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Launch Parameters

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Hello i want to start dayz with the following things Rmod2,Origins,BAF and PMC but what parameter should i use i use for rmod and origins this: -mod=;@dayzorigins;@rmod2 but i want the DLCs too any ideas?

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Assuming you have the required DLC's the start up line would be something like this...

"-mod=C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2;Expansion;ca;Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion;@dayz"

Now if you want different Islands and modifications the above is not going to work.

The best program and easiest to use I know of for modification managment and launching is Spirited Machine ArmA Launcher.

There are some instalation & instruction vids on the net.


Might help, might not.

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