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Looking for new players to teach for AUS or NZ

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I've been playing this game for almost two years and while I don't claim to be an expert, I have my moments. My longest survival was 267 days and I died when I glitched at the NWAF. Got stuck on the bench in the barracks with zed agro :(

I play as a Hero or survivalist usually, trying to help other players and avoid bandits. I don't go out of my way to kill players but depending on the situation will act with force where needed.

I used to play with friends but they have stopped playing recently so I am looking for any new players that I can teach how to play and hopefully find a good team mate.

Message me if you are keen.

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Id love to play with you mate. Im in Aus to. add me on skype or steam, user name is the same for both: dancros01

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