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Current State of Dayz

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Ok, so i played through, and im glad of the changes. Zombies are easy to lose, but the ever present death sentence of infection balances that. Loot is at a decent place, you can get what you need and that's about it. I would like to see the medical/hospital spawns pumped up a little since everyone needs a morphine or two. But overall i like this waaaaay better than 1.7.7.

This said, I still miss dayz from before this patch. Where the zombies a joke? Yes. Was pvp, spawn-camping, and loot present everywhere? Yes. But i never really considered this an issue since my goal in the game as a hero was mainly to fix vehicles and give rides. With this current setup, a lone wolf simply cannot get a vehicle up and running. You might find 1 wheel in 3 towns and cars spawn in needing 3 or more. There was always a huge thrill to gun a pickup or van through cherno or electro to see if you could live through it....

Do I understand the thoughts behind the patches? Yes, this is dayz, a zombie survival game which makes the changes to the zombies perfectly valid. But the loot (especially for vehicles) makes me sad that i must run everywhere from here on out. Just my two cents, and I appreciate all the effort put into this so far.

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since there is no endgame for me (i dont like slow FPS) i liked the rare loot and generally beeing scared of zeds. for the first time it was "not that easy" to run-and-gun. i liked the high infection rate, only a few more treatments other than antibiotics would have been nice. i'm really hoping will bring back a bit of the hardness as announced. yea and thx for trying to make the game better.

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... i'm really hoping will bring back a bit of the hardness as announced. yea and thx for trying to make the game better.

Wait! What? There is going to be a ... really?

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Foolish notions, read more threads...the curret state of DayZ is poor. Patch shellshock and the current patch zombies are bugged as hell.

The ever hard working devs are changing the zombies to behave properlly, if you think the current hot fix to was to nurf zombies or make it easier for you, you are mistaken.

Quote Razor, "7.2 (the hotfix for the hotfix) should have zeds hitting like tanks and be able to pummel the player while he/she is moving." Can't wait for this gem...

And if you can't find vehicles i would suggest playing a well maintained vanillia server (hive) or + cars if you're into that.

Edited by Trizzo
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I dont play original dayz anymore. Every fucking zombiehit pushes you to the ground. Every second hit gives you an infection. Thats unrealistic and no fun.

Origins ftw. hard zombies but no bullshit.

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I dont play original dayz anymore. Every fucking zombiehit pushes you to the ground. Every second hit gives you an infection. Thats unrealistic and no fun.

Origins ftw. hard zombies but no bullshit.

Whats hard about the zombies in origins? That they only get killed by head shots? Who shoots a zombie anyways these days... Everyone just runs into a building/bush and looses them, problem solved.

I think its more 'realistic' that they push you to the ground, on the other hand I think its unrealistic that players shoot each other in the middle of a zombie apocalypse when they are actually supposed to relieved by them. Players in dayz are just used to get their loot easily by just sprinting around them. And when devs introduced more challenging zombies alot of players failed to deal with the dificulty.

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Whats hard about the zombies in origins? That they only get killed by head shots? Who shoots a zombie anyways these days... Everyone just runs into a building/bush and looses them, problem solved.

I think its more 'realistic' that they push you to the ground, on the other hand I think its unrealistic that players shoot each other in the middle of a zombie apocalypse when they are actually supposed to relieved by them. Players in dayz are just used to get their loot easily by just sprinting around them. And when devs introduced more challenging zombies alot of players failed to deal with the dificulty.

Pushing to the ground is the most unrealistic think about the zombies. Try to push someone to the ground.... go try it..... if he or she is prepared for it(like someone whos is chased by a zombie) you will not get him to the ground without special combat sport like technics(zombies dosent use this)... and even if the zombie is able to push someone to the ground... then he cant do it with every hit he gives out.

It is only a gameplaystopper...same like infection with every second hit and only 1 antiboitc for like 40 players on the server... wow.... i want realism not stupid unrealistic dificulty.

Same like breaking bones with your hands.... not possible in reallife but in dayz a powerless zombie with his underfeed body and his with low oxygen fortifieded muscles.. can break bones without the leverage effect.... "oh yes the virus is a magicaly energy source"...... bullshit.... there is a science out there called physics... the devs have to read one or two books about it.

Edited by DirtyCry
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I agree that the infection is a bit of a pain, but zombies bite when they are close, and bites do cause infections in basicly every form of zombie fiction. So I guess it can be considered "realistic". At first I was irretated by it, then I just realized I had to adept. I'm more careful then ever now, and the game just got a lot more exiting (more sneaking, more "OH GOD I F*CKED UP! moments, just like my first time ever playing, makes it more thrilling).

On the other side, yes, there should be a better way to cure it or at least more ways, because once you do get infected you are 95% dead. Back in the days, even if you had major blood loss from a fight, you could recover with hunting for a lot of food or animals.

Oh and zombies are still bugged like hell. Spawn zone are bugged. Zombies hit animation and distance is bugged. And so on. And lets say you get a bugged critter way up north or west, you will never make it to a hospital. Might as well kill yourself, and that is not fair, nor fun. It is not a challange it is just punishment for an error, that was maybe not even your fault (bug).

But all in all that is the rare case, and the new challange is fun:) Let's see what happens next!

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Pushing to the ground is the most unrealistic think about the zombies. Try to push someone to the ground.... go try it..... if he or she is prepared for it(like someone whos is chased by a zombie) you will not get him to the ground without special combat sport like technics(zombies dosent use this)... and even if the zombie is able to push someone to the ground... then he cant do it with every hit he gives out.

It is only a gameplaystopper...same like infection with every second hit and only 1 antiboitc for like 40 players on the server... wow.... i want realism not stupid unrealistic dificulty.

Same like breaking bones with your hands.... not possible in reallife but in dayz a powerless zombie with his underfeed body and his with low oxygen fortifieded muscles.. can break bones without the leverage effect.... "oh yes the virus is a magicaly energy source"...... bullshit.... there is a science out there called physics... the devs have to read one or two books about it.

Yeah some of what you said has validity. But as for the lack of antibiotics, that IS realistic surely. A couple of months into the apocalypse and the med supplies would run dry for sure.

Try sneaking around it a bit more man and as always, patience is a virtue

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Will they still update DayZ mod after standalone comes out?

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Im really just curious

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lots of people bought arma2 just for dayz, even now stil.

they should keep updating at least awhile after the SA alpha is out.

on top of that, the mod is a good testing platform.

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People need to shut up about thinking what they believe is realistic about zombies, they don't exist, not yet anyways and until then they will be however the developer envisions them. Also in any other zombie movie/game you get bit your fuckin done, there's no antibiotics that magically cure it so be happy the devs gave you a chance when your too busy shooting newspawns and get bit.

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People need to shut up about thinking what they believe is realistic about zombies, they don't exist, not yet anyways and until then they will be however the developer envisions them. Also in any other zombie movie/game you get bit your fuckin done, there's no antibiotics that magically cure it so be happy the devs gave you a chance when your too busy shooting newspawns and get bit.

Physic is real.

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Where the zombies a joke? Yes. But i never really considered this an issue since my goal in the game as a hero was mainly to fix vehicles and give rides

So, what you are really saying is you want the zeds to be less challenging so you can enjoy playing Taxi Simulator 2013

Edited by (MUC) Feral

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Physic is real.

Well if you havent been able to tell arma doesn't have the best "physics" in the game. My point still stands :)

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Just come back to the game haven't updated to new patch yet, judging by the responses in here the game is a little harder to stay alive, especially with infection must update and try it.

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I have no problems with the new patch other that the zombies will chase you for miles sometimes, I have run through bushes, hide in pine trees ect and then won't give up.I would like to see there line of sight improved so they only run if they can actually see you.Things like throwing a flare to attract them or running past a cow and they turn their attention to that instead would be cool too.

*to be fair I never played the old patch but still.

Edited by dayz standalone

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I have no problems with the new patch other that the zombies will chase you for miles sometimes, I have run through bushes, hide in pine trees ect and then won't give up.I would like to see there line of sight improved so they only run if they can actually see you.Things like throwing a flare to attract them or running past a cow and they turn their attention to that instead would be cool too.

*to be fair I never played the old patch but still.

You CAN throw flares (and smoke granades, and junk) to distract zombies.

However it would be funny, if zombies would develop a sudden love for cows. It would be hilarious to see them swarm the poor thing :D

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the zombies are just fine, no problems

I actually find med supplies now

its just i miss the vehicle aspect of the game....you pass fuel stations, parts, and cars that are simply too broken too fix by meself....i mean, why keep them in the game at all if you need a 3 man squad to fix a motorcycle?

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