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Which settings do I need to change? HELP

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Hi, i recently got a new PC and a new Monitor(1680x1050 i think), and i'm not sure which settings i need to turn up/down to fix my problem.

my problem is that objects at medium-long range seem to be too sharp, and are hard to distinguish, and the detail at long range is quite poor.

you can kind of see what i mean here http://gyazo.com/424...22709cd8c23fa97 and in the middle of the screen just above the fence, there is a dead body, but look how hard it is to see if it has anything on it/if it's a player etc.

These are my current settings - http://gyazo.com/ee1...4235dda62e1899f

i would really appreciate any help because i want to be able to make out players at a decent range so i can see them, and things like cars or anything really that i see many other people can see really easily. Thanks!

Sorry about the colour, i copied and pasted this from another post i put in the wrong area, sorry!

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Graphics card is gtx560 nonTi, 8gb Corsair RAM, intel pentium cpu g645 @2.9ghz dual core. 1tb HDD, not sure of write speed or the cache size etc

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That's a really weak CPU for your graphics card, try upgrading it. But lower your resolution a bit.

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That's a really weak CPU for your graphics card, try upgrading it. But lower your resolution a bit.

but if i lower my resolution won't it go really blurry because it won't match my monitor's resolution?

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That's a really weak CPU for your graphics card, try upgrading it. But lower your resolution a bit.

couldn't say it any better, your processor is putting the hurt on you system, a good 3.3-3.8 is decent, anything under 3.1 is Fubar

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but if i lower my resolution won't it go really blurry because it won't match my monitor's resolution?

Not really, my screen resolution is 1366x768 but I'm always lowering to 1024x768 because it's giving me more frames but keeps the screen full. Try that out.

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-noCB Turns off multicore use. It slows down rendering but may resolve visual glitches. Perhaps that would help?

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Antialiasing smooths some things out

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