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Any bandits enjoy CQC?

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I personally enjoy close quarters combat over sitting like a little girl in camo on a hill outside of town trying to snipe people.

Anyone else a manly bandit like me!?! :P

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I haven't used CQC to kill any players yet might try it out next time i play :D

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getting the jump on people counts for sure. its a lot more exciting for me to actually sneak around the city fighting, rather than sitting in the highest place with a sniper rifle being a d-bag.

MANLY BANDIT (makes no sense but im going with it!)

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I like the hatchet because its even quieter than the silenced weapons.

I wanna kinda chop up a line of zombies, then have someone follow them confused and then come out like the shining.


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CQC with a enfield is always fun. Its actually one of my favorite weapons I prefer the killing power 1 shot usually one kill. The AKM also works well but I cant stand the sights on it. So its the enfield for me. Unless Im sniping ;D

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Was in Stary Sobor military camp the other day, came out of a tent, turned and went to walk and some guy that couldn't shoot for shit fired a Lee Enfield at me from 5 yards away. He missed, but by god he scared the shit out of me. I accidentally threw my mouse into my subwoofer as I jerked my hand up.

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I have sniped of course, like every good bandit, but I do prefer sneaking around the city myself searching for my prey rather than camping on a building or in the woods. Listening for the shots or the panicking sound in a building, following the zombie trails from a street over, reading side chat. Stalking and taking them out with my winchester is so much more entertaining.

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Bandit tends to mean getting the upper hand and exploiting it. Now why would I want to give my prey a marginally fair fight? Also, if they kill me they can grab my sniper rifle, which [in this game], even a 14 year old child can handle with relative ease... they'll just be sniping me next time I turn around. I'd rather not.

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I eat "manly" bandits like you for breakfast.... from the hilltop outside of town.

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I eat "manly" bandits like you for breakfast.... from the hilltop outside of town.

wuss :P

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I really have no preference for /how/ I kill them.

Close quarters can be fun, I won't deny it but if I get the chance to kill them from further then I'll take it without a second thought.

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The best PvP I had was close combat in a forest against two guys.

I was shooting my m1014 like a madman.

My friend was scared of the noise of my shots and left me against the two guys.

Looks like the two guys were even more scared, they never managed to line a shot one me.

Gotta love that thunderous boom, couldnt drop this gun since.

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I've been running around with the hatchet in Elektro lately. So much fun thanks to direct chat working and being used by most people I've encountered.

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Having my Enfield trained on a chokepoint makes me happy if that counts.

There are some issues with movement through things like doorways and stairs, which if smoothed out would make close quarter battles a lot more enjoyable.

Regardless there is definitely something enjoyable about having to consider zombie party crashers when fighting in a town.

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Dayz is too unreliable to enjoy cqc. Often I see people warping around and lagging.

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Most of my kills are in CQC. I used to say to myself "Meh, I won't pussy out and snipe" when I saw a sniper, but with all the lag and glitches who cost me my life a few times, I broke my promise and started sniping with a ghillie suit.

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CQC is too risky because of how awful it is in arma. I usually wipe out cherno and electro with a geared squad and we just frag buildings if we know someone is in there.

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CQC can be risky and I want to have a 7.62 caliber weapon if I do it, but it's definitely a ton more fun than sniping from a hill.

But yes, bring 7.62 or expect your enemy to turn around and shoot you after being shot 20 times.

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manly bandits dont kill people they leave them butt naked in cherno with a can of beans and a bow tie!

thats how real mean are bandits :P

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My version of CQC consists of a hatchet and tin cans.

I love it.

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