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i don't know where you live but here in indiana the answer is most definitely YES. this is america' date=' we ALL own guns. even the criminals are cocked and locked.


I'm not being funny here but, this is Chernarus and most definitely NOT America. Typing as a person who lives in the UK i can say that hardly anybody owns a real (useful for zed murdering) gun in this country.

yes i understand you have been disarmed like lambs for the slaughter. but the person i was directing that to specifically asked if we owned guns and if the people we knew owned guns. so i was answering him. did he say, "do the citizens of chernarus own guns? know he did not. hope that helps!

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spawned on the beach of elektro, within less than 15 mins, i had alice/akm/m1911 and was ready to move on. Raided Pub>supermarket>firestation.

Saying that, spawning the random towns is alot harder. But you guys know you can outrun zeds yeh? I know its kinda cheap but just run full speed in/around each building to check for guns , never stop running and you should be right. If your unlucky they might break ur leg, then ur fuxed. Damn u for taking our starting morphine. ive more tears about losing the morphine rather than the pistol.

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I like starting without guns. I just wish it was actually possible to get one. It should take a decent amount of skill, strategy, and patience to do anything in this game, even to get an initial weapon. The bottom line, however, is that it is not possible whatsoever now. At least for me. When I did happen to get the axe that I did, it was only because some idiot ran past the warehouse and aggroed all of the zombies in the area. I guarantee I wouldn't have been able to get it if that person hadn't been so dumb.

And to the person above: you're proving the point that we're trying to make. If the only way to get a weapon in this game is to use an exploit (how zombies cannot run indoors, get stuck going into houses, and cannot hurt you while you run), then the game is no longer working correctly. In my opinion, you SHOULDN'T be able to do what everyone is forced to do now and you should HAVE to do what is currently broken. It's completely backwards.

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100m seeing Zombie... that's nothing - maybe you should try playing a regular Arma session (well you bought this game anyway, didnt you?) while Rocket fixes stuff.

Then come back crying after full powered AI enemy soldiers have spotted and sniped you with their crappy AK from 500+m out.

Professional zombies (both AI and players) are simply not hardcore enough... ;)

The only things that do need fixing are the see-through-wall and attack-through-wall issues.

Have to say, those are really not cool.

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To the OP, go play other mods for a bit and come back later.

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To the OP' date=' go play other mods for a bit and come back later.


Why, to find thats its still the same ;)

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Arguments like: this is a Sim, this is Alpha, this is Hardcore, this is supposed to be difficult...etc, are flat out wrong and useless. Please try to have an objective look at the state of the game and make use of some critical thinking.

Some people are blind, almost religious in attitude, in how they are defending this Mod.

This mod has issues and balancing is one of them; if you cannot admit this and in the same breath say this is just an Alpha, then you're just not thinking it out very well.

Today in this DayZ mod, I was thirsty like hell and found a pond. Oh yes I can drink! Can I? Hum...


No fucking water bottle. Yeah I forgot I can't drink without a bottle.

This is not challenging, this is illogical.

When I aggro a Zombie when starting a game, I know I'm dead.

It's not scary, it's just more loading time to reboot a new char: rince and repeat until you get a lucky break.

Meaning: 1 fun game session in about a dozen tries.

This game will grow into something spectacular, but it ain't there yet.

Cheers and safe travels out there,

PS: I love hard games, the best game out there imho are the DCS products, as hard as it gets when gaming in concerned. I don't have a problem with the difficulty of DayZ... when I feel it's fair game.

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Folks' date='

Arguments like: this is a Sim, this is Alpha, this is Hardcore, this is supposed to be difficult...etc, are flat out wrong and useless.[/quote']


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rocket' date=' the latest patches are ruining the game

im not talking about the bugs because thats to be expected.

But starting with no gun? you have got to be kidding.

Then you go and totally unbalance the game buy making zombies more tough lol

Come on dude, its not working.

Please put it back to a playable state.

And to anyone about to flame me and start alpha talk listen, its common sense not to do what has been done regarding the latest patches. Its broken and just wont work.

People are allready loosing interest because of these changes.

Thank you


I agree with you and dont be bothered with rage awnsers, they cant handle different opinions

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rocket' date=' the latest patches are ruining the game

im not talking about the bugs because thats to be expected.

But starting with no gun? you have got to be kidding.

Then you go and totally unbalance the game buy making zombies more tough lol

Come on dude, its not working.

Please put it back to a playable state.

And to anyone about to flame me and start alpha talk listen, its common sense not to do what has been done regarding the latest patches. Its broken and just wont work.

People are allready loosing interest because of these changes.

Thank you


I agree with you and dont be bothered with rage awnsers, they cant handle different opinions

thank you

5 of my mates have uninstalled allready because of this and refuse to play until its been reverted.

the balancing is terrible.

why people defend it is beyond me.

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rocket' date=' the latest patches are ruining the game

im not talking about the bugs because thats to be expected.

But starting with no gun? you have got to be kidding.

Then you go and totally unbalance the game buy making zombies more tough lol

Come on dude, its not working.

Please put it back to a playable state.

And to anyone about to flame me and start alpha talk listen, its common sense not to do what has been done regarding the latest patches. Its broken and just wont work.

People are allready loosing interest because of these changes.

Thank you


I agree with you and dont be bothered with rage awnsers, they cant handle different opinions

thank you

5 of my mates have uninstalled allready because of this and refuse to play until its been reverted.

the balancing is terrible.

why people defend it is beyond me.

Its Working now, balance is great ( not perfekt but hey its a alpha ;) ), not to hard and most important not to easy.

Its beyond me why ppl always "cry" for the easy way...

Was testing the first steps today starting new, took me about 30-45 min. till i had everthing i need to go north and survive. didnt had aggro from one Zed, but the ppl around me in Cherno, shooting like there is no tomorrow, runing around like there where no threat around in the city where dying like flys.

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I agree with you and dont be bothered with rage awnsers' date=' they cant handle different opinions


I'm pretty sure all of you "fikz it now, itz borked" people just can't handle the game and it's

unforgiving aim/setting. It's not for everyone, if you don't like it or feel the need to uninstall it

as the OP so eloquently stated. Maybe this isn't the game/mod for you.

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You still thjought it was easy when you had a gun at spawn?

no, it wasnt really was it.

Now meeting up with friends is just to much hassle and you die or alert these super zombies before you meet up.

im sorry guys but this needs addressing lol

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Folks' date='

Arguments like: this is a Sim, this is Alpha, this is Hardcore, this is supposed to be difficult...etc, are flat out wrong and useless.[/quote']


hehehhe :P

What I meant is that the game is unbalanced, incomplete and needs work. That's obvious.

So when someone says: I don't like "insert feature here" and someone responds: it's Alpha... I just don't understand why someone would say that.

The feedback on this WIP is important for the Devs.

If you disagree with someone's opinion, I believe it would be more constructive to say why it should remain this way or where you think the devs are going with that feature.

Not just say: it's hardcore man. Instead, tell me how it improves the gaming experience.

Let them voice their opinions and stop being so conservative about a WIP.

If it's a WIP, Alpha or whatever, it's meant to change.

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Sure its meant to change

Every single game during development changes.

But the thing that needs to change is bringing back a weapon to spawn with.

Whats so wrong with spawning with a weapon? the game was hard enough before.

Now, i dont want to take an hour to meet up with a friend only to be killed at the last minute.

Its ridiculous.

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