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Leigh (DayZ)

Deer Stands

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Anyone else found that the deer stands seem not to be producing any look, minus random tat, eg. a steel bolt and some road flares? or have i just been severley unlucky in my scavanging?


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Anyone else found that the deer stands seem not to be producing any look

I'm glad, I wouldn't like a deer stand staring at me while I take things from it.

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Anyone else found that the deer stands seem not to be producing any look

I'm glad' date=' I wouldn't like a deer stand staring at me while I take things from it.


This made me chuckle, I've found a handgun of some description but I've only found one since patch can't confirm nor deny.

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Recently found a really nice loot in the deerstand. A coyote backpack and a m16 with 2 mags. Those where found in the same stand btw,

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I just did my usual farming run of Deer Stands and here is what i've got: Found an Ak47 + 2 mags, M9 +3 mags, M4 +2 mags, AKM +1 mag, Assault pack, 2 cans of pepsi.

Yesterday i had a M16A2 + M203 and a M24 but i had to leave them.

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I found a few shotguns, an AK, a pistol and randam ammo/chemlight/canned goods in the 4 deer stands I went to tonight. Server was Seems ok to me, though I wish my luck was as good as Terrorfex :(

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Clearly its just my luck that sucks big time. guess ill have to stick with my road flares and keep on looking.


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I found an MP5SD in a deerstand just this afternoon. I left it though because I have better, but they seem to be spawning loot just fine.

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I find lots of guns on them.

But i cant find a single can of food. Never. And i dont have a knife now. I guess i will starve to death again or just head south to start my personal bean war.

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I found an empty coke can in one, but admittedly i've only looked in one today... still have bad memories of 1.7.1

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