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Starting From the Bottom,Working to The Top! [Part 1]

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Hey guys! this thread this is going to be the newbies for Dayz! Even if you're not a newbie I recommend that you read this guide as well! So what are we waiting on lets get started!

1.Spawning in

When you first spawn in you will either be somewhere along the coast or inland (depends on what server you're on)

When you spawn in you're going to want to look down at the bottom right corner. Why you may ask? Well it will tell you where you are! So lets say it said "kamenka". Here is what your going to want to do.

  • If you Have a Map Go ahead and put a way point on Cherno.
  • If you don't have a map go here (http://dayzdb.com/map) and follow the map [it's not that hard -_-]
  • So now you're on your way to Cherno!

2.Stealth and Knowledge

Now once you catch the first glimpse of cherno you are in what I like to call a "Hot Zone" This is where you're going to have to be

  • Smart
  • Quick
  • Silent
  • Agile

If you have those four KEY componets then you shouldnt have a problem and should be alright.

Make sure to go from bulding to bulding to throw off any snipers in the area. (they cant shoot you when your rolling and jumping)

It's not just the Players you need to worry about,It's the zombies to.

If you see a Group of zombies you're going to either want to slowly back away from them (Shift+S)

If you have to get somwhere fast try and wait for the zombies to move then continue on.

You're probably saying "There just zombies" Yea they maybe just zombies but they can get you killed from a sniper.

When you see a zombies run around you automaticly think "Those zombies are chasing someone.

Just rememeber the four KEY componets.

3.Getting Gear and Food

This can be one of the most fustrating things here. These things are a MUST. You need to have a good food supply as well a water supply. Good Gear can be anything around what you're best with. One of the most common Guns you will ever come across is either a Lee-Enfield,Makarov,and a Winchester. All three of those guns can Be found in Cherno, Electro, and Barns.

Here Are some of the main items that I recommend:


  • 2 Cans of any kind of Food (Beans,Pasta,Sardines ETC)
  • 2 types of Soda and a Water Bottel


  • Hatchet
  • Flashlight
  • Matches
  • Map
  • Compass
  • Watch
  • If you Can some type of Gun

If you have all those Things then you're good to GO!'

Screen Shots

Lee Enfiled


More to Come!

And Part 2!

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Good guide, nice and simple, and readable. One thing with the spawning bit though, would you really recommend having them trek numerous kilometers and even run through Elektro just to get to Cherno? How I usually handle it is, spawn anywhere from Kamenka to Cap Golova; go to Cherno. Spawn anywhere from Cap Golova to Kamyshovo; go to Elektro. Spawn anywhere from Kamyshovo to Solnichniy; go to Berezino. Yes Elektro can be a bit more rough compared to Cherno, but if you literally spawn right next to it or even in it (you can spawn on the docks) why not give it a go?

Just my 2 bits.

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Most of the spawn rates are on the southern part of the coast though.

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