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Sheepdog (DayZ)

Server-side Bottleneck...?

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Let me first say - forgive my ignorance. I know very little...scratch that, I know nothing about how servers work/process/disseminate information.

That being said, I remember hearing Dean say in one of the devblog videos that with the new server responsibilities (spawning loot and zombies, etc.) they were only able to achieve 30FPS. I know that part of this is simply a matter of working out all the bugs but my question is this: Is it possible considering what a demanding game Arma/DayZ is that the servers might not be able to handle the load put on them by the increased number of zombies/loot/players/graphics/etc. and that no matter how good of a rig your running, your FPS may be dependent upon how good of a server youre on?

Lemme know your thoughts, I look forward to hearing from someone who actually know what they're talking about :lol:

Edited by Sheepdog

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As someone who has made many online games, FPS is generally not affected by the server you are on, unless the server is spawning an unnatural number of entities (zombies, items, fires, etc) that is difficult for your CPU/GPU to handle. If the server can't handle the load, your FPS will not drop, but people/zombies will 'rubber band'/teleport around and you will de-sync a lot, or maybe even be disconnected.

Giving the server responsibilities will not affect your FPS at all, and will probably make the client FPS faster (now that the server calculates things for you). The network lag will probably increase, unless they've improved the server software/structure. The FPS is only dropping because they're trying to stuff in more zombies into every town.

Edited by famishedmammal
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As someone who has made many online games...

Proof or you're making this up. Come on.

Naw. Regardless. There is a thing called "server FPS," and your FPS is in fact also affected by the server you're on. No matter your computer specs or the game you're playing. If you did some quick research you'd pretty easily gather what server FPS does and how it can cause problems.

Edited by Dancing.Russian.Man
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I know that if a server hasn't been restarted in a long time your FPS drops by a lot.

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As someone who has made many online games, FPS is generally not affected by the server you are on, unless the server is spawning an unnatural number of entities (zombies, items, fires, etc) that is difficult for your CPU/GPU to handle. If the server can't handle the load, your FPS will not drop, but people/zombies will 'rubber band'/teleport around and you will de-sync a lot, or maybe even be disconnected.

Giving the server responsibilities will not affect your FPS at all, and will probably make the client FPS faster (now that the server calculates things for you). The network lag will probably increase, unless they've improved the server software/structure. The FPS is only dropping because they're trying to stuff in more zombies into every town.

Your client is waiting for an update from server to draw a new frame. If server is too slow to process you will get an appearance of lag, even if you are running on a godly machine with min graphics detail.

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