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"Safe" Tent City

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Ok, before I start on my suggestion I want to state a few things:

#1 - Yes, I am EXTREMELY new to both this community and the game

#2 - I started during build and love the way we spawn with hardly anything (finally got to the airfield today after a 6 hour life)

#3 - I love how realistic this game is

#4 - You can respawn, so the game is not perfectly realistic

Having said this, I will get to my suggestion (forgive me if I did not read every single suggestion to see if this has been suggested before).

My idea stems from a few different zombie / apocalyptic type movies and shows. Everyone knows that in any "real" zombie apocalypse resources would be hard to come by and difficult to get exactly what you are after. Surely areas would crop up that would be safe to travelers where people could converse to find others to travel with and trade.

So my idea is that somewhere near the coast but not in any one town set up some tents with a fence around it known as a safe area. Make it so people would not be able to shoot into it (perhaps on top of a hill). Inside this area you would not be able to attack with weapons. Simple as that.

Now, before everyone starts yelling that this goes against open world and sandbox games, let me say that by simply being able to respawn a new character, we inherently are not playing how we would if you could never spawn again. So people tend to kill other people way sooner than they might in real life. This safe area would be a great place for people to go to trade, and possibly find groups. It might also be a great place for bandits to set up ambushes outside and wait for unsuspecting survivors. Also to note, there would not be any resources available outside of trades, so no water well, no food, no medical supplies. It would not be a place people could camp.

The only downside I could imagine to this is that if you were chasing someone they may be able to make it into this area preventing you from getting them. But I suppose that is realistic, imagine in real life if there was a town being guarded by a contingent of paramilitary police and the person you are chasing got to the guards, do you think they would just let you keep chasing him? Again, nothing prevents bandits from setting up shop outside.

The idea is that it simply inputs a game mechanic to give individuals one area of safety (and surely there would be towns and buildings that were guarded by people in real life). It does not force any type of trading or group building, simply a place to let those things spawn. Who knows, the group you are forming could also have a bandit spy in it.

So lets recap:

You would not spawn in this safe zone

It would be near the beach but not in a town

There would only be one

There would be no new trading or grouping mechanic

It would not let you us melee or firearms INSIDE the fence

You could not snipe (or throw grenades) into it.

It would not prevent bandits from entering

It would not prevent bandits from ambushing once outside

Nothing will spawn inside this area

There would be no resources (water well, food, medical supplies)

Maybe this idea is crazy stupid, I just feel that in any real apocalyptic scenario, trading hubs and safe zones would develop. Unfortunately, since this game does have respawning, something like that would naturally never develop because any random guy can find a gun and just walk in killing everyone.

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don't know why this doesn't get more views, I really like this idea. The one thing i think is that people should be able to attack "into" the camp, it would make people work together to catch whoever was responsible and would invoke a more controlled and fun PvP experience.

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There shouldn't be any location where your stash or loot is 100% safe, this could lead to shortening the experience and life of the game for each player. One reason why the game can be enjoyed for weeks, months or even years is due to dying and having to get your loot again.

This city could also be abused in multiple ways which some that you have already said.

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why not have one safe zone? possibly patrolled by npcs as well as friendly survivors? let people shoot in the camp but have the repercussion of getting arggoed by all the npc guards, not to mention players. This opens the opportunity to have the camp bandit and survivor controlled. When bandits control it then there is bandit npcs, when survivors control it then its patrolled by a npc "militia".

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The major worry that comes to mind is server resources, since you are talking about npc that sticks around for a location than the infected that are just around each individual player. Also with how the game is coded atm, zombies would be spawning around that city like crazy.

It not really a bad idea, it could actually be good for the game but only after dealing with server resources issues, coding issues and then fine tuning the fuck out of the city so that it can't be exploited or abused.

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  'messageboy said:

The major worry that comes to mind is server resources' date=' since you are talking about npc that sticks around for a location than the infected that are just around each individual player. Also with how the game is coded atm, zombies would be spawning around that city like crazy.

It not really a bad idea, it could actually be good for the game but only after dealing with server resources issues, coding issues and then fine tuning the fuck out of the city so that it can't be exploited or abused.


I completely agree, but this is alpha, if it were implemented it could be test and balanced or discarded. But IMHO this would add an immense amount of fun and time to dig into this mod. im sure that you could code out zombie spawns for a certain area pretty easily.

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A problem with this is you would just get bandits camping around the safe zone and slaughtering anyone trying to get in or out.

How about churches being safe havens - anyone killing another player in or near a church gets struck down by lightning. Just kidding.

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There another issue where they will have to physically edit the map that dayz use to add in this city, this could be a major issue with rocket and his team.

Still I agree it is something that I would at least like for rocket to consider with his better knowledge of the workings behind the game.

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A problem with this is you would just get bandits camping around the safe zone and slaughtering anyone trying to get in or out.

How about churches being safe havens - anyone killing another player in or near a church gets struck down by lightning. Just kidding.

It would be pretty easy to have a group of respawnable(slowly) npcs patrolling a few hundred meters around the camp. institutes a risk for bandits camping like little schemers and adds another factor to wars over the camp.

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Another issue would be the trains of Zombies people would bring to the safe zone - you might feasibly get hundreds milling about the place. Now that would be cool.

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  'DemonGroover said:

Another issue would be the trains of Zombies people would bring to the safe zone - you might feasibly get hundreds milling about the place. Now that would be cool.

hmm does present a serious problem' date=' a couple of ways around it(may not be feasible):

- have it a be gated off with a guarded entrance

- have a trigger point a certain distance from the camp that would "remove" the zombies aggro(large possibilitys for exploits for that one i guess)


i think is a better idea actually


gives the players the decision to make a safe haven for others or have a bandit camp with dire consequences if you venture to close.

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Again, let me reiterate that I wanted this addition to be as minor as possible to allow the players to decide how they would use it. Here are my replies:

-Because people could be trading, and it is supposed to be safe, I would say no to the idea that bandits could shoot into it. If they want to camp and setup ambush outside - thats fine.

-As for stashing loot, remember - this is merely a safe location from player killing. Anything you left there could easily be taken by others. And there would be no easy location to do it.

-I don't know how rocket's coding works, perhaps there is a way to make an exception to zombie spawns? I am not sure. This would certainly hamper this suggestion if it can't be adjusted.

-Remember, this idea is for a VERY SMALL little tent town on top of a hill with a solid wall around it, kind of like a make-shift fort.

-I think the idea of bandits camping it would balance out the reward of a truly safe area from other players and also the security it adds. It would force people inside to really be careful when coming or going. I like this idea of bandits camping it because it adds that little bit of realism.

-Again, I don't know what rocket's abilities are in terms of editing the map. This could also be a major downer to this suggestion.

-I am not sure about the idea of patrolling guards, perhaps we could leave it up to the players to patrol?

-Zombie trains would probably be the greatest risk. And I don't want this to be an instant safe haven for those being chased by zombies. Honestly not sure on how this issue could be tackled, perhaps the path to get there would be difficult to make with zombies following you?

-I did intend this to be a single location, as to not provide an instant solution to a survivors problems. You would have to work to get here just like any other area.

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I reckon I can accurately predict Rocket's response to this suggestion:

'If you want a safe trading post, get barbed wire, sandbags, tents and a bunch of armed guards together and build it on your server of choice.'

Artificial 'safe zones' and 'invisible force fields' really don't fit with the design goals of the game.

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  'sandwich said:

I reckon I can accurately predict Rocket's response to this suggestion:

'If you want a safe trading post' date=' get barbed wire, sandbags, tents and a bunch of armed guards together and build it on your server of choice.'

Artificial 'safe zones' and 'invisible force fields' really don't fit with the design goals of the game.


Sure, this would be completely viable if we all played on one server or servers were 300+ people. The thing is, since this is a game and not our real life, some things just are not feasably possible. I have yet to encounter any organized camp let alone a group proctecting a location for others safety.

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