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June Release

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Yes, I know this is probably the 4,000th time this question has been asked. And I know I'm new... But I'm also curious.

Since Rocket tweeted about the closed beta beginning soon, and the server-client architecture being finished, does this solidify a June release? I know E3 is gonna throw a wrench into the cogs for them, but even after that, do they have a few weeks' time before they can actually release? Things like publishing & copyrighting processes, initial updates, (boxing?), et cetera. I know that a lot of people are banking on a June release for the standalone, but is that something we may have to assume a presumption until they actually set one in stone?

Don't get me wrong - I want the game to release as soon as possible! I personally know, however, that once a game is finished, there are still a lot of hurdles to be leaped and steps to complete. Just curious as to what processes and hurdles must still be accomplished before the release, and how long those may take.

What do you guys think?

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Yes i think June also, June the 17th to be precise, June the 17th 2015 to be a little more exact.


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I seriously doubt the alpha will make a June release. I'd say it won't be until the end of July or early August. Obviously it is all speculation but based on the stuff I've read from Dean on Reddit/Twitter, they've got a lot of work to do before it is even remotely in a playable state.

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The "Mass Test" of 30-100 people in the Closed Alpha started on 27th since the server architecture was finished.

Edit; Getting source -->

Edit2; Here we are! http://puu.sh/34yQ8.png

Edited by Dancing.Russian.Man

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Didn't he say he could only release it after E3.

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I'm going for somewhere between August-December.

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There is no release date. Keep an eye on the forums. Any release dates you do hear will be pure speculation.

The game is currently in closed testing, they have achieved a major goal recently which is to complete the new server/client architecture which will improve the game in many ways, fundamentally it will make hacking extremely difficult. Now that has been sorted we should see progress moving along nicely.


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I'm going for somewhere between August-December.

What year?

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What year?


This Year.

Edited by BwobBwub

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