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Helicopter lost all fuel and is impossible to refuel

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My ingame name:

Achmemed Abduldul


May 10th, ~19:10 GMT+1

What happened:

After a server restart I was to enter our heli again (this have worked without an issue in the past). I get in and see the fuel is at around 70%, which makes sense. But I landed close to our tent, so I decide to fill it up with the 7 jerrycans we have there.

When I fill it all up, and get in again, it only have 20% fuel.

The WTF? factor was quite large, but I decide to not complain, but go to a town, refill all jerrycans, go back and fill her up some more, so I can get my friends picked up.

I walked for a good 30 min, didnt find a refill area, so I went back. I get in heli to meet my friends halfway and refill there, but now the fuel is at ZERO percent.

ALL the systems are repaired fully (green) and the only things that still can be repaired are HitHull (what is this? we repaired HitMissile already, no idea what that is either) and 4 windows. (driver and the two sidewindows for driver are fixed).

So basically, the heli is 100% operational, and have worked fine before.

What you were doing:

Refueling our heli

*Current installed version:

latest, 1.5.6

*Timeline of events before/after error:

We are flying around with our heli after getting it. The server restarts during this, but we had saved heli on a location before, and when server restarted we was standing here and our heli was here.

So we take it and fly down to the beancoast to find some supplies, I drop my friends there and I fly back to the camp, land heli, save it.

When server restarts next time and i check heli, its all okay, but after exiting and entering it, the fuel is now at 0%. And when being refilled it becomes 0% again if i exit it then enter it.

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Haven't confirmed this myself, but in standard ARMA2 a helicopter can get a fuel leak from a single bullet to the fuel tanks. So the helicopter HULL and FUEL will still show as bright green, but health will be at 99.999%.

So you either need scrap metal to repair the HULL, or Fuel Tank parts to repair the fuel tank, to 100%.

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This happened to my chopper too.

It did get shot at before the reset tho.

I used two scrap metals on the hull but the indicator still showed the hull was not at 100%

I tried using a fuel tank part on the chopper but it doesn't seem to be possible to do.

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Same here, impossible to refuel even though we have completely repaired the helicopter.

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Our group found a chopper, we spend ~15 scrap metals, engine parts, all that jazz on it, only to see the indicator stay in the state it was found. Then we decided to blow it up and the guy inside it while it blew up, got kicked for script restriction #12. Odd.

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when filling the empty helicopter, the fuel is not filled

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On FR4 there is a Helicopter on the fire station roof in elektro that will not repair it's Hull and will not take on fuel.

I have seen people try to fix it, they failed. I have tried to fix it, I failed. My friends have tried to fix it - spending almost 2 days gathering the relevant parts, and they failed too. Spending 22 scrap metal and ~30 jerry cans.

I have a suspicion that the roof is damaging the chopper maybe? Making it unrepairable.

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No, it's not because of the roof but because of a bug.

We got a helicopter in Prigorodki, standing on solid ground, and it's been two weeks it hasn't moved because it is impossible to refuel.

And, unfortunately, there is no way to make it respawn, so it is lost forever till a new build takes care of that.

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need FIX

one week without helicopter

impossible to repair the fuel tank

fuel follows

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Our copter loosing fuel too, was in green, we repaired all anyway, still loosing

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On US12 there is a chopper my group has found that is also impossible to fix, no matter how much scrap metal is used the chopper will continue to leak fuel at an impossible rate. Very frustrating.

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Dambaz, posting the same question over and over again doesnt fix the problem, PM the developers to check this thread out instead.

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Same prob. Much scrap metal gone in to chopper

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Can confirm this has happened to me as well. Pumped 15 scrap metal into a helicopter at NE and no change in hull condition. All other systems green but still leaking.

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NOOOOOOOO. I have tried from EVERY angle to put fuel tank parts in it as well with no success... How do we get the fuel leak to stop!?! someones gotta know

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NOOOOOOOO. I have tried from EVERY angle to put fuel tank parts in it as well with no success... How do we get the fuel leak to stop!?! someones gotta know

It's a bug causing the fuel leak issue, and Helicopters do not take fuel tank parts, the fuel tank is part of the hull, which requires scrap metal to fix. Just going to have to wait it out for a fix.

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Gosh darnit, I thought thats what they fixed in the patch

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trying to fill our 2nd chopper now with all lights green but still leaking out before we can lift.

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