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Are Battleye filters needed/required?

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Since DayZ 1.7.7 I read that people got kicked for using a bloodbag and that you need custom BE filters for DayZ 1.7.7

So as an Admin, I downloaded and applied the filters and it worked...... sort of.

Because I have custom skins working on my server, people that have a custom skin got kicked, admins get kicked when putting their AdminPack into a vehicle,

Admin-only gun SCAR-H/L can not be put in or dropped somewhere, kicks you too.

I know how to prevent BE from kicking, no problem for me, I've had worse.

But the thing is, when 1.7.6 was on my server, nobody got kicked for shit like this.

So, my question is: did I just misunderstood that I NEED Battleye filters to prevent from kicking when using a bloodbag,

or is it just that people got kicked for using a bloodbag because they had the wrong filters?

That would mean that I can just delete those crappy extra BE .txt's :)

Thanks a lot in advance for your time.

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Very strange way to enjoy DayZ... "Admin-only gun SCAR-H/L" WTF ???? :o

These filters are very usefull but there are dedicated to the legit dayz mod, if you have a custom server you have to modify these filters as needed.

The kick for bloodbag was because the filters was not up to date.

DJ Teschmi

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In my opinion if you cant figure out how to sort out your BE scripts you havent earned those "admin only" weapons ;). The only advice Id give is the more you tamper with those scripts, the more loopholes you give to unsavory types, so yes they're kind of necessary. Good luck populating your server, you may struggle if you'e giving your admins OP gear, it's a bad move in my opinion.

Edited by Box

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Thanks for the info, but seriously? Why are all of you b*tches here wining about stuff?

I just have that gun so we can see if somebody is admin or not.

We only have it so players can see: Oh, that's an admin, I can expect from him that he can help me with stuff and I can ask him for support

if he/she has any trouble with something related to ingame.....

Jeez, you guys are wining too fast :o

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So far you've received some good advice from experienced admins, not bitching, you should be more grateful IMO and maybe even try saying thanks.

If you really feel the need to make your admins identifiable then why not give them a custom skin? Giving them unique weapons is not the best way to identify somene and I have to agree with the guys above - if I started playing on a server and realised the Admins were giving themselves "special" weapons I wouldn't come back, for all I know you could also be giving yourselves helis and cars too, that's not the type of server a lot of people like to play on. I'm not saying you are doing that BTW I'm just saying that is the impression you'll give your playerbase. If you want your server to be popular you need people to trust you.

This is not bitching, it is advice from people that have admined popular servers, myself included.

Edited by Fraggle
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No one is bitching at you, after all what do I care if you want to run about on an empty server with a cool gun you spawn with every time. As fraggle said it's a bit of a dick move as people will just see it as admin exploiting the server so they remain on top and can always have the Gucci gear. No one wants to play on server where they have to scavenge and work hard for gear but could lose it all to admins that can just magic it all up and who dont have to scavenge. It sends a really bad message.

Having admin only guns is more likely to have and adverse effect than reassure players. First of all how do they know you're an admin just by a weapon ? How do they know you didnt steal it from an admin - also what happens when you switch weapons or are driving?

Second, why chose such a powerful gun for admins? Why not just use a skin or even better rolling messages identifying your admins by name or messenger/TS so they can contact you outside the game? Anyone who isnt put off by the thought of uber powerful admins will surely only go out of their way to get your guns

Im not even certain its necessary to have admin identifiable visually in game to be honest with you, especially if you have side chat enabled.

Personally, Id go for a combination of having rolling server messages advertising your TS/Mumble/Skype what ever, maybe add a custom skin for your admins (nothing too OP like ghillies) and if you want that gun (and more additional guns that arent in regular day z) I would just put them in the loottable and give everyone the same chance of finding it.

I got links to some good scripts if you would like them.

Edited by Box
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Thanks for the info, but seriously? Why are all of you b*tches here wining about stuff?

I just have that gun so we can see if somebody is admin or not.

We only have it so players can see: Oh, that's an admin, I can expect from him that he can help me with stuff and I can ask him for support

if he/she has any trouble with something related to ingame.....

Jeez, you guys are wining too fast :o

Couldn't the Rocket skin do the same job without you getting better weaponry?

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You guys are definitly making a good statement here and you're all right. I completely agree with you all.

But I should have mentioned that I'm admin on a PVE server where stealing and (ofcourse) killing, is not allowed.

Still, I completely understand your statements because on PvP, if you have powerfull guns that nobody else can have,

then you have an advantage on other players, because you can kill them more easily with better weapons.

But again, my server is PVE, so no players will suffer from the Mk16 I use. But Zombies will, haha :P

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Admin-only gun SCAR-H/L can not be put in or dropped somewhere, kicks you too.

You have admin only gear :o That's so very sad and not to mention unfair

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I've never understood why people need custom admin skins either TBH (just my personal opinion btw).

People just want to play the game on a hack-free server, that really is all they want. As an admin you don't need to be in-game as a community support officer, running around checking everyone's ok and helping them out. Any advice/community support ect. should be done away from the game either here on our forums (you can start your own thread and chat to players there), your own forums or via TS etc.

It's great that you want to be a helpful admin but those efforts should go towards building your playerbase, dealing with hackers and handling player issues/disputes like combat logging and so on. All of that can be done without you actually playing the game at all. When I used to admin initially I would play on the server as a regular guy but it didn't take long for me to figure out that by doing that your putting yourself in a awkward position. if you kill another player and they know it's you then you open yourself up to claims of admin abuse because to be an admin you'll need to be checking the admin map etc and you can't forget all of that information.

I guess it really depends what you're looking for as an admin. If you want a server for you a and a few friends to enjoy then none of this really matters and you can do what you want but it will always be just you and your friends on there with the occassional person checking it out and the odd hacker passing through. If you want a popular server with a good community and a decent regular playerbase then there's a lot more to think about and it's a lot of hard work.

Anyhoo, good luck whichever path you choose.

Edit - I typed that ^ before i read your post about it being a PVE server although i guess some of it still applies.

Edited by Fraggle
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I've never understood why people need custom admin skins either TBH (just my personal opinion btw).

People just want to play the game on a hack-free server, that really is all they want. As an admin you don't need to be in-game as a community support officer, running around checking everyone's ok and helping them out. Any advice/community support ect. should be done away from the game either here on our forums (you can start your own thread and chat to players there), your own forums or via TS etc.

It's great that you want to be a helpful admin but those efforts should go towards building your playerbase, dealing with hackers and handling player issues/disputes like combat logging and so on. All of that can be done without you actually playing the game at all. When I used to admin initially I would play on the server as a regular guy but it didn't take long for me to figure out that by doing that your putting yourself in a awkward position. if you kill another player and they know it's you then you open yourself up to claims of admin abuse because to be an admin you'll need to be checking the admin map etc and you can't forget all of that information.

I guess it really depends what you're looking for as an admin. If you want a server for you a and a few friends to enjoy then none of this really matters and you can do what you want but it will always be just you and your friends on there with the occassional person checking it out and the odd hacker passing through. If you want a popular server with a good community and a decent regular playerbase then there's a lot more to think about and it's a lot of hard work.

Anyhoo, good luck whichever path you choose.

Edit - I typed that ^ before i read your post about it being a PVE server although i guess some of it still applies.

It looks the tits. ^_^

Edited by Victus Mortuus

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Agreed lol. I guess what I'm saying is that really people don't give a shit about the admins as long as the server is hack-fee (as much as possible), it has the settings they want and they know you deal with issues quickly, maturely and can be trusted not to abuse your position.

Edited by Fraggle

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Admins having anything that players can't is in my opinion admin abuse :P

You're abusing the system by giving yourself gear, no matter if that gears gives you an advantage or not is still admin abuse.

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LISTEN. I have the gun to identify My admin squad members. So I AM NOT ABUSING MY POWERS.

I do NOT use it to kill players, (PVE, remember?)

I USE IT FOR IDENTIFICATION. Just READ before you start bragging about it. or GTFO

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LISTEN. I have the gun to identify My admin squad members. So I AM NOT ABUSING MY POWERS.

I do NOT use it to kill players, (PVE, remember?)

I USE IT FOR IDENTIFICATION. Just READ before you start bragging about it. or GTFO

Can players get this gun ? No

Can only admins have this gun ? Yes

No matter what excuse you use, it's quite clearly admin abuse :P

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Ok, let me put it this way:

Definition of abuse:

"Abuse is defined as the systematic pattern of behaviors in a relationship that are used to gain and/or maintain power and control over another"

I am not trying to gain power over another by having that gun, so:

Your argument is Invalid.

Edited by IT07

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