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Zombie Herdes

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I liked the idea of herdes in the Walking Dead Comics.

Attracted by a sound or movement they walk in a direction and others are following them until they gathered a big herde of roamers.

In the zombie universe there are are no bosses like super Zombies or something like it. the creapy thing about zombies is the lack of individualism and their appearance in mindless masses. A herde could be adequate equivalent to a big boss just by its mass and could bring a new suspense factor to the game. When you see a herde through your binoculars from your base in the city and you have to decide if you stay waiting and hoping that the roamers will just walk through town or if you pack your stuff an run. Of course you should always try to avoid a herde unlike a bigboss which you want to beat up, cause you know you can.

It could be a strategic element too. For example if you know that a group is camping somewhere and killing lonely, of course innocent survivors to grap their stuff, you could cause an explosion near their base. Then you wait a while until all the Zombies nearby walking in that direction.

Wouldn't be a problem for me if they would spawn somewhere as a herde, when something like a explosion happens or just at random somewhere in the woods. But it would be nice if they would walk the land in realtime and gahter just by following each other, a cat, an advertising at a hotel in electro or the jeep with survivors one of them saw 3 weeks ago.

What do you think?

Edited by KowalskiPeter
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<'gooogle translator'>


One time I see the boss from the zombies.

He is military.


Edited by G000gle

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A large group of animals that live together or are kept together as livestock.




A large group of people.

Okay? Okay.

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This has been suggested so many times if you check deeper in the suggestion thread. With that said it is a cool idea and I hope to see it in the standalone, it would make the woods a place where zombies could go and get you now.

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Exactly, a horde is a large group of PEOPLE while a herde is a large group of ANIMALS. Its a thin line between these two. So don't get pedantic about this. And in the Comics its actually a herde.

and sorry for suggesting this again. To be honest I didn't find anything under herde so I posted it without looking for horde in the threats.

Edited by KowalskiPeter

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Why don't we call them "Zombie Swarms" - somehow it seems more representative of a group of flesh eaters.

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Exactly, a horde is a large group of PEOPLE while a herde is a large group of ANIMALS. Its a thin line between these two. So don't get pedantic about this. And in the Comics its actually a herde.

and sorry for suggesting this again. To be honest I didn't find anything under herde so I posted it without looking for horde in the threats.

"Herde" is still not a word. Herd is.

I don't usually become a grammar-Nazi, but when you type the word with the wrong context, in the wrong way, 8 times, I just can't help it.

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Exactly, a horde is a large group of PEOPLE while a herde is a large group of ANIMALS. Its a thin line between these two. So don't get pedantic about this. And in the Comics its actually a herde.

and sorry for suggesting this again. To be honest I didn't find anything under herde so I posted it without looking for horde in the threats.

"Herde" is still not a word. Herd is.

I don't usually become a grammar-Nazi, but when you type the word with the wrong context, in the wrong way, 8 times, I just can't help it.

I wasn't going to say anything, but you spelled it wrong in a reply to a post containing the correct spellings of both words, in big, bold text. That's probably the reason you didn't find anything when you searched "Herde".

Edited by Clumzy

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large swarms of uber fast zombies.....that can only end well

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I wasn't going to say anything, but you spelled it wrong in a reply to a post containing the correct spellings of both words, in big, bold text. That's probably the reason you didn't find anything when you searched "Herde".

Not sure if responding to me, or..

The words I've used aren't incorrect as far as I'm noticing. (Feel free to point it out, though.)

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<'gooogle translator'>


One time I see the boss from the zombies.

He is military.


i fucking lol'd

also why is your signature medics clan yet the picture is a bandit ....

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Not sure if responding to me, or..

The words I've used aren't incorrect as far as I'm noticing. (Feel free to point it out, though.)

Sorry, I guess I was being a bit ambiguous, that wasn't directed towards you.

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