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I haven't read all three pages, but my addition to the list is; Find a steep hill crest, semi smooth one side, quite steep other side of crest. Run up it, get them behind you then run down the hill. Make sure you don't catch air going off the edge. If done right, the zombies should go flying through the air behind you, crash to the ground and die. Because they run so much faster than you do.

I have only done this once, and I was not really trying to do this or test my theory. But I went over the edge, and the two zombies were lying on the ground. I was bleeding and empty inventory due to fresh spawn. (Mad dash to a barn gone wrong) With a shout of joy I discovered the one zombie had a bandage for me!!!!! WOO

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The zombie AI in the first patch and following hotfix was great. They were heavily sight based' date=' which meant that a good approach was required, and sneaking was mostly about keeping specific zombies in mind, and staying behind them or around corners. The zombies hearing seemed significantly diminished from 1.6, but not completely so. This made sense as I don't know how a zombie was telling the difference between me walking and one of its brethren.

Now, however, the AI rely far too heavily on sound, and are far to good at hearing the living. I am currently stuck on the top of a firehouse. It is pitch black, and I can see nothing. About 10 zombies chased me up here, and when I got to the top, they went to their normal patrol routine as they could not find me. Every time I move a single step forward, while crouching mind you, every single one of them goes absolutely berserk. From the TOP of the firehouse, they know exactly where I am every time I make any moves. This really is retarded.


+1 Im currently stuck on top of an apartment in cherno

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player sounds need to be muffled from zombies when inside buildings.

Zombies need to stop acting like Homing missiles to the player and start acting more like zombies. Shuffling towards the sound and then agro a player if they see them within their range.

allow zombies to see standing players further but reduce their range for seeing crouched. leave prone as is.

i always felt zombies should be slow and dumb but hit incredibly hard. their strengths should always lie in numbers.

I would perfectly be fine with slow and dumb zombies as long as they increased the spawns 3-10 fold.

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I like the direction he is trying to go with the zombies.

Zombies should be a threat' date=' and raiding large cities should be a coordinated effort that requires more than one person. A lone survivor should be stuck with daunting odds and raiding small towns until he can come across people to work with. I like this, he should concentrate on how to keep the zombies a huge threat imo. Keep it the way that it is and work out the kinks. I would have just held off on taking the starting gear for when the zombie mechanics are working as intended. Do you really think in a real life situation like this you would be able to survive on your own? Do you really think that without an arsenal at your disposal you are going to be able to raid Atlanta on your own? Fix the quirky mechanics, then focus on how we can make the zombies even more dangerous.


This thread is for gameplay tips not to discuss the current state of development.

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Be glad they can't smell you and know exactly where you are ...

I agree that their current mechanics are a little borked. That is fixable with this being alpha and all. I do not agree with going back to easy mode where literally the only thing I had to worry about was some winchester toting madman running around a large infected city with reckless abandon. I am a huuuge fan of killing other players. I just feel there is a more realistic forum for it. Running around a large city like rambo on your own is a good way to get killed I'm sure.

Like I said, I like the direction he is going with making the zombies an actual threat, rather than a source of beans and a MINOR distraction. All he needs to do is work out the kinks and focus on how he can make them even more difficult. Surviving in cherno or electro or anywhere the rewards are larger should not be possible alone.

EDIT: for the backseat mods ... PROTIP: Don't bite off more than you can chew ... make friends ... you are not Sam Fisher.

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I've found one sure-fire way to get rid of zombies chasing you:

-run to a steep hill (steep enough that is slows you to a walk if you try to run straight up it)

-zig-zag up the steep hill such that you keep running


-Profit :cool:

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Good thread. If you're planning on constantly adding more to it, just edit your first post so that it's one long list of information. Maybe it will get stickied.

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Be glad they can't smell you and know exactly where you are ...

I agree that their current mechanics are a little borked. That is fixable with this being alpha and all. I do not agree with going back to easy mode where literally the only thing I had to worry about was some winchester toting madman running around a large infected city with reckless abandon. I am a huuuge fan of killing other players. I just feel there is a more realistic forum for it. Running around a large city like rambo on your own is a good way to get killed I'm sure.

Like I said' date=' I like the direction he is going with making the zombies an actual threat, rather than a source of beans and a MINOR distraction. All he needs to do is work out the kinks and focus on how he can make them even more difficult. Surviving in cherno or electro or anywhere the rewards are larger should not be possible alone.

EDIT: for the backseat mods ... PROTIP: Don't bite off more than you can chew ... make friends ... you are not Sam Fisher.


If they want to make this game to force you to group, they might as well cancel any thoughts of retail. This whole game is based around your feeling ALONE and isolated. Having to group would defeat that feeling.

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Good thread. If you're planning on constantly adding more to it' date=' just edit your first post so that it's one long list of information. Maybe it will get stickied.


good idea, I may feel like it

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Crawl a lot and watch the zombies movement carefully. If you don't have the patient for that, don't come here and whine about the zombie being too hard. They are pretty good now. I won't say they are perfect, since it's ALPHA (don't forget that). But i'd say the zeds are functioning quite good at the moment with the FOV and the searching thing (maybe they have a bit too good hearing). Another tips to lose the zombies is to run around big bushes and trees (the last one works best). Try to get some distance from the zombie and run around the tree so he looses FOV and then lay down and crawl away (try to strafe all the time and block his fov if he moves). This works best with maybe 1-3 zombies. It does not work every time but you get hang of it after a while.

I have been playing both solo and in group today and I would say that you need to learn how to play if you can't play alone. It's very doable. This build is fine.

Adapt or die (QQ)

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IMO zeds vision should be like motion-based, the faster you move, the higher your visibility indicator goes.

I mean they are zombies, they're half decomposed, how can they spot survivors more accurately than survivors can spot them, how can they even tell the difference between one of us and one of them?

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man, how'd you get that version? Do you work with rocket?

Sorry man, I'm dyslexic and that totally messed with me. You may want to fix your post.

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They are not undead, they are infected people (with some sort of rage virus?)

Also tin cans/bottles are extremely useful now. Instead of sneaking past them (or trying to), try herding them using tin cans/empty bottles.

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They are not undead' date=' they are infected people (with some sort of rage virus?)

Also tin cans/bottles are extremely useful now. Instead of sneaking past them (or trying to), try herding them using tin cans/empty bottles.


Still, they don't look very sharp, you can tell just by the way they're walking they're already dead inside.

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- spawn into game

- stand up and ensure sprint is on (double-tap shift if it isn't)

- run to town

- ignore zombies chasing you

- find building

- run in and loot anything useful

- run out and find another building

- if you see another player, pull the zombie train over him

- once you are geared commence the death-match killing of other survivors

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I've found one sure-fire way to get rid of zombies chasing you:

-run to a steep hill (steep enough that is slows you to a walk if you try to run straight up it)

-zig-zag up the steep hill such that you keep running


-Profit :cool:

Me and mate have used this tactic since we installed the mod. Works everytime. They cannot run to chase you up steep gradients so you simply zig zag run uphill a good distance away and then kick back and pop them one by one as they saunter up.

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1- Learn what buildings walkers can still see through, as this is alpha problems like this are to be expected. If you loot one of these stay prone, and never try to lose LOS within one. (See grocery store or hotel)

2 - If you don't have a weapon don't go in a building with one entrance. (See death trap)

3- If you are trying to sneak then sneak, (See crawling, or L-Shft Crawling) getting through an infected village/city w/out aggro is now an achievement instead of the norm. This is not for everyone it is slow and requires significant planning and knowledge of the area. (See apocalypse survival rate)

4- If you are trying to break LOS of a horde make sure you pull the infected away from the back door before entering. Wait at back door inside until horde is mostly in the building, then crawl away out the back door you are close enough that they can hear you running from the front door. (See creating death traps at high yield buildings)

General Responses

They are infected not zombies, Rocket has stated this in interviews. His vision of this game is a realistic take on a "zombie" apocalypse devoid of the supernatural. You are shooting living breathing people that have at least nearly human level senses.

Does it suck to have to crawl 50 to a 100m to a building? Yes

Is the above "realistic" - Yes (maybe still to easy, can you see someone laying down on the 50 yard line from an end zone?)

Can a lone survivor sneak through an entire city with a lesser chance of being spotted. - Yes (see Crawling or L Shft Crawling)

You can still try to crouch run to stay stealthy it is simply much riskier now than it was before. The infected cannot see you crouched at more than 50-60 m with a direct LOS. Don't cry to me because you can't judge distance if your on a regular server start using your mouse wheel.

Play the way you want-

This game is an apocalypse survival "sim". Just as Arma is a combat "sim". If you want to survive in Day Z then you should consider playing by some core survival rules. Just as if you want to survive in Arma you should adhere to basic combat rules, this is why BI has material from infantry guides on their website.

Number one rule, risk is the determinate of your life span. The more of it you can avoid the longer you will live, this is survival 101. (Walk don't run, a twisted ankle is a death sentence. Walk around the cliff face don't climb up it. Hunt rabbits not bears.)

If you want to survive solo you will need to live like a rat, not very glamorous. I understand people wanting to have fun get good guns etc. etc., fine and good just realize you are not likely going to survive for an extended period of time playing like this. Respawn and dive back in, but stop complaining that you can't survive, your the one who decides if your character will survive or not.

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I haven't read all three pages' date=' but my addition to the list is; Find a steep hill crest, semi smooth one side, quite steep other side of crest. Run up it, get them behind you then run down the hill. Make sure you don't catch air going off the edge. If done right, the zombies should go flying through the air behind you, crash to the ground and die. Because they run so much faster than you do.

I have only done this once, and I was not really trying to do this or test my theory. But I went over the edge, and the two zombies were lying on the ground. I was bleeding and empty inventory due to fresh spawn. (Mad dash to a barn gone wrong) With a shout of joy I discovered the one zombie had a bandage for me!!!!! WOO


This actually works :)

Just killed 3 of them.

Put your idea into my first post

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Well said Mr Two. I'm dreading playing when I have the time xD I was coddled on 1.7.0, not yet experienced the QQ inducing pain that is this new one.

If there are buildings they can see through, I hope that gets fixed, especially as they are putting empathis or breaking LOS, and they have greater vision now.

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Hello Everyone!

I have created a thread in the new player section, but thought it might also be helpful here as well. I have been enjoying the new updates to DayZ and wanted to share my experiences on how to survive with the new starting equipment. If you are a new player, my recent blog article may help you survive long enough to find a weapon and evade those hungry zombies!

Enjoy and Stay Alive!

Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse With Only a Flashlight and a Tin Can

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