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I made it to the 1hr mark finaly

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It only took me 4tries to get that far, but in all the time i have played(just bought it today) i have yet to find one gun or extra bandages. any suggestoins for a new guy...or just keep chopping with my axe till i get lucky?

also on a side note this has to be the best survival game ever created. i cant wait to work my way up to 2hrs now lol

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gratz :D

as for tips, well I would say if you want a long healthly in game life, leave the coast immediately on spawn and dont even think about comming back until you're up to the eyeballs in loot.

Head for mid size villages with markets/large churches, or head for castles, and always barns.

Lastly, learn which buildings have loot in, the buildings are copy/paste duplicated all over the map so once you've seen a building with loot in keep looking for ones that look like that.

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awesome ty. that is good to know...yeah the one thing a friend told me was when u spawn to just pick a direction and run and dont look back. again ty and i hope eventually i can be giving out tips to newbs like me

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a tip I found useful as a nooby (and still do)


have this open in another tab (or a map you prefer)

get yourself used to reading topagraphy, in no time you'll find yourself orienteering through mountains and forest to your location rather than along dangerous roads

Me, my buddy, and our hunting equipment last hours in the wilderness, dying only when we end up going to raid a town/military post and run into other survivors due to boredom :p

Also: check out the deer stands, labelled on the map. They contain low amounts of military gear, generally have a few military zombies guarding them, but have a lot lower chance of running into other players compared to other military loot locations

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Take Leb's advice.

There are multiple places to find good loot, if you look on http://DayZMap.info you should find many of these areas labeled with a high chance of "Military Loot", some good areas to find military loot are, Deer Stands, Military Camps and Airfields.

The NW Airfield all the way to the top left is where the best loot spawns, but it is a far walk and the risk of dying there is high. So you should probably check deer stands and at least find a pistol before traversing over to the airfield.

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Tried the game out for the first time today and I have to say it's one of the best horror games/d-day sim I've played so far. It's a lot different from the old flashpoint/Arma2 gameplay, but knowing the controls and actually being able to read a map made things easier. Though a couple of things was a bit frustrating.

- Spawning at a place where I get a z running after me even after I have moved within the first 10 seconds was pretty gnarly. It did not help that I had no way of defending myself apart from running. Thankfully, the z tripped or something after a good 5-10 min of chasing me and died. Those little monkey ones are waaaay easier to loose. Should not be spawning z so close to the starter area imo...

- The lack of starter gear...I'm all for not starting out with any weapons, but a bandage and some pills? Thirst inadvertently killed me [in what seemed like a tropical rainstorm non the less], as I become desperate when the water symbol started flashing. I finally found a can of pepsi, but with a z at the bottom of the stairs it was basically game over at that point. Before that I searched 3 deerstands and a small shack and had glowsticks, various ammo, pills, a heating pack and other useless items....but is it too much to ask to start with a canteen or a can of soda?

With that being said, I cant wait to try again:)

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