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AddWeaponCargo Restrict#24

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I have recently started playing DayZ again and upon joining any servers I get automatically booted for AddWeaponCargo restriction #24. On my last life before I quit, I stumbled upon a loaded sniper body with a bunch of guns and now some of those guns may be banned/restricted.

Is there anyway for me to just start with a new body or reset my data? I can't even get in a server to toss whatever gear is preventing me from playing; I don't care much for whatever loot Im carrying but would like to play with my friends again. Thanks!

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Do you remember what weapons you were carrying? If you are getting kicked for AddWeaponCargo restrictions you have a blacklisted weapon on that server. I suggest joining a server with less restrictive filters, or just roll back your patch to, join a server, and drop your blacklisted weapon.

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I had an M107 and M9SD and dropped all my items on the ground but am still getting this error. Is it cause I've already been blacklisted by BattlEye?

Edited by blu3pwoenix

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not battleye wont ban you for having hacked weapons only if you spawned the weapons it could be any of the items you may have to say an radio

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not battleye wont ban you for having hacked weapons only if you spawned the weapons it could be any of the items you may have to say an radio

I'm still confused. I dropped every item I had in my inventory and could still not join servers because of the restriction.

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