in even if it is still in play test phase. Don't call on the guy who is creating the mod and try to pull rank on him like he owes you something. This behavior is exactly the reason if a company was officially running development you wouldn't be playing Alpha right now at all.

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I think he was just curious.. drop your gun ^^

Rocket was working for bohemia before creating dayz.

He was working on arma multiplayer stuff if I m not wrong and start the dayz project on the side not paid.

Now, if I m not mistaking, he s working fully on dayz since the success of it bumped the arma 2 sales on steam.

He doesn't work anymore for Bohemia. Bohemia works for him. So is chuck norris. jk

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Your logic is flawed good sir, you have paid nothing for this mod & thus are not a customer.


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Your logic is flawed good sir' date=' you have paid nothing for this mod & thus are not a customer.



That's nice to know. Thankyou for the reminder you helpful parrot!

I had no idea you knew so much about how to get the game Dayz and what we have paid for. Here I was thinking you're only able to state the obvious and recycle phrases and posts.


Your logic is flawed good sir' date=' you have paid nothing for this mod & thus are not a customer.



This, I think.

Not that.

You think?

Are you sure you only think you 'this' his idea? I don't think you'll find anyone disagreeing with the fact dayz is a free mod. I'd personally go with a I KNOW RITE OMG

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No, you would in no way be considered a customer. DayZ is a MOD for Arma 2. You are a customer of BIS in that you bought A2.

You're a tester of an alpha-state mod, for a game made by a company that you're a customer of.

As for who owns it, I don't know, but I doubt with rocket being rocket, he would throw away his ownership willy nilly. He would either still own the entire thing, or have a partial ownership deal going with BIS. I'd assume the first, as BIS would want rocket to have complete creative freedom with DayZ, because him being able to experiment is what brought them all the money.

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