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killer patch hitted DayZ.

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I just wonder way did they put in this killer patch the agro of zombis is killing the game we cant move anymore or crawel anyone saying anything els is just Trolling.

this is how it was befor the killer patch, even then zombis was hard then you needed team work for bigger scaterings, today its imposebil.


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hmmm... well if ur facing zombies headon that might be the case... but if you run into the building lets say "A Entry" and wait for zombies to follow u INTO the building and exit from "B Entry" and go somewhere to prone... you've pretty much lost ALL of them(1.7.x.x made it possible to lose zombie's agro + zombie cannot hear/see through walls)... did this many time when i was raiding cherno alone..

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i know were you coming from, but its imposebil to run far north to get your crew togheter at ouer camps afther death, becours of the agro 2 of 7 clan members was making the trip afther 2 days we were just 2 back up north and we have bean dying over and over agian.

we all know verywell how to play the game, its good that we dont get starting wepons anymore but lower the agro of mobs/zombis.

Ps just hope they lower the agro some Ds

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After logging some significant time before and after the zombie AI was significantly altered, I have come to a few conclusions. I believe that it may be possible that the developer took the wrong route when trying to push the game away from the death match mentality and made several(obvious to me) oversights in these recent patches.

One of them is the mindset that zombies were too easy. I completely disagree. Before the patch, I felt that zombie aggro was near perfect. You could get around them, but you would still have to move relatively slow. You could keep your radius distance away and be fairly safe. You could still crouch run in spots, and this is sorely needed due to bandits. I still had several encounters, running into buildings, defending myself and freaking out before the change. You can't be crawling all over the place. You, (Rocket?) are just making it easier for bandits to kill us. If you wanted to make zombies more powerful, you should have done just that. Increased their strength. Not made them almost impossible to even look at from a far distance, even while prone.

Secondly. This one is huge. Why is high grade ammo spawning on the south coast? How was this not missed? This alone is allowing bandits to come south and STAY south for far longer than they should. This loot table system in the south is one of the direct reasons that geared out players can come back to kill noobs. If I'm not running from zombies(which is almost always), I'm looking at STANAG or MP5 ammo. Why is it even possible to get loot like that where new players spawn? It doesn't make any sense as far as balancing goes. We should see Macarov, Lee Enfield, Shotgun, Pellet ammo fairly plentiful, not sniper ammo. You know, things that we can actually use.

Another thing. I understand that you can lose zombies inside houses. But are we really pushing this game towards forcing the players to use an exploit to a technical issue with the game? We are telling players, exploit this, because it's the only chance you have. Play our game as it wasn't actually intended in order to have any chance. Come now.. really?

Right now, nearly every new player that I've come across has been friendly. The problem is that, while they like the feel of the game, they all believe it's way too hard as it is. I get that there must be a challenge. I get that zombies must be feared at least as much as players. But, I believe that there are much bigger issues than that. These AI patches have stopped a lot of people from playing. That's never a good thing. And that's ALWAYS the bottom line.

I know some will disagree with me. I'm not saying spawning without a weapon is a bad thing. I personally feel that since you are a survivor, you were obviously ready for the apocalypse. So you should at least spawn with a melee weapon of some sort. That was the whole point, people were upset that they couldn't defend themselves. Now they still can't defend themselves. AI needs to revert. Ammo spawn loot tables need to be fixed. The focus should be on ideas that keep bandits and PvP'ers north, rather than making unneeded changes to the core of the game.

Just my opinion. Remember that when posting.


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I agree with you on everything but from what i remember reading... Is that the loot system is dependent on the Object(I.e. house, firestation etc etc). The reason is due to porting, it'll make the game easier to transfer over to Arma 3 when it comes out.

Don't get me wrong, i'm not disagreeing with you just stating a fact (at least that's what I remember reading.

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yes i really hope they/Rocket will read your post here DAS1337 you cover almost evrything ;)


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I agree with you on everything but from what i remember reading... Is that the loot system is dependent on the Object(I.e. house' date=' firestation etc etc). The reason is due to porting, it'll make the game easier to transfer over to Arma 3 when it comes out.

Don't get me wrong, i'm not disagreeing with you just stating a fact (at least that's what I remember reading.


That was something that I wasn't aware of. While I'm not saying that you are lying, I also remember some people saying that melee wasn't even possible in ARMA 2. Maybe there is some sort of way to work around a house loot table to make it more regional. I guess that something like that can only be answered by Rocket.


I agree with you on everything but from what i remember reading... Is that the loot system is dependent on the Object(I.e. house' date=' firestation etc etc). The reason is due to porting, it'll make the game easier to transfer over to Arma 3 when it comes out.

Don't get me wrong, i'm not disagreeing with you just stating a fact (at least that's what I remember reading.


And actually, if this is true, it messes with my other idea. I was thinking about ways to make bandits and PvP'ers stay north, while keeping a sense of progression with the new players.

They involved increasing zombie difficulty as you progress north. Perhaps slower walkers, crawlers and hoppers in the south. Increasing numbers of joggers and runners in the central parts. then mostly runners and sprinters, and even super zombies(pack leaders ala I AM LEGEND). Greater risk comes greater reward. Creating multiple tiers of items. For example, franks and beans and sardines would be your starter food that gives you 200 blood. Then you could find farms and animals as your progress north that give you 350 blood. Then furthest north, you could find military grade food and such that gives you 500 blood. You could do this for ammo, drinks, meds, and anything else that you could think of. Meaning, your more geared out players will want to stay north for the higher level items. Coming south for any significant time would mean that once they run out of that stuff, they will have to start using weaker items. Making them want to go north again.

I know it won't fix everything. People will kill because they want to. You can't stop that in any game. But, if it's possible, it could help tip the balance with many other fixes to push the game in the right direction, the right way.

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i know were you coming from' date=' but its imposebil to run far north to get your crew togheter at ouer camps afther death, becours of the agro 2 of 7 clan members was making the trip afther 2 days we were just 2 back up north and we have bean dying over and over agian.

we all know verywell how to play the game, its good that we dont get starting wepons anymore but lower the agro of mobs/zombis.

Ps just hope they lower the agro some Ds


Why should they be able to?!? Why is this some sort of obvious presupposition; that a former member of a crew should be able to meet up with his old buddies after death without having to worry about SURVIVING?

As for surviving as two, I don't see the problem. The game has changed, but adapting isn't as hard as people make it out to be! If you choose to sneak, you have to be much more careful about what direction the zombies are facing. Shooting zombies still works and doesn't attract ENOUGH zombies--but I don't know how common ammo is after the loot rebalance.

It should be said that there are probably more than a couple of bugs introduced with the new zombie detection system, and I'm sure they will be dealt with. I am fine with the mechanics introduced, and where my frustration should be aimed at is the unintended ones.

Secondly. This one is huge. Why is high grade ammo spawning on the south coast? How was this not missed? This alone is allowing bandits to come south and STAY south for far longer than they should.

On your point about high grade ammo--I agree. There is no reason for everybody to walk around with rifles and being able to engage players easily up to 500m.

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I agree with DAS1337, I really think Rocket should combine the AI now and before.

make the zombies' sights like before and let them cannot see thru walls, and stronger,, that's all.

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i know were you coming from' date=' but its imposebil to run far north to get your crew togheter at ouer camps afther death, becours of the agro 2 of 7 clan members was making the trip afther 2 days we were just 2 back up north and we have bean dying over and over agian.

we all know verywell how to play the game, its good that we dont get starting wepons anymore but lower the agro of mobs/zombis.

Ps just hope they lower the agro some Ds


Why should they be able to?!? Why is this some sort of obvious presupposition; that a former member of a crew should be able to meet up with his old buddies after death without having to worry about SURVIVING?

As for surviving as two, I don't see the problem. The game has changed, but adapting isn't as hard as people make it out to be! If you choose to sneak, you have to be much more careful about what direction the zombies are facing. Shooting zombies still works and doesn't attract ENOUGH zombies--but I don't know how common ammo is after the loot rebalance.

It should be said that there are probably more than a couple of bugs introduced with the new zombie detection system, and I'm sure they will be dealt with. I am fine with the mechanics introduced, and where my frustration should be aimed at is the unintended ones.

Secondly. This one is huge. Why is high grade ammo spawning on the south coast? How was this not missed? This alone is allowing bandits to come south and STAY south for far longer than they should.

On your point about high grade ammo--I agree. There is no reason for everybody to walk around with rifles and being able to engage players easily up to 500m.

Allright take a look at this link and you might understand that its insane whit the new agro they added to Zombis. This is one of the most hardcore gamers out there and even them think its just to much to play the game after

Ps i dont know if you are for real, i mean ofcours we should be abel to meet up whit friends, clan members etc etc... after we are dead, on the old patch it always takes around 2-3 houers anyway, to meat up again and we also use to die on the old patch and have to start all over again runing a few houers to get back on track.

BUT today its imposebil. whats fun in a game is to interacting whit outer players in the game to comunicate, and support echoters not just stay as a lonewolf, if you want sure goahead, but most people i run in to likes to move in smaler groups becours solo is not always fun 24/7.

Tell me one singel person that can carry engin,gaztank,weels,hull,windows,gaz,caros,scrapmeetal and the rest of the parts you need, and carry it all as a singel person and at same time defend and check the tents ? we builded for weeks to get ouer offroad car and ATV completed.

We lost evrything afther this killer patch. so yes you need friends in the game to help you out or help echouters to be abel to do everything you want to do, BUT even then you had to struggle as hell, even on old patch sometimes we spended 6 houers in a row person to person if we made a few mistakes and had to start over dead on the shore line we cude spend 6 houers sometimes if we died on the way just to get back up north. Ds


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