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Anyone help me add rMod 2.1 willing to pay!

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Hey guys so I have a server on dayz.st and I really want rMod 2.1 and am willing to pay £40/$55 if anyone can add it to my server of you could help me out of really appreciate it, my email is youngblud360@hotmail.co.uk

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This is the Public Server Forum, I'll move you to the Private where you will get more views with your rMod question.


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Add the @rMod folder using FTP

Modify the server .pbo and inside the mission.sqm add "rmod" in the list of addons

Modify your launch parameters to include @rmod21

Send the server key to admin@dayz.st and tell them you need it added to your keys directory to run rMod2.1

It's pretty simple really :) The hardest part is getting the dayz.st staff to reply to your request

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