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jdfabs (DayZ)

Dayz "Skills"

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As of now in DayZ every char is the same as the other.

My suggestion to change this is that, when creating a new char that char would have random stats.

For example:






Because no person is like another so should dayz chars be, some run faster, some are fat and slow, other have the strenght to carry more weight and hit harder...

These skills could be evolved over time. if all skills are caped at 100 you could receive/Lvl those skills based on what you have been doing.

What do you think guys??

Thx for the attention,


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I think I'd enjoy it for a bit, but eventually get tired of getting shafted by having a bad character. I like your idea in some respects and have thought of it myself, but Dean has always stressed player choice and player developed stories and skills rather than a choice made for you. So it probably won't make it into the game, but good idea.

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This idea has been here, dont worry. Rockets knows about this and if we wants to, it will be in the SA

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My strength is 99 in DayZ.

To be more on topic, I don't like the idea. DayZ has always been about the player's skill and not the character he gets.

Edited by TheDesigner

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there are quite progressed discussions in here about "micro-skills", which can be looked up. i was one of its advocates ;) btw.

important imho is to see "skills" not as black-and-white as most of us do. don't imagine something like WoW. there have been already indeed very nice ideas for some sort of evolving skills over time. even dean "grew fond" of some ideas. subtlety would be the key

Edited by joe_mcentire

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yea i ment like joe did not rly skilling or rpg

also you rly wouldnt get a " 1 in all skills" those would be balanced for example if you are strong you would have less survivability for instance you would have to eat and drink more.

its not like rly over powered skills too i would imagin it as in the -10% to +10% house... so not a "big" diference in short time but in 2 or 3 hour time

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This idea has been here, dont worry. Rockets knows about this and if we wants to, it will be in the SA

I'm pretty sure that he's explicitly stated on more than one occasion that he doesn't want skills or skill trees to be a part of DayZ.

Skills are already a part of DayZ. Example - I'm a pretty good shot and I'm good at sneaking around undetected, however I'm a terrible pilot. Everyone has their own skills in-game.

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I'm pretty sure that he's explicitly stated on more than one occasion that he doesn't want skills or skill trees to be a part of DayZ.

Skills are already a part of DayZ. Example - I'm a pretty good shot and I'm good at sneaking around undetected, however I'm a terrible pilot. Everyone has their own skills in-game.

now we have a bet i guess? just a moment Mr moozley!


Are you baking more social dynamics and mechanics into the game, or are you happy to leave those interactions up to the players?

Probably a bit of both. We will experiment – and that’s what this is all about. For me, and the game as well, people responded well to an experiment like Minecraft. But it’s no secret I follow Kerbal Space Program, FTL, and Prison Architect. Players responded really well to those experiments, so we want to continue like that as well. Social interaction is one of those areas we want to experiment with.

We’re looking at ideas, and we haven’t actually implemented these yet, but we’re looking at how we could have it so that some skills, maybe, are socially learned or enhanced. Maybe very advanced skills, like being a doctor, the ability to do very specific things like suturing, might be earned those ways.

We’re still undecided about that, because we really want to have the game avoid things like specific skill trees and stuff like that. But having it socially developed as a skill, or something you get better at through repeated use, and more of those options for social interaction like suturing, setting fractures, these kinds of things are social options. The best example we have at the moment are blood transfusions, which seem to be well-received as a reason to socially interact.

If you do go forward this something like this, would it develop a greater sense of persistence per character life? Is that something you want to encourage?

Absolutely, but I don’t want to get people’s hopes up about a skill system or skill tree, so we’re more looking at how players develop the abilities to do certain things, and how players develop the ability to get better at doing things.

To provide a tangible example of something we know we want the player to do – we don’t want the player to start the game and choose how their character is going to be. That will actually come out as they play the game. An example would be wanting your character to wear a cowboy hat, camouflage jacket and black pants. You’re going to have to find those items in the world. Your humanity, and these kinds of things, will affect how you look. The way you play the game will affect your player. As we explore what the player can do, that is something we’re interested in, but it’s going to require a lot of experimentation.

A couple of examples we thought of were very advanced skills, such as advanced repair of aircraft and vehicles. That’s not a skill that everybody has. And various doctor-related skills. They aren’t things that everybody just has; they’re things that maybe people can learn, but they’ll require practice and maybe some social interaction.

source: http://www.pcpowerplay.com.au/2013/02/survival-of-the-fittest-dayz-standalone-extended-interview/

Edited by joe_mcentire

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yea i ment like joe did not rly skilling or rpg

also you rly wouldnt get a " 1 in all skills" those would be balanced for example if you are strong you would have less survivability for instance you would have to eat and drink more.

its not like rly over powered skills too i would imagin it as in the -10% to +10% house... so not a "big" diference in short time but in 2 or 3 hour time

Still bad. You're still getting advantages because of the character you chose.

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Skills like 'level ups' are a no no. After a while you will get tired of going 'Agh! That bastard super duper accuracy invisibility ghillie suit guy is camping Cherno again...'

I wouldn't mind seeing things like beard growing though. It shows the player has skill in surviving.

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Still bad. You're still getting advantages because of the character you chose.


(...)My suggestion to change this is that, when creating a new char that char would have random stats.(...)


That bastard super duper accuracy invisibility ghillie suit guy is camping Cherno again..

you would realy get un-human powers and sht like that.. + now that i think of it skill growing over time is a bad idea...

I wouldn't mind seeing things like beard growing though. It shows the player has skill in surviving.

Totaly agree

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Still bad. You're still getting advantages because of the character you chose.

you choose the char yo want to be, by playing your char the way you want him to be. as irl every action comes with consequencies. (if i study i'll eventually get a degree, if i watch tv all day and eat i might get health problems..)

Skills like 'level ups' are a no no. After a while you will get tired of going 'Agh! That bastard super duper accuracy invisibility ghillie suit guy is camping Cherno again...'

I wouldn't mind seeing things like beard growing though. It shows the player has skill in surviving.

that's where subtlety would come into play: you could say all directly combat-related mechanics mustn't be influenced at all. but how about fail-chances concerning repairing stuff, crafting things. how about some little "special" animations. etc.

just think outside the box. ppl have this stereotypical set of a skill-tree/system in their heads.

but i don't even say, this HAS to be in the game at all costs. my opinion was always to add more value to your char-life, adding layers to Pve and so on...

Edited by joe_mcentire
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I would just kill myself until i would get a better character...

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I would just kill myself until i would get a better character...

with about 1 minute to log into the server + 2 minutes to reach zombies + 1 minute to get killed...

thats 4 minutes to get a new char... "good" chars would be rare so.... imagin 1/10 of every char is a good one would you rly wait 40 minutes for that? just for +5% bonus man thats not muth

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simple solution. all players start with the same stats. However if you want to fly a heli you ned to find a heli tutorial guide.. once read youve got the skill to fly one. until you die.

can be applied to other skills like vehicle repair or hunting.. so you get more meat from your kills. could be 2x or 3x.

this is viable and would be fun.

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yeah i agree with Walking Wounded. initially all should be the same, maybe use the idea from another thread.

that said

However if you want to fly a heli you ned to find a heli tutorial guide.. once read youve got the skill to fly one. until you die.

..is utterly rubbish imho.. some skills must stay real player skills and this one in particular!

can be applied to other skills like vehicle repair or hunting.. so you get more meat from your kills. could be 2x or 3x.

this however is something you could focus on. hardworking hunters could achieve to get more meat by the time, or a text message pops up "my overly manly manliness scents deer" signalising you may be in the vicinity of something. But no feedback such as "+1 in xyz" or "xyz unlocked". it suddenly appears, or maybe you won't even notice some things in the first place: "since when do i gather more meat..and why?"

Edited by joe_mcentire
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This is a difficult subject, the skill system. It is inaccurate to say that all characters would start out equal physically, but I don't like the idea of becoming better at things just by doing them because it doesn't necessarily reflect how someone learns. I don't think there is a perfect solution right now, there's too many sides to this argument. I would love to see 'minigames' for any complex task that are difficult enough so that you couldn't be good at all of them, and you would naturally specialize giving us doctors, pilots, craftsmen, and a thousand things in between. But unfortunately, it's not really possible to put that much into a game right now.

I do, however, support the idea of becoming better at physical tasks that don't require any skill (eg running or strength), as long as there are other factors in play, like diet and overall health affecting them.

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I am unaware if anyone else mentioned this. But I don't believe 'Survivability' to be a 'Skill. You either have it, or you're dead. No questions asked. It's player initiated, not an in game feature.

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my sides hurt^

i would absolutely hate that.

Last thing Dayz SA would need is some sorta meta game.

for instance if you don't have a certain spec you will suffer because everyone else maxes out X. X=OP skill

we need to all be equal at start.

if anything like in my previous suggestions be able to choose a class/profession type thing. something small is which ONE key item you start off with. (toolbox, map, compass, axe,makarov etc, <-- not to get off topic.

but i just cant see any good coming from skill trees or any of that kinda stuff.

Edited by methr1k2dop3

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