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Genki Dama

DayZ should allow servers to be created at home

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I know many problems can arise out of this:

1- People may face charges or other problems related to bandwidth usage. All the person has to do is contact their ISP for details and what not.

2- People getting items easily, defeats the purpose of the game. This would be a big problem, for example a person will go onto their own server get items then go onto another server with a lot of people and basically be OP'ed

Unfortunately for me those problems, aren't really problems at all. I want to make a home server so my youtube subscribers (who subbed because of dayz) can play together with me. It would be pretty much a normal server but I can play against and with my followers.

I have a £2000 gaming pc , so spec wise I'm capable of allowing 30-50 people of a server at one time.

Also my ISP doesn't really care about their bandwidth. Since the past week I have uploaded around 40GB of videos. BT Infinity 2 is great, unlimited bandwidth ftw. (75MB download and 16MB upload)

So why exactly should I need be accepted? For me paying large monthly cash sums for hosting services is just no feasible. Yet I want to make a server.

People will know if they can make a server, they will read up about it first.

That's what I loved about minecraft, yes you could buy hosting and go from there, but you were also given the option to start a server from home, which was great for youtubers like myself to engage with their audience in a more feasible way.

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idd. i have 2.5k@5ghz and 100/100 from telia and i see no logical reason why i shouldn't be allowed to manage a 20 man server.

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This isn't minecraft. Don't dedicated servers run at like 100mb?

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Do you have a license for Windows Server 2008?

Do you have a static IP address?

Are you 18 years or older?

Do you have ANY experience running game servers, particularly ARMA2?

You state the reason you want to have "your own" server is just so you can play with your mates, but say it will be a "normal" server. Please elaborate, because you are talking about 30-50 slot server, but you will have to password it if you want to just play with 'your mates'. This is against the DayZ TOS. It's an ALPHA, and they are trying to improve and test the mod, while also catering to the huge demand for this game by allowing PUBLIC servers to host it.

What's in it for DayZ to allow you to host a private server?

People who host from home have little to lose, and are probably going to be the first ones to try to abuse the system (hack the hive, dupe items, etc). Home server hosts would likely be higher maintenance too, causing issues for Devs, asking for help all the time, or abusing their admin rights against the players on "their" server.

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Do you have a license for Windows Server 2008?

Do you have a static IP address?

Are you 18 years or older?

Do you have ANY experience running game servers, particularly ARMA2?

I have a license for Windows Server 2008.

I have a static IP.

I am 31.

I am senior game developer, and i have an experience running game servers.

I have a home server that can host Dayz with 50 slots.

Why a can't host a game server? I don't see a difference between home and dedicated server. I can cheating, hacking hive and do whatever i want on dedicated server too.

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Man... my servers just beat 3TB for the past month's bandwidth. I doubt your ISP would be happy with that, OP.

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Do you have a license for Windows Server 2008?

Do you have a static IP address?

Are you 18 years or older?

Do you have ANY experience running game servers' date=' particularly ARMA2?


I have a license for Windows Server 2008.

I have a static IP.

I am 31.

I am senior game developer, and i have an experience running game servers.

I have a home server that can host Dayz with 50 slots.

Why a can't host a game server? I don't see a difference between home and dedicated server. I can cheating, hacking hive and do whatever i want on dedicated server too.

rocket has stated his reasons why he doesnt want private servers or non approved servers use the search button

as a 31 year old game designer you should be able to use search suprised you didnt in the first place :P

and you realize these servers go through TB of data like anywhere from 3- 10 TB a month no ISP allows unlimited uncapped TB's of data it costs them money from theyre bottom line , since you work for a game design company i would have thought u would know this aswell

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rocket has stated his reasons use the search button

as a 31 year old game designer you should be able to use search suprised you didnt in the first place

I have read the FAQ about hosting. But i don't accept the reasons provided in this FAQ. I have no one problem described in this FAQ. Why a can't host my server? I can understand if non-professional user try to host his server and do not understand all problems that may follow this.

I think there is one reason for this behavior - staff do not have a time to talk to people like me. They do not have a time to find out who is professional or not. I can understand and take it. But i don't like when a people hide their real reasons under other (ridiculous) reasons.

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the only thing staff does is white list servers they have hosting providers you must go through they hav e contracts with them

just becuase a company does not do things the way you think they should be done doesnt mean they are not right

disagree with them all you want doesnt change the fact this is the way it is so deal with it pretty much

now stop acting all high n mighty becuase they wont do what you want and either play the game or dont

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No private servers.

If you're hosting DayZ Servers from your home with a good Internet connection and and decent computer that acts as a server, then I don't see a problem as long as it isn't locked and the staff view it as acceptable.

Otherwise Rocket has stated no private servers due to a global database and other reasons.

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one of the more important reasons they do not like home servers is this.

several of the developers are raking in shitloads of money by hosting servers for people.


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Here is some of the reasons why you can't host at home:

1.) Bandwidth. My 50-player server regularly uses between 10-15MBit/s UPLOAD and around 5-7.5MBit/s DOWNLOAD. Why won't this work at home..?

a.) Asymmetrical/Half-duplex. Most home connections, like Cable (DOCSIS) and *DSL (BT Infinity is VDSL2) are asymmetrical and cannot recieve and send data at the same speed. They are also not 'full duplex' in the true sense. What this means is as soon as you start to strain your download, your upload WILL suffer.

b.) Technology. Cable technology (DOCSIS) works by you and your neighbors sharing download/upload. If your ISP is up to date and running DOCSIS 3 equipment, we're talking 800MBit/s per stream, but it's usually shared by 200+ apartments/houses with the expectation that noone will actually use what they're paying for. This works fine when everyone is at work, or sleeping, but goes to shit during the evenings when everyone starts surfing YouToob. This is why ISP:s have bandwidth restrictions etc. You'll also have way higher ping than a fiber optic connection. Usually something like 30-50ms depending on the amount of repeaters between you and the CMTS.

*DSL does not share bandwidth, but it's just generally shitty. Upload bandwidth is really crap, it's too reliant on good copper telephone cables and distance to the teleco station. If you've got open air telephone cables even weather and wind will affect the stability of your connection.

Even in a country like Sweden, which has a really good PSTN network, DSL usually has to run with interleaving on to be stable, which increases latency by 16-32ms.

c.) Dynamic IPs. This kills any discussion of home servers right away. Hosting a server REQUIRES your IP to be whitelisted. You won't get a IP block whitelisted, only _ONE_ IP. As soon as it changes your server will stops working and you might have to spend 3-4 days convincing a developer to update your IP. They have better things to do than updating whitelist IPs all day, so i'm guessing after 1-2 updates they'll just tell you to go fuck off and get a static IP.

2.) CPU usage. The ArmA2 dedicated server eats CPU. My server has a 4.2GHz 'Ivy Bridge', and ArmA2 maxes out one core, and 50% on a second. Quite possibly you could still play DayZ on the same computer, however...

3.) Dedication. DayZ servers needs to be open to the public and online 24/7. You can't turn it off because it's slowing down your compiling or your lady-friend thinks the fan-noise is disturbing your romantic friday dinner. Torrenting is out of the question as it rapes your internet connection with a barbed dildo.

one of the more important reasons they do not like home servers is this.

several of the developers are raking in shitloads of money by hosting servers for people.



Don't know where you heard this rumor, but it's untrue.

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its mostly to stop people farming alone with no competition and then going on to a public server kill everyone and then start over when they die.

Also BT infinity will not be suitable to host this, my server currently does 10meg up and down on average whilst hosting only 1 arma 2 game server, bt infinitys 1meg up will not suffice more than 4-5 players.

if it helps multiplay have started doing dayz servers now for £60 a month for 50-60 players and they do all teh hard work of setting up for you, seriously settign up a dayz server is a ballache, although its less of one since 1.7

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Here is some of the reasons why you can't host at home:

1.) Bandwidth. My 50-player server regularly uses between 10-15MBit/s UPLOAD and around 5-7.5MBit/s DOWNLOAD. Why won't this work at home..?

I have 100/100, i usally upload somwhere near 3-5tb each months via torrents. Bandwidth problem????

a.) Asymmetrical/Half-duplex. Most home connections, like Cable (DOCSIS) and *DSL (BT Infinity is VDSL2) are asymmetrical and cannot recieve and send data at the same speed. They are also not 'full duplex' in the true sense. What this means is as soon as you start to strain your download, your upload WILL suffer.

I have 100/100 fibrewhere i am now, it's 100% bullshit this. Yes i also have VDSL2.

b.) Technology. Cable technology (DOCSIS) works by you and your neighbors sharing download/upload. If your ISP is up to date and running DOCSIS 3 equipment, we're talking 800MBit/s per stream, but it's usually shared by 200+ apartments/houses with the expectation that noone will actually use what they're paying for. This works fine when everyone is at work, or sleeping, but goes to shit during the evenings when everyone starts surfing YouToob. This is why ISP:s have bandwidth restrictions etc. You'll also have way higher ping than a fiber optic connection. Usually something like 30-50ms depending on the amount of repeaters between you and the CMTS.

From from true for everyone. I currently play on a 120ping US server that's more smooth then a bad specced EU one with 40.

*DSL does not share bandwidth, but it's just generally shitty. Upload bandwidth is really crap, it's too reliant on good copper telephone cables and distance to the teleco station. If you've got open air telephone cables even weather and wind will affect the stability of your connection.

Even in a country like Sweden, which has a really good PSTN network, DSL usually has to run with interleaving on to be stable, which increases latency by 16-32ms.

Not true to everyone.

c.) Dynamic IPs. This kills any discussion of home servers right away. Hosting a server REQUIRES your IP to be whitelisted. You won't get a IP block whitelisted, only _ONE_ IP. As soon as it changes your server will stops working and you might have to spend 3-4 days convincing a developer to update your IP. They have better things to do than updating whitelist IPs all day, so i'm guessing after 1-2 updates they'll just tell you to go fuck off and get a static IP.

Easily countered with no-ip.

2.) CPU usage. The ArmA2 dedicated server eats CPU. My server has a 4.2GHz 'Ivy Bridge', and ArmA2 maxes out one core, and 50% on a second. Quite possibly you could still play DayZ on the same computer, however...

I have 2500k@5ghz. A dedicated server(i7 920 @ 4.4ghz). Problem? No

3.) Dedication. DayZ servers needs to be open to the public and online 24/7. You can't turn it off because it's slowing down your compiling or your lady-friend thinks the fan-noise is disturbing your romantic friday dinner. Torrenting is out of the question as it rapes your internet connection with a barbed dildo.

Arma 2, with modding is nothing new. It's not harder to manage a DayZ server then a HLDS server really.

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No private servers.

If you're hosting DayZ Servers from your home with a good Internet connection and and decent computer that acts as a server' date=' then I don't see a problem as long as it isn't locked and the staff view it as acceptable.

Otherwise [b']Rocket has stated no private servers due to a global database and other reasons.

We should be allowed to have the option to host a local database,

See this thread

Post my opinions about the local databases on page 6.

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Dreadful idea, could you imagine how many servers there would be? Finding a server that was full of active players would be near impossible.

I would rather pay and have a good gaming experience.

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LOL... leave the game servers for the datacenters... active cooling, 24/7 reliability, ahead of time notifications to downtime or maintenance... Home server? *Oh shit! My little sister pressed the power button on my server!* or *oh shit! The thunderstorm overloaded the power transistor and now I dont have power for xx of hours!*


NOC: We are doing maintenance on circuits so so and so, you will be affected, there *shouldnt* be any downtime, but if there is, you will be affected.

NOC: We need to schedule maintenance on your power breaker for so and so circuit, when will you be able to?

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Firstly, I have yet to make one... single... cent... out of the mod. Not a penny. So making accusations that I am making money from the server hosting is out of line (someone did above).

The reason is threefold:

- it is easier for us to deal with a major hosting provider, less people for more servers

- the mod is in heavy development, database changes happen daily - if the databases were distributed it would be impossible to add the changes.

- the central server has finite connections it can maintain. we prioritize larger servers. For each server application that is getting processed - there are several that are waiting. Triage has to occur.

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My response to this is...


That is where US30, US31, US32 are hosted from... My apartment laundry room. They are hosted out of a small town south of Denver, Colorado. Nothing wrong with home servers at all...

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My response to this is...

That is where US30' date=' US31, US32 are hosted from... My apartment laundry room. They are hosted out of a small town south of Denver, Colorado. Nothing wrong with home servers at all...


Specs in PM please

Firstly' date=' I have yet to make one... single... cent... out of the mod. Not a penny. So making accusations that I am making money from the server hosting is out of line (someone did above).

The reason is threefold:

- it is easier for us to deal with a major hosting provider, less people for more servers

- the mod is in heavy development, database changes happen daily - if the databases were distributed it would be impossible to add the changes.

- the central server has finite connections it can maintain. we prioritize larger servers. For each server application that is getting processed - there are several that are waiting. Triage has to occur.


Will the 2nd point be changed in hopefully beta Rocket?

I really want to host a serious role-playing server, but I can't have people who can't role-playing breaking rules.

(To host a database on a single server)

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I think the major point here is that DayZ is in alpha, everyone that is willing to test should be allowed, and this isn't yet the time for private little cliques.

If it ever will be.

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The reason is threefold:

- it is easier for us to deal with a major hosting provider' date=' less people for more servers


Which absolutely solves the problem. No hosters advertising false version numbers or completely forget to update their files.

- the mod is in heavy development' date=' database changes happen daily - if the databases were distributed it would be impossible to add the changes.


True for the mod itself, but tell me more about how often you've changed the DB structure in the past few weeks.

- the central server has finite connections it can maintain. we prioritize larger servers. For each server application that is getting processed - there are several that are waiting. Triage has to occur.

And that's exactly where your performance problems originate. Hundreds of servers - thousands of players - millions of queries per second. Updating the character table every time a player moved a few meters? This just begs to crush performance.

You know why i know. Maybe it would be time to be a little more open minded. Pulling a one-man show might feel nice, but going semi-open might actually help the project. I could tell you so much about what i've found out working with the little gem you built.


One idea i had was to give every server it's own temporary local DB. Protect it as you wish. Only upon player disconnect, you relocate the data to your central DB (now that's a hive!) and clear the temporary DB of all according player data. The next server the same player connects to fetches his data from the central hive and also stores it temporarily. You'd only have to solve the possible race conditions that might occur by players switching servers very fast.

Yes, i actually worked with it instead of just playing or trying to pull a con/scam/ip fraud or whatever you like to call it. That's my understanding of a public test version. I surely could help, but thanks to your damn policy i can't and won't.

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While waiting to hear back about getting a server approved the past couple days I have been reading a lot of this particular forum... and it's a bit obnoxious. Theres obviously a lot going on with this game and constant updates... I can actually see why they wouldnt want home servers at this point. Everyone needs to calm down and enjoy this game like a breath of fresh air.

On the topic of DayZ servers though - I would think you guys would be flattered so many people want to host them and at least implement a bit more structure to the procedure to help people get set up faster. Compared to some of the other posts I have read people haven't heard anything in weeks... which was so discouraging I actually cancelled the box i bought for this game. Of course if I actually hear from someone before it's shut down I will reverse that... but IMO you should really at least have enough respect for those people who are shelling out cash every month to bring the game to more people. I mean we can't even kick people off our own servers... thats some DayZ dedication. =)

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from what I read the other day from... matt?

they are implimenting a new system soon to help ease the process. at the moment, many of the emails people have been using to contect the developers are not being checked at all due to the sheer volume of mail.

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Will the 2nd point be changed in hopefully beta Rocket?

I really want to host a serious role-playing server' date=' but I can't have people who can't role-playing breaking rules.

(To host a database on a single server)


You should want a server because you want to help out the community by supplying more slots, not because you want to impose your own set of rules of how to play the game.

As long as it doesn't show up in the server list, I wouldn't mind it. But once I start joining dedicated servers with idiotic rules and disjoint databases, I will become a dedicated bandit on that server just to annoy you.

One idea i had was to give every server it's own temporary local DB. Protect it as you wish. Only upon player disconnect' date=' you relocate the data to your central DB (now that's a hive!) and clear the temporary DB of all according player data. The next server the same player connects to fetches his data from the central hive and also stores it temporarily. You'd only have to solve the possible race conditions that might occur by players switching servers very fast.


This scenario doesn't account for server crashes and people who play for several hours on end before said crash.

You have the right idea, though. I think in addition to disconnects, there should be updates every X minutes to the central DB.

Pretty sure this is beyond the scope of dayz, though. Seems it is more of an Arma issue.

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