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US 264 Wrongful Banning

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**** This was their exact post on their forums, however I would like for others to see this. ****

First off before I go ahead and start, let me clarify that I can care less about getting un-banned from this server, however I am here to prove innocence to my name.

Now, let's go ahead and take a look at my game directory, shall we?




Now for my downloads folder:


If there's any doubt at this point, I would be more than happy to show one of the administrators through my computer over TeamViewer however like I said I don't care about being unbanned here, I am merely just proving my innocence.

Anyways, continuing on...

Moments leading to my ban in-game I was running around the Berezino with nothing but a Winchester (11 or so bullets in it if I remember correctly), an Alice Pack, a hatchet, 2 cans of soda (Pepsi if I remember correctly), hunting knife, and other small things. If I were actually hacking like I was accused of doing, I wouldn't be running around with just a Winchester away from the rest of the population on the server. I was actually planning on heading up to the North East airstrip while my two buddies and I waited for the rest of my squad to get online until I was banned.

Now let's take a moment to review the 'professionalism' some of the administrators on this server have. Now feel free to correct me if I am wrong, however if I saw correctly it looked as if what I thought were one of the administrators trolling another member over side chat about the true purpose of the razor, sitting there and telling them that it can be used as a weapon if equipped (which obviously is not the case). Not only did I personally witness this, but I have two other members of my squad who could vouch for this (not like it matters anyways).

Another thing that I would like to bring up is that I have been playing DayZ since late February of this year and if I have been hacking, surely BattleEye would have caught me by now if it were the case.

As a result of this wrongful ban, this server has just lost 11 up-coming regular players, as my squad and I were looking for a new server to actively play on.

Anyways, I'll leave it at that.

**** This was their exact post on their forums, however I would like for others to see this. ****

Edited by CS14

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I witnessed this ban as I was with him on Teamspeak at the time, I can guarantee you that this server has unprofessionalism to the max.

As he stated above, an administrator of the server was in fact trolling a community member and a new player to DayZ. I stepped up and told him he was trolling him and said the real purpose, junk loot.

At that point he said thank you and carried on.

He also trolled another member throughout the few hours.

This server is very wrongful and relies on what their Anti Hacks script says, though obviously it's not correct information and they ban based on what they see, instead of investigating it.

~ Dash.

Edited by ImDash

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I fail to see the point of screenshots. They prove nothing.

And I don't see what the admin "trolling" someone in side has to do. If he was using the Rcon for "trolling" etc, that would be different. But just trolling someone on side about the use of the razor isn't going to aid your story. Along with that, saying you were in Berenzino with a Winny doesn't justify anything. Just because someone is a hacker, that doesn't mean they're ghillie w/ an AS50 at the NWAF... Along with your BattlEye comment, useless.

Your best bet would be an admin comes on and shows log/video proof.

EDIT: P.S. I don't think saying shit like "They lost 11 up-coming players" is going to aid your cause.

Edited by Statik

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I fail to see the point of screenshots. They prove nothing.

And I don't see what the admin "trolling" someone in side has to do. If he was using the Rcon for "trolling" etc, that would be different. But just trolling someone on side about the use of the razor isn't going to aid your story. Along with that, saying you were in Berenzino with a Winny doesn't justify anything. Just because someone is a hacker, that doesn't mean they're ghillie w/ an AS50 at the NWAF... Along with your BattlEye comment, useless.

Your best bet would be an admin comes on and shows log/video proof.

The screenshots do prove something, they prove that I do not have any non-default files in my directory (i.e. hack programs).

Another thing, most if not all hackers do nothing but troll other players or spawn themselves things for their own benefit. Why would I bother to have hacks in-game (not saying that I do, just a hypothetical statement) and stay away from other people, legitimately find my own guns, and keep to myself? Your statement is flawed. Name one time that you have seen or heard of a hacker that didn't troll other players, blowup cities, spawn gear, or do other actions for their own benefit?

Aside from that, no the BattleEye comment is not useless. ALL public hives include BattleEye, if I were hacking surely BattleEye would have caught on at some point in time and therefore I would have been banned if I were legitimately hacking.

Your statement about the administrator coming on with log/video proof, the administrator has already failed to state how I was supposedly hacking which is against their own community rules and I would be more than happy to prove that.

Edit: Why is it that you feel you need to get involved in other's matters when it clearly does not involve you? If you're not involved, get the fuck out of my thread and keep to yourself.

Edited by CS14

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I fail to see the point of screenshots. They prove nothing.

They prove his directory is clean of any software or injectors, placing the hacks into the game.

And I don't see what the admin "trolling" someone in side has to do. If he was using the Rcon for "trolling" etc, that would be different. But just trolling someone on side about the use of the razor isn't going to aid your story.

Administrators trolling community members shows non professionalism, though it's not a specific rule from my understanding. You should not be trolling as an admin of a /PUBLIC/ hive server. Common sense.

Along with that, saying you were in Berenzino with a Winny doesn't justify anything. Just because someone is a hacker, that doesn't mean they're ghillie w/ an AS50 at the NWAF... Along with your BattlEye comment, useless.

Name a time where a hacker gets legit guns, doesn't troll, or anything. It's quite hard, plus. What reasoning do you have in this thread?

EDIT: P.S. I don't think saying shit like "They lost 11 up-coming players" is going to aid your cause.

Not at all, he simply said that they are going to be dropping in players, it wasn't going to aid the case. Again, I don't see your reasoning to be posting in a thread you have nothing to do with it?

~ Dash.

Edited by ImDash

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Proving your innocence? You obviously have NO idea about facts.

A fact

-can be proven.

-cannot be disproven.

-has evidence to back it up.

Ok, well... you provided those, so you do know about facts. BUT, it is so ludicrously presented that I actually CHUCKLED while reading your thread. DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO MAKE ME LAUGH? Very.

Here's the problem(s).

Numbero Uno- Oooh, looky, pictures of your files. How do I know that you didn't just delete the hacks? And a picture of your downloads folder? How do I know that you didn't just delete the files from there? Because you're not smart enough to realize that pictures of those places won't prove your innocence, so you wouldn't of thought of deleting them? Psh... Moving on...


If I were actually hacking like I was accused of doing, I wouldn't be running around with just a Winchester away from the rest of the population on the server,

That is your word. That is YOUR word, right there, and no one else's. If you are accused of hacking, do you understand what that is to the community? That is detrimental to them and you are branded an enemy. They're not going to take your frigging word for it just because you say that's what you had. Can you look at the logs? Yes. But even then, there are hackers that hack themselves invinclible HATCHETS. Why not have a Winchester? In fact, if people didn't expect it to be a hacker, why not use it, so you're less likely to be caught? Makes sense. Oh, wait, I forgot... you're not smart enough to realize.

San- You come on these forums, and post about a server you don't even want to get unbanned from. You're using up my bandwidth and that's not right. You came here because you 'had something to prove' or some equivalent, and you did prove something, that yes, you are an idiot, and you can go home. Why would you post this and have people read it if YOU and your squadmates know you are innocent? Doesn't make sense. You feel prideful, or butthurt? Feel like a ban from one server is really that bad?

Who even said you're hacking? Maybe you pissed them off. Maybe you are too young.

It comes down to it that you use too much of your own word, fail to give GOOD evidence, are wasting our time, and are probably HURTING your name of innocence, rather than helping it, by posting this thread.


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Proving your innocence? You obviously have NO idea about facts.

A fact

-can be proven.

-cannot be disproven.

-has evidence to back it up.

Ok, well... you provided those, so you do know about facts. BUT, it is so ludicrously presented that I actually CHUCKLED while reading your thread. DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO MAKE ME LAUGH? Very.

Here's the problem(s).

Numbero Uno- Oooh, looky, pictures of your files. How do I know that you didn't just delete the hacks? And a picture of your downloads folder? How do I know that you didn't just delete the files from there? Because you're not smart enough to realize that pictures of those places won't prove your innocence, so you wouldn't of thought of deleting them? Psh... Moving on...


That is your word. That is YOUR word, right there, and no one else's. If you are accused of hacking, do you understand what that is to the community? That is detrimental to them and you are branded an enemy. They're not going to take your frigging word for it just because you say that's what you had. Can you look at the logs? Yes. But even then, there are hackers that hack themselves invinclible HATCHETS. Why not have a Winchester? In fact, if people didn't expect it to be a hacker, why not use it, so you're less likely to be caught? Makes sense. Oh, wait, I forgot... you're not smart enough to realize.

San- You come on these forums, and post about a server you don't even want to get unbanned from. You're using up my bandwidth and that's not right. You came here because you 'had something to prove' or some equivalent, and you did prove something, that yes, you are an idiot, and you can go home. Why would you post this and have people read it if YOU and your squadmates know you are innocent? Doesn't make sense. You feel prideful, or butthurt? Feel like a ban from one server is really that bad?

Who even said you're hacking? Maybe you pissed them off. Maybe you are too young.

It comes down to it that you use too much of your own word, fail to give GOOD evidence, are wasting our time, and are probably HURTING your name of innocence, rather than helping it, by posting this thread.


If you're ignorance keeps you from believing that I do not have hacks installed in my game directory, then that is your problem. I am simply proving what I can, considering I don't sit there and record what I do non-stop while I play. If I did, I could have simply just provided the video and that would have been the end of it.

I have also clearly stated within the original post that I would have been more than happy to have shown one of the administrators through my game directory and other affected files regarding ArmA over TeamViewer however I am simply trying to dis-prove any wrongful assumptions associated with me rather than actually be un-banned on the server.

Sure, I could have deleted the files if that were the case but there are always left overs to something that could be found at one point or another. How do you think people who commit crimes with a computer get caught? Unless you know every file, directory, registry key, etc. that is affected, which in this case I do not as I have never used a hack program for DayZ or ArmA in general, there is always a way to trace it back.

"Who even said you were hacking?"

That right there just goes to prove how intelligent you truly are. Aside from the fact the ban itself and the administrators supposedly said I were hacking, it goes against the rules that the DayZ team has put in place for hosting public hives which in that case means the server should be shut down. You can go ahead and read all about that by following the link: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/62195-server-hosting-rules-updated-3009/

"Maybe you pissed them off"

Read above, again it goes against the server hosting rules and if that were case then the server should be shut down.

"Maybe you you are too young"

Read the two things above.

Aside from the fact I am nearly 18, that has nothing to do with the case.

You come on this thread, post like you are all knowing, and come insulting me, yet you make stupid comment like that which immediately reveal how intelligent you truly are.

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This section is for ban appeals. If you do not care to be un-banned, don't post an "appeal".

Keep the insults to a minimum, Cullins.


Edited by Inception.

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