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Customization ?

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Hey you guys, I've been absent from the forums for several months.

Just wanted to know if infos were released about any kind of character customization, such as face, height, skin color, custom content, tags, voice, etc.

Also, did we get any information on the vehicle modifications ?

Thank you. :)

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You may want to check here:


Scroll to the bottom to see the latest info on the DayZ mod that you are possibly asking about. I know you can customize your character right now under the Profile I believe.

If you are asking about the Stand Alone, you got me. Probably statik is right, but there's just too much information there to pull out one little bit of info. Somebody must know, I'm sure.

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The vehicle features are mostly to be the first thing after Standalone release for the team to have in mind. As Rocket said, it's the first Milestone to achieve when the alpha build is out (no specific details on this one, I think it will be only physics improvements only and not customization or something related). And refered to the character customization, I'm pretty sure they didn't give so many details after that big devblog on March featuring a lot of tweaks and features like the three races for the models (black, caucasian and asian) and probably stock faces and voices. Hope I helped you in some way, regards.

Edited by Guisho

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