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Getting kicked out from game at start

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Hey, whenever I load dayz using commander I will always have a problem which doesn't let me play, it usually (not always) comes up with a full loading screen bar after dayz has loaded, i can get into any server lobby fine but then it doesn't work, I have tried verifying integrity through steam and re downloading the DayZ versions and the beta through commander, none of this has worked and some just create other problems which then go back to the problem i am having, if i do manage to get past the loading screen then it will usually let me into the game for 3-5 seconds before coming up with battle-eye not responding, any response too this issue will be greatly appreciated as I have already deleted local content for arma 2 and arrowhead about 3 times now, this game is the only thing I play and it's really annoying when this happens, thanks


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Without the log from the server, that screenshot doesn't really say much. It could be a number of issues. Like that was happening to me last night and it was because my game wasn't talking to the database. And earlier today, it was happening to a guy on my server because he disabled battleye. There are 101 reasons why it can hang at that screen

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  On 6/1/2013 at 10:08 PM, Be4st said:

Without the log from the server, that screenshot doesn't really say much. It could be a number of issues. Like that was happening to me last night and it was because my game wasn't talking to the database. And earlier today, it was happening to a guy on my server because he disabled battleye. There are 101 reasons why it can hang at that screen

How do I get the log from the server?

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If it is your server, then its in the same folder as the exe. server.log I think. If its not your server then there is nothing you can do unless you know the guy and he can give you a copy.

Also the RPT log can tell some info also (located in same folder)

Edited by Be4st

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try launching from steam (selecting launch with beta patch when prompted by steam) and using the ingame browser.

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  On 6/1/2013 at 10:26 PM, wooly-back-jack said:

try launching from steam (selecting launch with beta patch when prompted by steam) and using the ingame browser.

when trying this i get an error message, i will post screenshoti if i can work out how lol

Edited by thenamesalexhoward

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when you verify gamechache of each arma game you also need to run each game, yu cant just install everything without running it first and jump straight into dayz.

Exit steam, right click, run as administrator.

verify game cache of every arma 2 game and DLC

run arma 2

run arma 2 OA

run any DLC

run dayz mod (may aswell download dayz mod through steam http://store.steampowered.com/app/224580/ )

lauch dayz mod from steam and select use beta patch when prompted

use ingame browser.

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The only things i downloaded from commander was dayz origins, the arma patch and normal dayz, I may have downloaded a previous version of arma patch but i have the newest patch available at the minute installed

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I tried it again multiple times and it kicks me out of the game because of battleye not responding and then kicking me from the game any other suggestions will be welcome if you have any?

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Sup guys,I have the same problem,my DayZ starts up,shows Bohemia screen,then the DayZ please wait a moment screen then continues loading but i do not hear any sounds the screen is black for awhile and suddenly kicks me out,ive already tried the resulution changing thing but stil nothing,please i want my DayZ!

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  On 11/20/2016 at 7:42 AM, xXxDanielxXx said:

Sup guys,I have the same problem,my DayZ starts up,shows Bohemia screen,then the DayZ please wait a moment screen then continues loading but i do not hear any sounds the screen is black for awhile and suddenly kicks me out,ive already tried the resulution changing thing but stil nothing,please i want my DayZ!

Are you trying to play vanilla? If so, the way i fixed it was:


Install DayZ Mod on steam, launch it, copy the IP of the server you want from DayZ Launcher, and paste it into "remote" in the in-game server browser.

If that doesn't work, run steam as admin and try again. 

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