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Dusty Nuttles

Optional Watermark for Server [1.7.7]

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[NEW] - Added optional watermark for servername (Server admins can choose to enable/disable. (See Mission prerequisites)). Shows servername in the bottom right of screen max 6 letters.


Is there anyway to go beyond the max letters? I need 3 more.

Edited by Dusty Nuttles

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you can try extracting the mission file its in init.sqf

dayZ_serverName="UK 44";

don't know if that would do anything bad but it wont hurt to try

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  On 6/18/2013 at 5:50 AM, AmberHelios said:

you can try extracting the mission file its in init.sqf

dayZ_serverName="UK 44";

don't know if that would do anything bad but it wont hurt to try

Yeah, I know where to add the name. Not sure what your getting at though. Maybe I'm not following, can you be more specific?

I've been in the init to change the name and tested using more than 6 letters. It only lets you use 6 then the text is cut off.

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You will actually need to adjust your Description.ext:


class RscTitles {

class wm_disp {

idd = -1;

onLoad = "uiNamespace setVariable ['wm_disp', _this select 0]";

fadein = 0;

fadeout = 0;

duration = 10e10;

controlsBackground[] = {};

objects[] = {};

class controls {

class wm_text2 {

idc = 1;

x = safeZoneX+0.027;//safeZoneW*0.01;

y = safeZoneY+safeZoneH-0.16;

w = 0.149*safeZoneH;

h = 0.057*safeZoneH;

shadow = 2;

class Attributes


font = "EtelkaNarrowMediumPro";

color = "#24FFFFFF";

align = "left"; // put "center" here if you want some background

valign = "middle";

shadow = 2;


colorBackground[] = { 1, 0.3, 0, 0 }; // uncomment and increase 4th number to have a background

font = "EtelkaNarrowMediumPro";

size = 0.06*safeZoneH;

type = 13;

style = 0;






Try increasing the width value.

Edited by DomiStyle
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  On 6/18/2013 at 5:25 PM, DomiStyle said:

You will actually need to adjust your Description.ext:

Try increasing the width value.

Thanks man, going to try that.

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Adjusting the width didn't work. Even the smallest change to the value and no text shows.

Sounded good though.

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  On 6/19/2013 at 5:12 PM, Dusty Nuttles said:

Adjusting the width didn't work. Even the smallest change to the value and no text shows.

Sounded good though.

You can also try to adjust the other width values.

Not sure which of them is the correct one.

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  On 6/19/2013 at 5:17 PM, DomiStyle said:

You can also try to adjust the other width values.

Not sure which of them is the correct one.

I redid the process and it worked. Must have had an error somewhere before. Thanks!

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  On 6/19/2013 at 10:19 PM, Dusty Nuttles said:

I redid the process and it worked. Must have had an error somewhere before. Thanks!

Good to hear.

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I guess there is a bug when you generate the mission file.

If you have a space in the server name for the watermark, it doesn't work and let the server name commented in the init.sqf.

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How do i disable it client wise ?
More and more servers have this crap, why would anyone want big white letters on his screen ?

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  On 12/8/2013 at 6:48 PM, hausser0815 said:

How do i disable it client wise ?

More and more servers have this crap, why would anyone want big white letters on his screen ?


You can not disable it on the client. This is part of the mission file, which is download/executed when you join the server.

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