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FPS/Lag Issue, what is this?

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I've tried to get DayZ running in and it works, so far.

I'm not complaining about having bad FPS here, as I don't really have an FPS issue.

It sounds weird but I get some kind of FREEZE mostly for around 1-3 seconds from time to time. I NEVER experienced this before, my PC has yet handled any game without having to stop motion for some seconds now and then.

What I tried to fix it yet:

-Installed DirectX Version from Arma 2 directory

-Defrag'd the hard drive where the game is located

-Downloaded and installed latest Nvidia Driver

-Uninstalled Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA from Steam, and then re-downloaded and re-installed them

-Of course also deleted DayZ and re-downloaded it

-Changed 5.1 sound on my sound card to stereo

Well NONE of this fixed my issue.

I'm not sure what I could try to do now.

Game right is now unplayable for me as I said my FPS are okay or even good, but freezing for 3 seconds at least every 5 minutes is totally destroying any chance to enjoy this game. :-/

To me it doesnt seem like my hardware isn't strong enough, I think it might be some ingame checks (server sided?) which somehow slow me down anytime. But just guessing..

I would like to hear any suggestions... I'm tired of wasting my time on doing things that don't help... yeah, issue might be related to my system but to be honest I highly doubt that.

Thank you for any helpful advice.

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I would of suggested everything that you tried. Thanks for at least including what you've done. :)

What are your computer specs? This game is really heavy on the graphics card.

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Yeah, exit six launcher/updater once you have connected, worked for me like a charm, now I have no lag.

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yes bigphil225 is right I also got it fixed that it way. SixLauncher causes the freezes, just close it after you picked a server.

Issue resolved :)

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