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BattleEye refuses to update

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Hi guys I'm having a real big problem with my battleye at the moment.

Currently, whenever I try and join a DayZ server, it says BattleEye initialized etc etc, but then after I've gone through the lobby, it just won't load me into the game. A little counter appears in the bottom right hand corner that counts in seconds, but nothing further happens, sometimes that number even freezes and just does nothing. This has happened in both private and public hives.

Now, I figured it MAY have been a problem with BattleEye, so I opted to play some wasteland to test out my theory, and it seems like there might be a problem with it. I joined a Wasteland server and got the same 'BattleEye initialized' when I enter the lobby, but whenever I actually get into the game, I get kicked for 'BattleEye failed to update'.

Since then, I've tried reinstalling ARMA 2:OA (which I know does nothing but I figured I'd try it anyway), I've tried running the BE installer within the Steamapps files, I've tried manually reinstalling the BE dll's, I've tried Steam's verification of integrity of game cache, I've tried sitting in Wasteland lobby to no avail, and nothing works. Not only is my BE totally non-functional, but I can't join DayZ servers to test it out or let it update by itself.

What do I do? I just want to play some DayZ :<


Oh I forgot to add, I've also tried turning off my Antivirus software to help the battleye update, nothing.

Edited by iSpaceman

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It's not a big problem at all. Go to battleye and manually download. Then, assuming you bought from Steam, go to your Steam/steamapps/common/arma 2 operation arrowhead/ expansions/battleye and paste the 2 files there overwriting the pre-existing ones. Done!

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It's not a big problem at all. Go to battleye and manually download. Then, assuming you bought from Steam, go to your Steam/steamapps/common/arma 2 operation arrowhead/ expansions/battleye and paste the 2 files there overwriting the pre-existing ones. Done!

Wow. I did everything but this... and it worked. Thanks :D

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