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Fireplace and meat cooking

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Just imagine : you're in Tchernarus, near Cherno, it's raining as hell. When you hear some shoots from not so far away ! A bambi is shooting at you with the makarov he just found ! Lucky you, you have a M16, a full magasines, and you shoot him with all the strength and the power of your soul ! Bambi is dead, but you, you're hit, you're bleeding, your blood leave slowly your body !

"What can I do ?" would you say.

You have some meat in your backpack, but without cooking it, it can be dangerous, you could have an infection.

Zombies are running after you, so you run to the nearest forrest and run and run. After 200m, it seems that no more z's are following you...

You stop, harvest woods, and try to light on a fire place.

"What ? It doesn't work ? The wood is very very wet..., I will die !!"

This little introduction was written to remind you of the absurdity of the actual fireplace system.

Actually, even it's raining, snowing, winding, you can light a fireplace, just with (wet and just cut) wood and matches. This is not so realistic.

In the real world, to light on a stick of wood, it must be drying for months before it can burn alone. And you will need other devices than only a matches to burn it, like a newspaper, gas, dry grasses.

And if waiting 3 months to dry a wood pile is too long for you, some solutions exists !

First solution : portable stove.

Portable stove are easily craftable (you could make one with two soda can, a knife and some scrap metals)


But, not for this soda can stove seems to work only with denat alcohol, which can't be found for now in Dayz. I'm wondering if gas could be effective to run it, or too burnable and explosive.. :/

Second solution : use gas for light up

I don't know if you ever tried to light up a fire with only woods, outside, but it's nearly impossible. Only if you sprinkle the woods with gas, oil, or some burnable liquids. The fire will begin instantly when you throw a matches in, and the heat made by the gas will at first dry the woods, which will burn alone when it will be completely dry.

Third solution : use cigarette lighter sockets on cars

They can provide a suffisant electrical current to heat a resistance (an huge wire in spiral, under a metal board, to avoid contact between meat and resistance.

Inconvenients : hard to make the connections between the resistance and the cars in a videogame... !

Thanks for reading,

Excuse me for my bad english, I'm french :)

Edited by LoulouMekna
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Having a portable stove would be great, but maybe having gas required to keep using it would be somewhat hard to find (Not rare) Also making the stove weigh/take up a lot of space would make sense to

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Not a lot of space is required, have you seen the link ? It takes not more space than a can

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Like the idea of making fires being more involved with a chance of failure,

few vids here that might interest you,

its not so difficult to get damp wood burning as you might think, but its true most people would struggle.

And this is a neat craftable fire solution


And looks like gas stoves will be in the standalone:)

skip to about 0:50 in.

Edited by Fluxley

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