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DayZ : Standalone forcing graphics?!

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I'm new to the forums mainly to get this one question solved. Will graphics be forced in Standalone? What i mean by graphics being forced is simply not allowing players to turn their detail off or to the point where they see no grass in the distance. Maybe not to some people. But to me, one of the main uses of a Ghillie Suit is to practically be invisible in certain terrains. In the original DayZ mod this was not the case. You could be wearing a Ghillie Suit, grass all around you, and with that being the case you are barely able to be seen by people that run around you. But if you are crawling through a field in a Ghillie Suit, where you are also surrounded by grass, and some sniper or anybody with binoculars decides to look out into the field from lets say, a couple hundred meters, there is no grass to hide you anymore. All they will see is you crawling on a flat piece of land clear as day. So my concern is this. Will there be a solution for this in Standalone? Will players be forced to see grass when scoped in? Whether it be with binoculars or a sniper scope. Another way to solve this would be one such as this. You aren't going to be able to see a person via the naked eye from a really far distance. So when the max distance is found to where player A can see player B without the use of some type of zooming, the graphics are forced so that until that max distance has been exceeded, both player A and player B will still be forced to see grass which one of the players could be hiding in. But there is still the issue of when a player is scoped in via binoculars or a sniper rifle. A way to solve this i believe is that when a player is scoped the graphics will be forced just like in the last scenario. While scoped in they will still be forced to see grass and what not. That way players can crawl across an open field without being spotted as if you were just standing up in the field. Give the patient players a chance to make their play style worth it. If a player is willing to crawl a couple hundred meters just to get from point A to point B safely. Don't ruin that for them by allowing some random player to spot them so easily. Make them stay hidden until they mess up by continuously crawling and being spotted by somebody who is actually trying to spot somebody in the field. I'm not saying make it impossible to see them in the grass. But force the grass to stay there so that there is some chance to stay hidden and possibly survive the long crawl. I hope this made sense and i hope that other players are interested in seeing this issue solved in Standalone.

Edited by darian2013
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I think it's just an engine issue. I heard they're looking for a solution to this problem, though.

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I think it's just an engine issue. I heard they're looking for a solution to this problem, though.

So what? The engine is always editable if they have the source code, just a good C++ coder is needed (and I think they have one in the dev team).

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Think graphic performance. Not everybody have a monster as computer, and grass (vegetations somehow) takes lot of instructions while showing 3d models.

Why didn't you present a solution ?

I think the 3d model, at long range, and for low end computer, should be removed, and replaced by a single cube with grass texture, which takes not any instructions on the GPU to be clipped on the map.

And this should be an obligation ! An option like : "At longe range, show vegetations with :

- 3d models

- only cube + texture"

I'll agree with some people who will say that it would be ugly. But it's the only solution to simulate grass at long range, without forcing gpu to show highly detailed 3d models.

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Regardless of how it is fixed I believe that they should seriously look into it. It is no fun not being able to hide anywhere unless it's in the middle of 3-4 bushes.

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Rocket adressed this problem on jackfrags interview with him, here it is

check it out he talks about this

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Forcing graphics is one thing...let's say you shouldn't see a difference even if you turn settings off sounds better.

Gras is still hiding you, there is a gras layer that surrounds you so you are covered either almost not or almost fully depending on the height of the gras you were hiding in. And wearing a ghillie doesn't mean you are invisible...wrong pattern and you stick out like a sore thumb which happens frequently in ArmA because players never watch their surroundings and their camo pattern ( if available ). You can even stay hidden if you don't move and even without camo, often enough players ran past me even if i was wearing the completly wrong camo...one passed me even twice. They have never heard about free head movement...

Example this fellow here, way too dark for his surroundings..


Beeing further away is actually more helpful since you blend in with the environment. I lost someone who went prone in the gras at 200m, i thought i found his spot but wasn't 100% sure it was him, it took me some time because i didn't have binocs. It was really him.

Edited by Enforcer

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The in person close up isn't the problem. The problem is when a sniper is looking at you in the middle of a field and there is no grass to blend in with. It is all gone at a certain distance.

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