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NYC 7 hackers

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Micky, Sumner and Grant on NYC 7 just now were instantly respawning with all their gear at our location (near the camps at Stary on the big hill). When we killed them, it listed as "Friendly fire" and their bodies never got flies. Within seconds, they were back with their full load-out at our location.

At the moment, they're still on there. Had to disconnect because they had snipers and I had to log out in the field as we were getting shot at - a few of our group died.

Adding a screenshot from my buddy - he wanted his name removed, but our group tag [soB] is there. Server admin should be able to find our info pretty quickly.

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I'm Micky, and our point of view is completely different from this. We logged in this server to farm Stary a bit. After logging in, we spotted someone, and killed him. I had one of my ground team head out to loot him when he was killed by friendly fire, by someone on the OP's clan.

Then all hell broke lose. We were all in Skype. Another in our group spotted someone running along the North Ridge. I moved up to kill him, and was promptly killed by friendly fire. When I respawned, I was back at my body.

It was at this point that we said to each other in vent, "These kids must be hacking." and assumed the server client was realizing that friendly fire kills do not legitimately exist in the game, and protected us. We realized that, moved up, and killed the hackers rather quickly.

That's my side, and I think it's pretty obvious who's hacking. They're clearly able to kill people by having someone in the debug plains to protect their clan so they can loot freely.

Edit: I'd also like to point out for those that don't know, when you have someone in the debug plains and they kill someone, it lists as friendly fire. It's been a much abused glitch in this game, and is one of the lowest ways to play imo.

My friends also wish me to add that we're all completely updated to the most recent patches for both Arma OA beta's and DayZ files.

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Alright smart guy, how were you able to respawn with full gear at Stary multiple times in a matter of seconds?

Add to that, how is Sumner there will full gear again (near your pile of ammo and DMRs) after killing him right now?

And now, it shows that he died regularly after you all logged off a few moments ago to unload your scripts. Sumner was just now killed with the same weapon that killed you at the beginning, so I'd like to hear you justify that.

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I believe you are missing the point Hatduck..

Let's say there were no hacks involved here, and the game just glitched up, it doesn't change the fact that you guys abused the glitch..

I was the one that was shot dead first, me and one other of my clan mates was going through the tents at Stary, he was covering me from the hill while I looted the tents. You guys must of just spawned in and immediately shot at me, that's fine, that's the game and that's how it works.

We immediately called for re-inforcements who were at Novy, about 2 minutes later our sniper in the hill spotted you guys and took out two of you. THIS is where you guys abused the system, all you had to do was click respawn and immediately start engaging in another fire fight with us. After we wiped you guys out a second time, you managed to respawn in the same spot, and take out 2 more of our guys. In total, you killed 3 of us, 2 of which happened AFTER you spawned back multiple times, that's what you should be punished for. If you noticed you spawned in the same place one time, you should have left the server and played elsewhere to avoid more contact. Instead, what you did was come back multiple times to kill off as many of us as you could. That's where you went wrong, and that's where you abused the glitch.

You had your chance to do the right thing and get your crew and move to another server, but instead you chose to stick around to take out as many of us as you could. In the end, you guys got away unharmed, even after dying a couple times each, while 3 of our clan members are now back on the coast.

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I don't see a problem in killing hackers, and that's where you don't seem to get the point. We didn't die by valid means. If you killed us regularly, we'd be gone to the coast, and the game would go on normally, but you chose to kill us from the debug plain, and so we were perfectly within our rights as far as I'm concerned to continue on from an illegitimate kill.

You killed one of us legitimately (Grant), which I assume was from whoever was actually on that hill, and he lost his stuff just like your team did. However, the rest of us, using the same patch and the same OA beta as him, only seemed to "die" to Friendly Fire. If you want to call that abusing the system, I will call you a hacker, because there's no reason the game should interact differently between us, on the same patches.

I verified he was on the updated patch BEFORE killing off your team (I'm the team leader, and normally call when to retreat or fight), and thus, I did nothing wrong but to move after I was "killed" (read: delayed) by your cheating buddy.

YOU made the choice to abuse the game in such a way that has been scorned by the community, and by the developer himself, and you want be to feel bad because I killed you for doing it? I respectfully beg to differ.

Sumner tells me he just died to you legitimately, which means that you finally manned up and shot him face to face. There's no magic to it. You didn't kill him by cheating. There are no scripts. We've farmed Stary on a million servers, and never had this issue before. Weird, isn't it?

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None of us were in debug forest when this happened, so unless your saying we have some kind of hack that does not kill people properly (which would defeat the whole purpose of hacking), then what your saying is not valid.

If it comes down to someone hacking here, what makes the most sense to everyone.. Someone having a hack that does not actually kill anyone?, or someone having a hack that makes it so they cannot die properly?...

Also, that screenshot Damien posted is even more proof that you guys died multiple times, there was a total of 4 dead bodies there, yet none of you actually had to re-spawn on the coast.

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Or, a more reasonable approach, you've been doing this for ages, and the recent patch boned you.

Because that's the option I choose.

Edit: I'd also like to use some common sense in reference to your screenshot. You're looking at three different bodies, in your Ghillie suit and .50 cal. You're looking at the "immortal hackers" bodies, who have an M24 and ALICE packs. Does it really make any sense to you that we'd have that bad of gear if we were able to become immortal at will? Really? ...Really?

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Actually, there's another issue here - you should NOT be playing with the latest patch ( as the server is currently; so, there is that discrepancy.

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You know what? I do apologize for screwing you out of more hacked kills by protecting myself with the latest patches, I really do.

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What does that even mean?

Also, you're talking about farming Stary AND that we killed you in the debug forest. So, which one is it? Moreover, how did you kill eFFeRR first if we were in the debug forest?

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You realize that a copy of your body stays in the debug forest right? This is a fairly well-known and bannable offense that people like you have been abusing for a while now.

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Here's another possible issue as it happened to others.

[Gods] Savior had logged out shortly before the incident with two others (BattleAlpaca and someone else - we were smack talking them a bit), but I don't know if they were involved or if it was a coincidence.

You realize that a copy of your body stays in the debug forest right? This is a fairly well-known and bannable offense that people like you have been abusing for a while now.

When [soB] Easton died, he wound up on the coast with the new empty load-out. When you "died", you were right back were you were (the hill at Stary's camp) within seconds and with your entire load-outs (DMRs).

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Here's another possible issue as it happened to others.

[Gods] Savior had logged out shortly before the incident with two others (BattleAlpaca and someone else - we were smack talking them a bit)' date=' but I don't know if they were involved or if it was a coincidence.


You realize that a copy of your body stays in the debug forest right? This is a fairly well-known and bannable offense that people like you have been abusing for a while now.

When [soB] Easton died' date=' he wound up on the coast with the new empty load-out. When you "died", you were right back were you were (the hill at Stary's camp) within seconds and with your entire load-outs (DMRs).


I had to log out due to the cable guy arriving to fix the phone line in my home. Battlealpaca is my friend and he logged out also since i had to go for 10 minutes and waited for me.

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and how can you keep saying were hacking and in debug forest. you shot and killed us first, and by you seeing our group before we saw you proves that we werent anywhere near debug forest... and my gear isnt hacked, why do you think we were in starry also? same reason you were was to farm it. as for the M107 i found it in some UAZ some guy decided to "secretly" park right next to novy

EDIT: also there were 3 of you, why would there be more than 3 of your corpses?

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Bottom line: we're going to contact the server admin and he can check the logs and all of this will be solved.

I think it'll show pretty clearly who was hacking, if anyone was, or what the issue was.

I also don't understand why you guys were on a server with the patch. You should've immediately realized that there was no in-game sound and there should've been a message saying that you were running the wrong version.

Just found a vid of the same exact exploit we encountered:

Same exact thing: friendly fire kills, and respawning with same equipment.

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Not sure if you noticed, but over half the servers are that way. I saw a guy as soon as I logged in, and I took the shot. Everything that followed was purely escalation with little time to react. There was no, "Oh, I guess we should log now."

My friend logged in, and was immediately killed by friendly fire. That set everything into motion.

Also, we run a 5 man team, not three.

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Will you either list the people involved in the incident here or PM them to me?

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So you can try and get them banned too? No, I'll take responsibility for my people.

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So fact of the matter is.. there was no hacking going on.. you guys were on while the server was a server, apparently this has been happening a lot.. what bothers me about it though is you did exploit it by continually coming back with your guys and trying to kill us off..

Most likely nothing will be done about this, unfortunately it would be nice to get our gear back that you wrongfully took from us..

Doesn't change the fact though that you guys found an advantage and tried to abuse it, bet it wasn't your first time

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Here's 2 groups that both thought the other was hacking. You guys should be laughing over this incident while sharing a can of beans, not sitting on a forum verbally sniping each other like New Jersey housewives. Now shake hands, form an alliance and then betray each other later in game after spinning a massive and tangled web of deceit and intrigue like real men.

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Hello I was also on the server when this happened. [soB] are completely in the right.

Basically when you join a server with an older version of DayZ than the server is running you have no sound and a faint message telling you.

Zombies will not see you but you can still PvP as players will be able to see you. Any loot you get will not be saved and when you rejoin or join another server you will be back where you last disconnected on a server running the same version as you. Even if you die it will not be saved.

So in this state you can only grief legitimate players and can't even save any loot.

Also when you are killed in this mode, it says [friendly fire].

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Well, it's fairly obvious we weren't there to grief. I already also explained why I didn't immidiately log out. I saw the kill, and I took it. I'm not here to snipe, but with the (admirable) zero tolerance policy that this game adheres to, you're sure as hell going to see me here defending myself and my friends.

On a lighter note though, after realizing what happened, I have to say, it's pretty funny. I do apologize to your team, if that's what truely happened. It was the first older patched server we had died on that day (or week, for that matter).

And just as a direct response to you Efferr, it was our first time, as we rarely come up against anyone who lives more than a few seconds between the five of us. I've only died once in the past few weeks, and we rarely are on un-patched servers, purely becuause sound is such a crucial part of our survival in PvP.

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Yea, no biggie. This game is buggy as hell and we've just had so many issues with hackers recently that it just seemed too obvious, and the story wasn't adding up. Adding to that, all the gear in our tents and our new vehicles all were erased this morning after moving camp - everything gone but what's on our backs and we're all logged out in the middle of nowhere.

This game just hates fun.

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