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Fruits and Farming

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Hello community

I was playing some DayZ today and felt like beans and noodles are not healthy over a long time.

Then I stumbled upon a field that looked like a farmer made it farmable.

So I thought, why dont they put eatable plants and fruits into the game?

I know DayZ takes place a few years after human structure broke down and so no farmers would keep their farms etc. But maybe WILD plants are still giving you food and producing fruits.

You could wander around the forest and find berries and maybe roots.

What do you people think?


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I’m sure they’ll add in farming at some point; that’s such an important mechanic for the survivalists.

I love the idea of cultivating fruit and vegetables; just have to make sure I have plenty of copper ribbon and razor wire to keep the harvest safe.

Rocket did tweet about cooking potatoes the other day which sounded promising.

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I cant wait for those awesome vids where will survivors steal instead of as50 only some potatoes

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yea :D you find a guarded field and you take out the guards to steal some carrots

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Holy shit, that sounds amazing :D

Is mah cawots! >:(

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Ain't nobody got time for that.

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actually i was thinking about wild fruits...weadin is impoatant mah fwends...

and you could have hydro cultures inside your underground base.

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finding wild edibles.

but any farming you have to do isn't practical.... (on a count of it can take months and even years to yield foodstuffs from start to finish)

and should not be in Dayz

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Poisonous fruits too!

i would have to disagree.

although poisonous edibles are out there and are a reality.

i think realistically if you have a brain in your head you wouldn't eat a poisonous edible. (reality aspects a video game cannot capture)

i would most definitely like to see options to collect and harvest foods mother nature provides for us other than hunting wild animals.

Edited by methr1k2dop3

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I have an abandoned house near my house, for 6 or 7 years, since owner died, and no one is living here, he had a vegetable garden, with potato, tomatoes, raspberries... I went here last summer with friends and I remenber the garden was full of potatoes plant, and some tomatoes was landing on the ground, but almost ate by insects and birds. The rasperries bushes were very full, and we ate some of them :)

We could find in Chernarus, in every village some houses with a garden, that allows us to find potatoes, and some berries, which they grow very easily without human interventions, but are very vulnerable to birds and insects...

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It would be interesting if you could farm, and with all the other ideas out there, build a community. So what the game becomes is a first person real time simulation of sim city or civilization, with walkers. With bandits being the raiders at the periphery. Somewhat ambitious for this game though.

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