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carbine781 (DayZ)

*GUIDE* How To Find/Loot Helicopter Crash Sights

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Hello. First, about myself. I've played DayZ for almost 1 year exact now. I've learned about the basics of the game, and how to find loot. I've even flown in a helicopter, so I have a lot of experience in the game. Now that you know about me, heres the guide. First, what is a helicopter crash sight? They are super rare loot spawns that change per server and server restart. They have the best loot in the game. However, there are only 3 per server.


Heres a quick little guide on how to find them.

1. You need to be in the North

There aren't any in the South

2. Know where to find them

Helicopter crash sights are located in wide open fields. You may find them in airfields too.

I have found them near Novy Sobor, the factory south east of Polana, and in/outside the North West Airfield. I also find them in random fields.

3. Look for smoke

If you are on a hillside, and right in front of you is a giant field, take our your binoculars if you have any and just scope the area. If you find smoke, that means you just found a helicopter crash sight.

Now that you know how to find them, heres how to loot them

1. Zombies

Ok, so you found a crash sight. Now, you must deal with the old crew of the helicopter. Helicopter crash sights will spawn ~8 zombie friends. You can either try to be sneaky and avoid them, or go all out and kill all of them. Don't try luring them away into a forest where you can lose them, because more will spawn when you are a good distance away. Also, don't just try killing one of them, because they will all notice on you. It's either you kill all or none of them

2. Looking for loot

Good News: One thing in the new DayZ update that they are implementing is crashed helicopters will remove some of the foliage near them. This helps with finding loot. When finding loot, you have to look under the helicopter and just all around it. Look in nearby grass, etc. Try going prone to look under a helicopter, but you may break your legs. You can often find guns just outside of where the helicopter is. You just need to look in every little gap of the helicopter. If you can't find anything, well, you may of just found an unlucky helicopter.

Thats pretty much it. Hope it helps you out.

Thanks for reading.

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I just ran through a field that had 11 (ELEVEN) crashed helis.

They don't spawn 3 anymore, or even 7. A few versions back, they made a change that they don't just pop up at server restart (it was 7 total no matter what I believe), but instead pop up randomly based on users on the server and time the server has been up.

Servers that restart twice a day do not get very many chopper crashes.

Also they do spawn in the South. Anywhere there's enough room. They can be found just north of the road that crosses Cherno, for one.

Edited by HMS

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Distraction would work ask well. Flare or smoke are easily a good tradeoff for some of the equipment you can find in crashes.

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