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Just a heads up for those wishing to join 24th MEU here is why.

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just a heads up for those looking for a real clan, and a fun one at that, they destroyed glg server with their whining and crying. this is not a troll post the reasons are stated in the blog.

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A few things I can gather from this..

A) Clans are constantly bashed by individual players or even other clans, mainly accusations hacking, cheating, exploiting, etc... I have had my own bad experiences of this, which caused to stop playing as a 'named' clan.

B) The server you're playing sounds extremely overpowered. Little birds, Black Hawks, Protected Bases..? This is what turned DayZ into the Wasteland mod.

C) Nothing is solid without proof.

D) To be honest, there is no need for this post nor the blog. If players want to join 24th MEU, so be it, they have a bad experience and quit. This seems like an attack on a clan and a move to simply stop people joining for reasons that have not been revealed to us.

Just my two cents..

Edit: Upon looking into this more, the server has a 'Pay for gear' type system by the looks of it. I rest my case..

Edited by RJTurneR
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it wasnt over powered, we had rmod going, but nothing extreme point being of my post is cause they bashed on us and we cant even reply. because of their crying the server got shot down, the server was intended for clan survival pvp. without excessive vehicles, also rmod was being used mainly for clan skins.....

Edited by reapers239

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even hearing the term 'clan survival PVP' in dayz makes me want to vomit.

Clan survival pvp = Get military weapons and camp bambies trying to get gear.

Edited by methr1k2dop3

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ok i will tell you how this server worked, a fresh spawn had a starting load out, so they were dangerous, there were added building in bolota, and north east. and no we did sit camping killing bambies....and the starting load was nothing over kill, but they could get in a fight right away if they wanted.

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I play Dayz to have a zombie apocalyptic gaming experience.

clans running around with machine guns and sniper rifles in Helicopters looking to "frag" someone kills the mood imo.

but thats just me.

Donor gear, impenetrable clan bases, 20 helicopters flying around, groups of people driving along coast killing people for the hell of it

is just simply not my cup of tea.

but don't get me wrong getting a few amigos together and helping eachother out is fun!

but its just silly when i'm walking down the coast fresh spawn and a truck pulls up and 5 people come out and slaughter me.

then in side chat 'L2 PvP fagit'

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There is no proof and thus it becomes nothing more than accusations, regardless if it is true or not.


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