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[VIDEO] It seems the bandits are worse

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Hell you don't even get beans at the start anymore and all I see at EVERY spawn point is dead player bodies. The PK'rs have taken over. There is next to no hope for fresh faces.

People just roam the coast and pick off people who can't fight back. It's fucking retarded.

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well it will be allways like this, spawning with no gear at all just makes you an easier target. Had a similar experience though, was running along a road and seeing two ghillee guys in the distance, aggro´ed a zombie from 200 meters and thought "well, nothing to lose, maybe those guys help me". So i ran straight to them and yelled over direct "PLEASE HELP ME", they immideatly started shooting, the zombie was still after my while i ran my circles around them. Allready wondered why he didnt died, when i hit the ground. :D Bunch of douchés.

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I'll be getting the game and jumping straight into this mod on sunday. Think you gents can clean up this PK mess before then?

Much obliged.

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I've played on multiple servers and haven't run into this much. I also never run to big cities and don't stay on the coast line. I think some unlucky few just choosing the wrong servers by luck of the draw. IMO the unpredictability of this game and ever evolving nature is what keeps me interested.

Hope you next sessions prove more fruitful. There's a lot of good posts on how to survive. Check new player section.

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The thing is, a lot of people who kill other players are people who wouldn't typically do such a thing. I think part of the problem is the lack of side channel on some servers. A lot of people are just killing out of paranoia.

I like to help people out, so if I see that someone is having trouble, I'll apporach and try to help them out. I know direct chat has a range of 40m, but people usually start firing long before you get to that distance.

I've had to kill a lot of people in self defense when all I tried to do was help. I think they just assumed I was a bandit and I couldn't tell them otherwise.

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Thats bullshit. As the past showed us, side channel only made people memes.

"Who´s shooting in Elektro?"

The real problem in this is, that 90% of the shoot on sight guys, wouldnt have the balls IRL to pull the trigger. Its the state of mind, that they´re somewhat anonym and that this is still a game.

Plus, you only get rewarded for killing. There is no consequence in killing others beside attracting other players by your gunshots.

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its so f*cking stupid... there are bandits everywhere.. i started playing DayZ to actually play with people, not against them like any other PvP FPS game...

Its a pitty, 'cause the survival and sharing of the game is what attracted the people to play it in the first time... and having so many bandits in the game is actually making it suck.. i remember the old DayZ days (back on 1.5) when u could trust on people, and u might come across 1 bandit, but as there were so few of them, u didnt even care about them...

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I love the fact that other people can kill you, it makes the game more intense and scary. :D

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3 weeks in and I've never been killed by a bandit. Sure I see them but either your a survivor or a corpse.

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If you consider the genre, it's a little appropriate. You're a survivor in a world inhabited by flesh eating creatures and a small handful of survivors doing what people do, through out history mind you, killing to survive and taking what they need to survive. In the video you were mowed down for nothing. But that wasn't known to that guy. To him you were a person who was running at or away from something. That made you a liability or a threat. If anything is out of the odd here, it's the player friendly atmosphere people want.

I'd probably be willing to bet that if you all had that split second moment of 'he's running for something / away from' a vast majority would squeeze the trigger. I know I intend to.

Now if he were standing at the spawn with an AK and just mindlessly blasting people away for giggles and tea bagging you while you bled to death, I'd side with you on the absurdity of these killings.

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I wonder what is so fun about killing other players... I actually found food and weapons on dead players today. Yeah, can you believe it? Even ammo is more common than food in this game. Then, just when I'm getting out of this place, I hear bullets go past me. I thought he wouldn't kill me, because I saw him killing zombies that were inside this house. But then, obviously he had to kill me when he saw me again. Took me 3 days to find food and the guy kills me before I get to feast on it.

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