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What the Standalone really needs.

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Short and sweet version: A background story.

Longer version:

A background story would help with certain game mechanics (spawning, loot rarity, vehicle conditions, starting supplies, etc.) because if its been years, that applies to mechanics mentioned. Cars are out of gas/scavenged. Loot is rare, guns even more so. You'd most likely be a survivor, a good one, so you'd have, say, a tent, food, a pistol, and fire making tools.

If its been days/weeks (which I personally prefer), guns are basically everywhere, since we can assume the military/local police were wiped out and they'd gave guns on them/at their bases. People haven't completely looted every house and supplies are abundant. Cars would be everywhere and most likely working.

It's really not too early to ask for one either. I mean, there's really not even one for DayZ, and with how big it's gotten, that's surprising. If there's already one and I'm just embarrassing myself.. Meh.

Edit: Grammar.

Edited by TheDesigner
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Short and sweet version: A background story.

Longer version:

A background story would help with certain game mechanics (spawning, loot rarity, vehicle conditions, starting supplies, etc.) because if its been years, that applies to mechanics mentioned. Cars are out of gas/scavenged. Loot is rare, guns even more so. You'd most likely be a survivor, a good one, so you'd have, say, a tent, food, a pistol, and fire making tools.

If its been days/weeks (which I personally prefer), guns are basically everywhere, since we can assume the military/local police was wiped out and they'd gave guns on them/at their bases. People haven't completely looted every house and supplies are abundant. Cars would be everywhere and most likely working.

It's really not too early to ask for one either. I mean, there's really not even one for DayZ, and with how big it's gotten, that's surprising. If there's already one and I'm just embarrassing myself.. Meh.

Day (Z)ero?

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I think it's best left ambiguous, but I'd like to have some sort of backstory to Chernarus in at least military/government and outside presence so we know what kinds of weaponry and other implements to expect. (I mean obviously weapons like the AKM and AK-74 would be popular because they are super-common in post-soviet state weapons, but say Russia sent in relief troops, many of which whom were killed, leaving newer Russian weapons like the Bizon PP-19 or the PKP Pecheneg. Or maybe Takistani Black-Market arms dealers hoping to make money delivered shipments of guns and ammo (Like the G3A3 or FN FAL) to civilians who were willing to give up some cash.

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I think it's best left ambiguous, but I'd like to have some sort of backstory to Chernarus in at least military/government and outside presence so we know what kinds of weaponry and other implements to expect. (I mean obviously weapons like the AKM and AK-74 would be popular because they are super-common in post-soviet state weapons, but say Russia sent in relief troops, many of which whom were killed, leaving newer Russian weapons like the Bizon PP-19 or the PKP Pecheneg. Or maybe Takistani Black-Market arms dealers hoping to make money delivered shipments of guns and ammo (Like the G3A3 or FN FAL) to civilians who were willing to give up some cash.

Your post is an example of why we need a backstory. Instead of wondering, imagining, or assuming, it should be known or hinted at as to what happened. Newspapers and journals found around would be perfect for what you are saying.

I think it can be safely said that there's no such thing as an ambigious zombie apocalypse. They might not know where it came from, but people would know things like military occupations/quarantine attempts and the wiping out of cities by a desperate goverenment.

Edited by TheDesigner

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Fuck background stories.

We're a bunch of mini-Ricks running around right now. We just wake up somewhere, and nobody knows anything :)

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Maybe Background stories can be gleaned from the local environment? You can find posters and newspapers in homes and places across the map, the news would give you an idea of how it started at least.

After the initial onslaught, you could find Diarys and read what happened to individuals. Diarys could be a rare item. If thats too engrossing for you, make your own stories up!

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While I'd love an offiical backstory, what Michael said above would be great and would add a great atmopshere.

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Maybe Background stories can be gleaned from the local environment? You can find posters and newspapers in homes and places across the map, the news would give you an idea of how it started at least.

After the initial onslaught, you could find Diarys and read what happened to individuals. Diarys could be a rare item. If thats too engrossing for you, make your own stories up!

this IS whats happerning there will be a back story but you will have to find it in game

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Your post is an example of why we need a backstory. Instead of wondering, imagining, or assuming, it should be known or hinted at as to what happened. Newspapers and journals found around would be perfect for what you are saying.

I think it can be safely said that there's no such thing as an ambigious zombie apocalypse. They might not know where it came from, but people would know things like military occupations/quarantine attempts and the wiping out of cities by a desperate goverenment.

A backstory isn't going to do us diddily-squat if the animations and etc were as clunky and unelegant as they were in the E3 demo.

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A backstory isn't going to do us diddily-squat if the animations and etc were as clunky and unelegant as they were in the E3 demo.

This thread isn't about animations, is it? If it was, I'd tell you that that was Alpha gameplay and if you were expecting a polished game, like some Battlefield 3 "beta", then you're looking at the wrong game.

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One of the key points of interest in DayZ was/is that there isn't any campaign, no set objectives and no context, you are as you would be at the beginning of an elder scrolls game, on the coast of Tamriel Chernarus. It's that way so that the players make their own experiences and story lines.

But if you mean a more broad back story, which I think you do, yeah I can see the logic there. But it would only be the same old, tired, generic zombie apocalypse story anyway. An infection spreads, causes certain symptoms, Army intervenes, get's over whelmed, those that are left struggle for survival, we all know it, we've all seen it, and played it, a lot of us want something a little more original, that's where DayZ differed from all the others, that's another key part of it's success, and that's why it should be left to the players to create the content.

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I think having no background story is fine, since everybody can make up his own version

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Would be sweet for cinematic before start menu.

Just showing Chernarus going to shit.

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As far as I know they are going to be implementing science type labs at some point where you can research the disease and gather information/back story.

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I think having no background story is fine, since everybody can make up his own version


I can't handle the curiosity! There must be a back story to all of this.

Or at least hints and clues.

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If they added newspapers etc it wouldn't make a difference since hardly anyone could read them :P

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Fuck background stories.

We're a bunch of mini-Ricks running around right now. We just wake up somewhere, and nobody knows anything :)

I agree, I play Dayz for the experience of being in the moment. I don't play to wonder about a story line or imagine what might have caused the apocalypse. I want to to kill bandits, not wonder how they became bandits.

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