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UK looking for team ups

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hi guys im fairly new to dayz ive been going solo for the past week just getting to know the game :P and now wanting to know if people wanna team up most ppl ive come across in game have been mainly bandits and i do end up dead over (since the new changes) a flashlight so anyone looking for team up leave me ur steam name and ill msg u :)


SteamID- lovejmw01

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I am in the UK. I play various times, normally evening till late. Sometimes I want to play lone wolf other times I want to team up. I play as a non bandit and only kill in self defence.

If these times and playstyle suit you add me on steam. That goes for anyone else too who would like to add me.

Steam name: Molten@home

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Me too! I'm in the UK - already play with a group of mates, there's about 8/9 of us, with up to 5 at any one time and it's AWESOME! We always looking for more friendlies :) We are a friendly bunch and as above, only kill in self defence (In 3 weeks we have only killed 4/5 people between ALL of us - NEVER in cold blood, usually avenging a friends murder).

We play a shit load at weekends, and sometimes in evenings (Tonight being one such event).

Add me if u wanna join the party! (Have added you guys who posted before me)

Steam ID: rodrigoii

hi guys im fairly new to dayz ive been going solo for the past week just getting to know the game :P and now wanting to know if people wanna team up most ppl ive come across in game have been mainly bandits and i do end up dead over (since the new changes) a flashlight so anyone looking for team up leave me ur steam name and ill msg u :)


SteamID- lovejmw01

Added you but steam says you were last online over a year ago... lol.

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We have quite a few UK members.

Usually people on most days and you can hop in and join any of our groups.

Feel free to pop me a message or anything. Details below.

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Hey and welcome to dayZ man!

Me and my friends are always looking for more friendlies too. We're ok with joining excisting groups or forming our own. It's me from the UK, 2 from Denmark and 1 Dutch guy. No worries though we all speak english. :p

We're a bunch of carefull players that usually stalk around the woods and sneak into towns when we know it's safe. Though 2 of our guys are somewhat trigger happy if only in self defence. If you're interrested by all means add me.

Steam ID: Sinful

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Fellow Uk survivor here as well, uncertaingod is my steam Id if you want to add me, mainly been soloing myself but wouldn't mind some company to share the beans with.

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Hey and welcome to dayZ man!

Me and my friends are always looking for more friendlies too. We're ok with joining excisting groups or forming our own. It's me from the UK' date=' 2 from Denmark and 1 Dutch guy. No worries though we all speak english. :p

We're a bunch of carefull players that usually stalk around the woods and sneak into towns when we know it's safe. Though 2 of our guys are somewhat trigger happy if only in self defence. If you're interrested by all means add me.

Steam ID: Sinful


I really like the sound of your playstyle. I want to avoid groups that are too large and just run into towns and steamroll everything just because there are loads of them. I normally play as lone wolf and before the hatchet patch would live mostly in woods and hunting animals for food.

I am having trouble finding you on steam though so if you would like to add me pls go ahead.

Steam: Molten@home

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Me too! I'm in the UK - already play with a group of mates' date=' there's about 8/9 of us, with up to 5 at any one time and it's AWESOME! We always looking for more friendlies :) We are a friendly bunch and as above, only kill in self defence (In 3 weeks we have only killed 4/5 people between ALL of us - NEVER in cold blood, usually avenging a friends murder).

We play a shit load at weekends, and sometimes in evenings (Tonight being one such event).

Add me if u wanna join the party! (Have added you guys who posted before me)

Steam ID: rodrigoii


hi guys im fairly new to dayz ive been going solo for the past week just getting to know the game :P and now wanting to know if people wanna team up most ppl ive come across in game have been mainly bandits and i do end up dead over (since the new changes) a flashlight so anyone looking for team up leave me ur steam name and ill msg u :)


SteamID- lovejmw01

Added you but steam says you were last online over a year ago... lol.

lol thts odd well ive sent u an invite aswell as everyone who posted on here

:) see u on soon

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playstyle the same as you guys....

steam name: 121212167

i have a teamspeak3 server if you guys would want to use that.


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Heya, i've from scotland, i just started playing the game a couple of days ago, would like to get together as a team as that sounds fun, my steam is.....


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Another option for you, join us:


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Hey and welcome to dayZ man!

Me and my friends are always looking for more friendlies too. We're ok with joining excisting groups or forming our own. It's me from the UK' date=' 2 from Denmark and 1 Dutch guy. No worries though we all speak english. :p

We're a bunch of carefull players that usually stalk around the woods and sneak into towns when we know it's safe. Though 2 of our guys are somewhat trigger happy if only in self defence. If you're interrested by all means add me.

Steam ID: Sinful


Hey man mind If I join your group? Been trying to find some UK based groups, Add me on steam Macho Gamer 1

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I wouldn't mind someone sharing some blood with me. Hit me up -anyone-

steamid: ankus_brendon

(I also have a shitload of stuff if anyone needs assistance, but I'm low on blood like a bitch!)

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i'm in

steam ID - Gards

I have an F12011 avatar

It would help if more brits used the Teamspeak server also, like me :)

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i would like to team up, but skeptical as tried to join afew groups and basically been ignored.

Steam ID - leekawey

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yeah im looking for a team in the uk thing is i have classes on weekdays but i can play most any time after 3:30 pm my steam is XxodgamingxX hit me up anyone im all for playing with anyone

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I would enjoy teaming up with someone else from UK, anyone add my steam who wants to play - Mr_iglooz :)

I have skype, teamspeak etc too...

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