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My SA Bandit Plan

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So I watched the Pax interview on the 25th... and well, Rocket excites me and we'll leave it at that. ;)

What really interested me was 2 statements. 1, he mentioned a "Shock" system, in which if your "Shock" value exceeds your blood, you are knocked unconscious. 2, at extremely close range, it maybe be possible to perform a (maybe?) non-lethal buttstock bash or (probably) lethal bayonet stab. Yay!

So here's my plan to get rich in DayZ without firing any bullets.

  1. Find a baseball bat, knife/hatchet/lethal weapon, motorcycle helmet, and clothes with a lot of inventory slots.
  2. Hide in a low-priority Cherno/Elektro/New City(?) building, that no one wants to enter.
  3. Bug a nearby high-priority building with a radio/listen for players.
  4. Wait for someone to walk by the building alone with their back to me.
  5. CRACK them over the head with the bat until they're unconscious, drag them into the building I was hiding in, then stab and/or hack them to death.
  6. And repeat.

The Applejaxc 5-step plan for banditry success without shooting. Sneak attacks, people!

If tasers are added (please, Rocket!), they'll make the 'Sneak up and knock out' step a lot easier.

High-risk enemies (Lee Enfields, assault rifles, AS50s, et cetera) would crumble under my aluminum terrorizer! (bat)

In the 2 weeks I spent playing BP, I did essentially this: Hide in a Firestation with a taser, tase whoever comes in, take their car, and either run them over with it or shoot them with it. Works best at night with some NVGs.

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oh, you cray man, you f*kn cray.

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Wouldn't it be easier just to beat them to death while they're unconscious? Or for lolz factor, drown them in the ocean?

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Wouldn't it be easier just to beat them to death while they're unconscious? Or for lolz factor, drown them in the ocean?

No. I save bat durability by stabbing them. or better yet, not use any weapon; knock them out, then kick/punch to death?

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Oh, and you're over thinking it.

Here's my 1 step plan.

1. If it moves, shoot it.

You'll be wasting a lot of ammunition on birds and other animals.

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Spawn on the coast.

Find a weapon.

Find a vehicle.

Repair the vehicle.

Go north.

Loot barracks, Military Tents and Helicrashes.

Go to the coast and rape bambies.



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Jerry's Banditry Plan

1. Kidnap 2 bambis

2. give them crowbars

3. watch them fight to the death

4. Kill the winner anyway

Fight Club is, wait i'm not supposed to tak about it.

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Oh, and you're over thinking it.

Here's my 1 step plan.

1. If it moves, shoot it.

1: That's a really bad plan

2: "Step" #6 (repeat) isn't a step.

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what if they see you first and they have a gun?

I think you missed the point of hide. If you can't hide correctly, then you fucked up the plan and don't deserve my knowledge.

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Bu.. but it's labeled..?


It's an honorary member of the list.

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1: That's a really bad plan

2: "Step" #6 (repeat) isn't a step.

1. It's quite effective,

and it can be considered a step.

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well once SA comes out i'm going to counter sneak-attack you apple :)

And I shall counter-counter sneak attack you, good sir.

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And I shall counter-counter sneak attack you, good sir.

well once SA comes out i'm going to counter sneak-attack you apple :)

If you don't stop i'll come over there and smack both of you...WITH MY BEANZ

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