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People don't wanna kill zombies?

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Why do I keep getting the feeling that some people don't want to have to kill zombies at all?

I mean, if all you want is pvp on the Chernarus map, well they already made that game. It's called Arma2.

Oh, and don't try to troll me. I won't respond ;)

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Not killing zombies at all should be a viable option for some. This is, after all, a game of survival... not a game about running around killing zombie hordes.

I agree about the PvP problem though. Certainly before version 1.7.1 it was too easy to simply go around treating this like a PvP deathmatch game without even giving zombies much thought. Making an effort to avoid them in order to survive is one thing, but ignoring them with ease and going after players is another...

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I too agree on on some points... not all, players need to understand this isn't a game to rack up points like COD or something like that, there's people out there who brag about the ammount of kills they have, instead of keeping alive an, sometimes, they won't even loot the bodies from the people they killed.

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in my opinion... after 1.7.x.x patches... it made people needing to kill zombies... before that i could just sneak all i want and get all the gears from coast and run into inland for even better gear... ive got ghillie and DMR with 0 zombies killed... which is abit WTF... but at the moment i got 127 zombies kill lol and not even good loot... the agro range is just too big to avoid them right now.. unless you want to start crawling from 150m-200m away...

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This HORRID video sums up many people's reactions to the new patches:

I am a fan of zombie killing though, problem is it makes greedy bastards gravitate to kill me instead of help me out, or myself help them loot. I try to pick my battles, deal out retribution and help from the shadows.

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I too have been mostly able to sneak through the game ignoring the zed and gathering gear. I think that's boring, so from now on, I vow to slaughter zombies by the dozens, and to hell with the bandits. they're all in Cherno and electro shooting at each other anyway, and not anywhere near where I hang out.

Thanks for not trolling BTW guys.

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