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Starting a 'Serious Group'

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I am up for a group if you will have me in the fold. I am 34, been playing FPS for years, and am looking to be more of a survivor friendly than bandit king. Though sometimes the law may be broken...

dinsdale1978 on steam

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15 People so far, all meeting the requirements and having a good time. Good to see! Feel free to join the Teamspeak guys, once again it's

TS3: berkelium.typefrag.com Port: 6395

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I'm 22 and my steam name is lovelongsought, I tried to join the TS3 server but it failed to connect. I currently have some things I don't want and would like to start contributing right away.

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I'm 19 located in the west coast. Have been looking for a group of players to play this game seriously by employing militaristic tactical maneuvers and such. My steam ID is jitros067, have just added you.

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I've messaged the leader and asked what is going on. He hasn't been around the last little while. He is a VERY knowledgeable player and I learned a lot from him. Hopefully he will come out of hiding and lead you scrubs to victory.

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Anyone looking for a 'serious' group should consider checking The Walking Militia out. We have a nice core group of players (5-6) that are on throughout the day and love performing various Ops. We have our own Teamspeak and would love for others to join us. Search for our page and you shouldn't have a problem finding us, or add me on steam and I can get you started.

Steam: Andone4128

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Anybody got a way to contact H4Z? He'd know what happened to the TS.

(Unfortunately, I'm away from home, so I can't get to him.)

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Nah. I've been on vacation for a week. I was hoping Jim forwarded the info onto H4Z.

So I've been out of the loop since the 4th. TS was active on the 3rd, though. I can confirm that.

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Damn. That's really weird.

Anybody got a last-known on the TS? Like I said, it was up the night of the 3rd.

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You are the man "Katulooo"

If anyone is interested in joining us drop one of us a pm. Here are some general guidelines. The original requirements still apply.

Edited by nacrom

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Alright. I'll hit one of you guys up on Wednesday when I'm back in town.

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Why 21? Its not like the group has some special ritual you have to go to a corner shop and buy ten gallons of beer.

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It's a rule of thumb but exceptions can and have been made. Frenzy loves drinking 10 gallons of beer while playing though.

Bottom line is we only want people with mature attitudes only.

Edited by nacrom

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Bottom line is we only want people with mature attitudes only.

I'm the limit of that lack of maturity level, so if you're worse then me, you got no chance.

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I'm the limit of that lack of maturity level, so if you're worse then me, you got no chance.

Pfft. You're far from the worst that I've seen, Noyd. At the very least, you're competent in nearly all the necessary roles you fit.

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