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cnoTe (DayZ)

Starting COOP community on a new server

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Hello everyone,

I recently got a NoPvP server started (IP: ) and am looking for more survivors to join me. There will be lots of messing around to be sure, but there will be lots of ways to keep entertained as well! There is also a TS3 server available for use.

See here for more information on this server:


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Bumpity. I am still getting warmed up with the server too, so there is also a great chance the first community members will get a LOT of influence on how the server develops!

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I'll be honest, the two primary reasons are that I am 1) horrible at PvP and 2)prefer to shoot the shit with my gaming buddies than 'do hardcore gaming'. I see video gaming as a pleasant way to waste some time, like most hobbies, and that the best way to really enjoy wasting time is to do it with others and have fun while doing so. I do play my share of PvP, but I am more of an RTS PVPer than an FPS one (not saying that I am any better at it, of course :D).

I like the No-PvP approach to this particular game because I feel that it attracts like-minded individuals. If I could join a game and shoot the shit with everyone and really enjoy myself despite dying every few minutes, well that'd be no problem, but that sort of opportunity is rare. In the future, this server may well become a RP-style PvP server, because being at odds with someone you are forced to live with everyday is the ultimate survival challenge! In-game systems will likely enforce this, by perhaps forcing robbery instead of outright killing (perhaps player corpses disappear within 1 second ... noone would want the prey to die!).

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I'll be honest, the two primary reasons are that I am 1) horrible at PvP and 2)prefer to shoot the shit with my gaming buddies than 'do hardcore gaming'. I see video gaming as a pleasant way to waste some time, like most hobbies, and that the best way to really enjoy wasting time is to do it with others and have fun while doing so. I do play my share of PvP, but I am more of an RTS PVPer than an FPS one (not saying that I am any better at it, of course :D).

I like the No-PvP approach to this particular game because I feel that it attracts like-minded individuals. If I could join a game and shoot the shit with everyone and really enjoy myself despite dying every few minutes, well that'd be no problem, but that sort of opportunity is rare. In the future, this server may well become a RP-style PvP server, because being at odds with someone you are forced to live with everyday is the ultimate survival challenge! In-game systems will likely enforce this, by perhaps forcing robbery instead of outright killing (perhaps player corpses disappear within 1 second ... noone would want the prey to die!).

It's not always black and white like that. Often the funnest gameplay I ever experience is cooping with my friends against the predictable environment while defending ourselves from the unpredictable unknown survivors. While no-PvP servers could be fun, it can only be fun for so long without a real challenge (the zombies are super easy and no real threat once you are armed and supplied).

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It's not always black and white like that. Often the funnest gameplay I ever experience is cooping with my friends against the predictable environment while defending ourselves from the unpredictable unknown survivors. While no-PvP servers could be fun, it can only be fun for so long without a real challenge (the zombies are super easy and no real threat once you are armed and supplied).

Couldn't agree more. The AI bandits are the other non-player threat, and yes, once you are armed and supplied it is easy to get the drop on even them. The kicker here is that I plan on making it quite hard to reach that point where you are 'fully' armed and supplied. Yes, on a vanilla server it is easy to accumulate supplies, but I will be tweaking loot tables and spawn drops to 'compensate' for the passage of time after a place is abandoned (you know, within reason. I have only a few players right now so I am leaving it be until I actually get some people to hang around in order to observe the changing setting).

I am taking a realism approach (yes I know, it's not easy to simulate realism in a video game based on a zombie apocalypse!) to the Chernarus situation and allowing people to play through it as if their goal WAS to literally rebuild humanity in the area. As mentioned, already vehicles do not respawn automatically, loot will become scarcer in the future, bandits will get tougher, etc. This server will evolve based on the needs of the players, and if that need encompasses PvP, then we certainly will. Imagine performing a harrowing trade for supplies with a bandit group! Will they double-cross and hope for a massive payout in lieu of future trades?? Will they short-change or ROB you?? Noone knows! Play and see! Hopefully we get some players who are mature enough to take this sort of approach to banditry, because any smart bandit knows that killing the guy who loots stuff for you is a bad business decision.

As another slightly-related point, my gaming buds are being very stubborn when it comes to playing DayZ, so more often than not I am flying solo in this game. You could call this server an attempt to round up some more peeps!

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