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To get people value their lives more

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Make a respawn timer. A long one, so you can't instantly respawn once you die. I know there's always the penalty of having to run from the coast back to your earlier location, but people seem to make too risky decisions when crawling through hordes of Zombies to get the precious beans to fill their stomachs and running fearlessly through the empty fields like the sun is shining and life's awesome. This way the risk of attacking other person would also make you think twice. And for the bandit "problem" (which in my opinion isn't really a problem, but a playstyle), bandits should have a slightly longer respawn time to make their crimes right. Maybe make the respawn timer relative to the humanity you have?

Give me your thoughts about this.

And by long one I mean anything from 20 minutes to 2 hours or even more.

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Sounds like a good idea, reminds me abit of the respawn timer Project reality has.

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Well why is it needed if after you respawn you have to walk for like 5-10 minutes to the nearest big town?

If you are worrying about people spawning near Electro and jumping right in the fight soon after death - you can make spawn point to depend on your previous life lenght and zombie kills. Eg. spawn points at Kamenka (far and lonely) and Chernagorsk - if you have died within 30 mins from your last death, you spawn far - at Kamenka.

For bandits - could be made separate bandit respawns, something like bandit towns.

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I agree, the spawn timer is basically a player trying to get anywhere that has some what of a valuable thing to it. We can respawn instantly, and then run for 20 mins in order to get somewhere useful, thats enough of a spawn timer.

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I disagree. IMO the "punishment" for being killed should be done ingame and not forbidding people to actually play the game. This will make some guys take advantage of having 2 ARMA II to play.

IMO. We need a WAY worst begin. Make people respawn without nothing. So they will need to scarvenge some remote places before going to zumbi infested cities. Slowing down greatly the speed of their game. But don't taking the fun.

Sorry the poor grammar.

Thx for the attention.


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IMO. We need a WAY worst begin. Make people respawn without nothing. So they will need to scarvenge some remote places before going to zumbi infested cities.


+1 for zumbi :D

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I personally think this would be a bad idea, partially due to ARMA II's bugs. I've broke my legs and died a few times due to ladders, tents, railings and similar spawn of hell. Why would I have to wait a long time if I got killed by a bug?

Not only that, but it would drain out the fun of the mod and cause it to lose popularity. It's already a chore to walk to the northernmost city of the map because I got sniped by a person who just logged in from another server.

However, I agree with Divinorium to some extent. Instead of adding a ridiculous respawn timer, just make the penalty of dying slightly more harsh. This bandit hate is getting absurd.

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I have to disagree.

Why would I have to wait when I get killed by a bandit? Or when I get swarmed by zeds.

The time it takes to get back to your old spot you have to walk like 20 minutes anyway.

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I would have to whole-heartedly disagree with this idea. It already takes me about ten minutes to get into a server, if I have to wait two hours after being killed by a bandit - or like Herr Otto said, dying from game objects - that would totally turn me off from this mod. I'm having more fun with this mod than I've had with any other and ArmA itself combined. Making the game harder is totally fine, this shouldn't be a casual game, but a 20 minute or even worse 2 hour respawn time is ridiculous.

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I don't see where the problem is, if someone is starving of course they will consider killing you to take your food.

There is a risk in remaining on the beach, that risk is that the time you spent getting there is more valuable than the time of the guy who freshly spawned.

But anywhere that you go you will have to judge the situation. If i can off you with a sniper rifle without any risks of being discovered and if i can also easily go retrieve your gear, what can possibly convince me that this is not worth the bullet?

That's the essence of the risk/reward game. If you insist on raiding Chernogorsk, NW airfield you are targeting high traffic locations, wether it's for the loot or because it's a respawn zone, you're taking a risk.

It's up to you to measure this risk, the game shouldn't remove it.

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I don't like this idea.

Losing (usually) all your equipment and stats or having to run for miles to get where you (or your friends) were is already punishment enough.

And don't get me started on the tards camping spawn locations along the coast...

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IMO. We need a WAY worst begin. Make people respawn without nothing.

I agree :D

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