Louis (DayZ) 0 Posted June 19, 2012 I think it would improve the DayZ experience if there were wild life in the forrest, so you also had to watch out for bears and other dangerous animals in the woods. Instead of only zombies and players.As an example there could be bears, and the bears should be fast enough both movement speed and attack animation to hit you even if you were running, they should very very dangerous, 2-3 attacks and you were dead, and have twice the HP of a zombie (whatever they have). That way they can kill you, even if you have some of the better weapons like AKM or M4A1. They should also have a very big chance of braking your bones when they hit you, and also a much bigger bleed chance than a normal zombie.There could also be wolfes, and they should have about as much HP as a normal zombie, but they could walk around in groups of 3-4 or something like that. They shouldn't do as much damage as a bear ofc. but since they are hunting in packs they should be able to kill almost instantaneously if they first cacth you. They should ofc be much faster than a normal human too.Both of the animals should be much easier to aggro through sound, but harder through vision. But they could be able to smell you from quite a distant depending on the wind direction? if its possible.If anyone have any suggestions to how they should work, or which animals it should be come with some ideas!(Sorry for not being absoloutly perfect at english, so get over it grammar nazis) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kloust! 0 Posted June 20, 2012 *wolvesGood idea though! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 67 Posted June 20, 2012 You do relaize there has never been a recorded, unprovoked wolf attack on a human in recorded history right...? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Louis (DayZ) 0 Posted June 20, 2012 No i didn't know that Tappa, and if that is true, then they could just add bears, it would still be awesome when you run around in the forrest at night, and then suddenly you can hear a bear roar from behind, you turn around and turn on your flashlight, and you see a bear jumping you and with one hit, you legs are broken and you are lying down with 1/2 blood, as you turn your AK / M4 or whatever weapon you hopefully have, on full automatic, and spray an entire mag into the bears face / chest. Then you should be able to gut the animal ofc, and it should give like 12-15 peaces of meat. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zeromentor 169 Posted June 20, 2012 You do relaize there has never been a recorded' date=' unprovoked wolf attack on a human in recorded history right...?[/quote']I'd like your source on that, and I'll even ignore history of rabid wolves, people bleeding near wolves, or just walking near wolf territory without knowing it, and starving wolf attacks.Anyhow, if they added dangerous animals they'd have to add the skins ingame, as well as new animations and sounds. Personally, I'd like to believe that all the zombies, gunfire and random explosions of crashing helicopters drove the animals away (except the random stupid ones, like Sheep, Cows, etc). I could see boars gaining an attack animation if you get too close, which would be neat.Starving Bears could work, making them seek out players due to them carrying cooked meat or bleeding. Bears could run as fast as a normal standing player, obviously, and take more rounds than a zombie to put down, as well as do severe damage to players per swing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rogo Ignoscant 8 Posted June 20, 2012 You do relaize there has never been a recorded' date=' unprovoked wolf attack on a human in recorded history right...?[/quote']Correct, wolves will not attack a human unprovoked. But the possibility is there (quoted below)MY 2 CENTS!But that being said, there is nothing stopping the 'zombie infection' affecting wildlife in such a manor. Zombie wolves and bears anyone? Meat eaters I assume would be more prone to the virus than vegetation eating wildlife.-------------------- Quoted Crap for Wolves attacking Humans -----------------Ethologist Doctor Valerius Geist of the University of Calgary, Alberta outlined seven hypothetical stages which lead to wolf attacks on humans based on historical and modern accounts. The first outlined stage is scarcity of wild game, be it due to poaching, habitat loss or seasonal migration. Wolves begin approaching human habitations, though limit their visits to nocturnal hours. Their presence is usually established by barking matches with local dogs. After a certain amount of time, wolves begin to frequent human habitations in daylight hours, and observe people and livestock at a distance. The wolves begin acting bolder by attacking small livestock and pets during daylight, sometimes pursuing their prey up to verandas. At this point the wolves do not focus on humans, but will growl and act threateningly toward them. The wolves begin attacking large-bodied livestock and may follow riders, as well as mount verandas and look into windows. People begin to be harassed, usually in a playful manner. The wolves will chase people over short distances and nip at them, though will retreat if confronted. Wolves begin attacking people in predatory fashions. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Russian (DayZ) 2 Posted June 22, 2012 Totally agree with this, there are some deep woods on the map and for most of the time you don't see a thing. Like you said before adding the wolves and bears would add that extra threat to the game. I also wish there were some sort of small caves which could also have bears in them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites