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Vehicles not respawning after being destroyed on my 1.7.7 server

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I have been having this problem since the update, it is like the old problem that got patched a long time ago, vehicles do not respawn back to their designated spawn points after being destroyed. The gear contents remain in the vehicle even after it is destroyed, and the vehicle respawns back where you destroyed it after a server restart.

How many servers are having this problem, too? I would appreciate feedback from any server admins / owners who are also having this trouble on their servers.

Thanks for reading.

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I have noticed a single instance of an ATV that exploded right after the 1.7.7 patch and re-spawned back broken and empty (no gear) after I downgraded the server to It is probably a hive DB cleanup routine issue again, will keep my server on the older version until this and debug spawns are fixed.

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I have been having vehicles respawn after being destroyed, but a lot of times they respawn completely fixed with no fuel.

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