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My first experience attempting to be a nice guy.

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Normally, when I play DayZ, I keep to myself, and will only fire when someone encounters me. I thought I'd mix it up, and try to be friendly at all costs. I spawned on the beach in a crowded server, and almost immediately joined up with a couple of people. We trekked our way to Cherno, and got split up. In the city I came across another fresh spawn. I showed him some good places to find loot and headed out. I found an AK, and head out of the city. On my way, I ran into a fresh spawn. He begged me not to kill him (I wasn't planning on it), and we grouped up to help find him a weapon. He found a crowbar, and we proceeded to search for a gun. A bit later, I told him I was going afk (stupid, I know). As soon as I was leaving, I saw him face me, and he began to beat me down. I managed to kill him, albeit, with just an ounce of blood left. So now I lay outside of some forest, near the brink of death, with an AK and 5 mags of ammo. How do I make sure something like this doesn't happen again? Is it as simple as not grouping with people?

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don't go afk in the company of someone you haven't had time to build mutual trust with for a start lol. sometimes you just know someone is going to be cool but going afk like that is asking for trouble, keep trying though as it's a rewarding way to play the game.

Edited by (MUC) Feral
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Join a clan, join up and play with them when you play DayZ.

Not be so trusting in random players.

When you go afk near survivors... log out, It's the best way to ensure not being killed ;)

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Freebie for the day.

"Please don't kill me!" is usually a pretty good example of a kos player, as I've experienced. They're usually afraid they'll be shot because thats how they play the game.

This is fairly useless when encountering a "seasoned" player though.

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Freebie for the day.

"Please don't kill me!" is usually a pretty good example of a kos player, as I've experienced. They're usually afraid they'll be shot because thats how they play the game.

This is fairly useless when encountering a "seasoned" player though.


best to stay outta chat and just pay attention to how people act before you trust them.

like if you play on a server try to remember who is doing the killing and who truly is in it to help people.

Edited by methr1k2dop3

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I like holding up bambies on the cost

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You are playing a game online. There's all sorts of people online, including some who can only be described as nutpunchers. The important thing is not to become one yourself.

So try to be nice to everyone.

Even the nutpunchers.

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People are people, the vast majority are dogshit and if you can't deal with that happening to you, you should attempt to kill anything that could be a threat.

Other than that? No, not really. Play with friends instead or limit those encounters to the times you have nothing to lose and there will be no regrets.

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I would say, based on around seven months of DayZ play time, that you will encounter more decent fellow survivors than bad guys. The problem with meeting and joining other gamers is borne on the winds of mutual paranoia. Paranoia in DayZ is a good thing ... it will keep you alive. However, paranoia can also make you do some spontaneously foolish things. Sometimes other players who shoot you down do so out of reflex or fear rather than bad intent.

Don't give up on being a "good guy" just yet. Playing by a code of any kind of decency in this game entails risk on your part. Betrayal will happen from time to time, but taking a chance, meeting and making friends with genuinely trustworthy other players is very much worth it.

In DayZ, just like in any other modern online multiplayer game, you will encounter a segment of players who feel compelled to "educate" you or correct your beginner mistakes by betraying you, or taking you out. Those guys normally complain the loudest when the shoe is on the other foot.

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In my experience "being friendly at all costs" just leads to nowhere. You should know that theres a third faction of players, which is pretty strong in Dayz, which are neither Bandits nor Survivor, they come really close to Trolls. So the game somehow is a Troll's game. (This also is sth most of the hacker/cheater are doing, trolling the hell out of the game. They troll the forums, the devs, the player, probably everything they come accross).

So if you are friendly at all cost, you'll sooner or later make an idiot out of yourself.

And I also constantly meet people who confuse friendliness with idioty. To be frank, I never meet such a huge pile of strange, shady, twisted minds like in DayZ. Some even seem to demand to be shot. I had several people, who seems to be friendly at first, who gave me no choice not to shot them later.

I even already got "accidentaly" shot by mindfucking bandit-friends (trolls) who kind of "optained permission to be an ass" in advance. (As if it would make a difference to be allowed to be an ass. Totally weird. Like: "What do you think of bandidits?" - "Well, somehow have their justification" - 5 minutes later you get rob-shot from the same guy who claimed to be friendly since days... I really asked myself why some do such weird things? I think they are just enjoying trolling. They enjoy to frustrate your trust. They want to earn it first before they betray you. For them even the loot is subordinated, betraying you is reward enough. And the game allows that and gives them a vent.)

Edited by Ken Bean
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Should have just been nice and let him kill you. Thats being nice at ALL costs. But yeah dont go AFK near people and be sure to log out far away from towns. I logged in once and i got spawn killed. bummer

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Normally, when I play DayZ, I keep to myself, and will only fire when someone encounters me. I thought I'd mix it up, and try to be friendly at all costs. I spawned on the beach in a crowded server, and almost immediately joined up with a couple of people. We trekked our way to Cherno, and got split up. In the city I came across another fresh spawn. I showed him some good places to find loot and headed out. I found an AK, and head out of the city. On my way, I ran into a fresh spawn. He begged me not to kill him (I wasn't planning on it), and we grouped up to help find him a weapon. He found a crowbar, and we proceeded to search for a gun. A bit later, I told him I was going afk (stupid, I know). As soon as I was leaving, I saw him face me, and he began to beat me down. I managed to kill him, albeit, with just an ounce of blood left. So now I lay outside of some forest, near the brink of death, with an AK and 5 mags of ammo. How do I make sure something like this doesn't happen again? Is it as simple as not grouping with people?

Don't tell someone new that you are about to go afk... If you have to leave, log briefly to the lobby - ideally NOT letting them see where you despawned!

Or, test a noob first - say your going afk and do so... whilst your hidden friend covers with a dmr or similar from a way back ;) If the guy proves to be friendly, slowly up the trust levels ;)

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