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Linking DayZ with steam workshop

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I think we should totally be able to make playermodels (skins) and put them on steam workshop. This would be good for a Blender Modeler such as myself and I and others could make starter playermodels then offer them on steam so people could download the playermodels instead of using the charecterless, boring original playermodel.

Another thing is making clothing such as trenchcoats, balaclavas, and so on so forth and editing default clothing textures (like leather jackets to make motorcycle gang patches or changing colours of shirts).

Anyways something that just developed in my mind that I felt could be implamented.

- LG2

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depends how much valve supports the idea themselves.

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I think rocket said that the game will be published via steam and he also said a couple of times that he also would like to make it possible that players create their own skins (devblog february i think?) so maybe it comes to this via the steam workshop...

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Aren't we going to be able to customize our characters' features in the standalone?

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Modeling new player shapes in blender is not very interesting.. character are human and body shape cannot be changed, an editor would be more interesting like these we have in skyrim or other RPG!

We could choose color, weight, face and other details ! :)

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Modeling new player shapes in blender is not very interesting.. character are human and body shape cannot be changed, an editor would be more interesting like these we have in skyrim or other RPG!

We could choose color, weight, face and other details ! :)

What do you mean blender is not very intresting? And I think it is very easy to just edit clothing textures or playermodels in blender but it could save time if rocket made a in game editer but I highly doubt it.

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the ridiculous things people would make imo,would kill the zombie apocalyptic feel.

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For just editing textures we don't need Blender, just paint or maybe photoshop. Blender is for putting textures on 3d model (or creating 3d models but I think it would result on weird shape that people will make). Actually, skin (textures) and 3d models are separated, but Arma combine them to make : a 3d model, with multiple texture, like face, clothings... All characters in Dayz are based on only one shape (maybe one for man and one for woman), and texture are juste picture we can find in Arma files.

All videogame are made like this

If they put an editor in the SA, people should only customize the texture and not the 3d shape

I don't know if I'm easily understandable

And like I said upper, an editor like Skyrim, or the Sims, or maybe Fifa would allow players to make characters that look like their, and give more freedom than the actual profile settings, with premade face.

However the editor should not allow people to customize the base of the characters, the 3d shape, too much freedom in modeling will not be interesting

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