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even with all the zombies, and bandits the deadliest thing for me is the V button

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Seriously, its pretty sad how many times I have died by accidentally pressing v instead of c while on a building attempting to crouch but to my demise I find myself screaming "nooooooo!" into my mic as my character dramatically falls to his death.

please tell me I'm not the only one who does this!

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I have a similar issue with Arma 3. "G" is now the grenade button, not the "gear" button. I keep fragging myself. If it becomes an issue just re-map the "v" key. It's not often you need it anyway IMO.

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for me it is like this in arma cold war assault because I played arma 2 first then I got cold war assault and I kept not knowing the controllers because they changed them so much :|

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FOr some reason, everytime I go on a particular building in Elektrozavodsk (the school looking thing with shit-all loot but a good vantage point), it seems that my keyboard registers the W key as always having been double-tapped. This problem doesn't happen ANYWHERE else. I've only jumped off the building 1, though, in the 10+ attempts my PC has tried killing me.

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  On 6/2/2013 at 6:55 PM, Fraggle said:

I have a similar issue with Arma 3. "G" is now the grenade button, not the "gear" button. I keep fragging myself. If it becomes an issue just re-map the "v" key. It's not often you need it anyway IMO.

First match of ARMA 3 DM i played, our entire team blew them self up. Damn you BI making "g" grenade!

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  On 6/2/2013 at 7:29 PM, Applejaxc said:

FOr some reason, everytime I go on a particular building in Elektrozavodsk (the school looking thing with shit-all loot but a good vantage point), it seems that my keyboard registers the W key as always having been double-tapped. This problem doesn't happen ANYWHERE else. I've only jumped off the building 1, though, in the 10+ attempts my PC has tried killing me.

For some reason i have a issue when im on this building, when i try to lay down my character will "dive-to-prone" .. resulting in my guy jumping the building trying to "fly"


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  On 6/2/2013 at 8:42 PM, Anarchyihdi said:

For some reason i have a issue when im on this building, when i try to lay down my character will "dive-to-prone" .. resulting in my guy jumping the building trying to "fly"


Same building, I bet; I have that problem too.

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Some guy was trying to sneak up on me and shoot me probably.

I presumed he was trying to crouch, but instead I turned around and saw him jumping in mid-air.

Too bad for him he didn't get my beans that day.

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I've never accidentally vaulted but my character does love to dolphin dive off the edge of whatever I'm standing on when I want to go prone.

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The diving forward when going prone is because after being on a ladder your gun will often be lowered. Double tap ctrl key after getting off ladders to raise your weapon, no more dive forward.

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Or when you are trying to put away your binoculars, but you accidentally hit "V" and stare at the car that is barreling down at you while you just stand there thinking "Well this is how I die.".

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solution: Change the keybind to "2xV". meaning double tap V

you can't combat roll, but it ensures you "confirm" your vault by double tapping. I've used this for a long time now for that very reason

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  On 6/2/2013 at 6:55 PM, Fraggle said:

I have a similar issue with Arma 3. "G" is now the grenade button, not the "gear" button. I keep fragging myself. If it becomes an issue just re-map the "v" key. It's not often you need it anyway IMO.

Most other games seem to be G for grenade so I don't find this too much to adapt to. Plus it adds some comedy value watching Arma II players playing Arma III. Really though, just remap your controls.

Edited by jk_scowling

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Accidentally vaulting while trying to run from zeds... too many times it's happened.

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to my shame I did this yesterday I was at the top of one of towers in a castle. I wanted to take a look around with my binoculars. so I pressed what I thought was the B key I had actually hit the deadly V key so I vaulted over the edge of the tower and face planted in to the ground. :(

Edited by DeathWatch Paul
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i actually bound the vault move to one of my two thumb-mousebuttons so it is far away from the "c" ... ;)

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  On 6/3/2013 at 1:11 AM, Powell said:

solution: Change the keybind to "2xV". meaning double tap V

you can't combat roll, but it ensures you "confirm" your vault by double tapping. I've used this for a long time now for that very reason

Wow man, thats sounds like a solution! i will try that, tahnks!

edit: and btw "thread of the day"! :)

Edited by m.cab

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