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Looking for people to play with

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ive been playing dayz about 5 months now looking for a couple of active players it gets boring being a lone wolf after a while.

abit about me im 26 from England (west midlands) i mostly play origins or breaking point.the best way to contact me is by skype my user is dM_daz

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Hey, im 21 from England, been playing almost since release, about 10 months ago on and off. I am also playing mostly origins and *cough* broken point (when it works). Ill add your skype

If anyone else wants to add me, my Skype is Karl Hyett

Edited by Lightstylez

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hey im 19 (I sound younger than I am witch is annoying)from England been playing dayz for about a year and I play regular and have been waiting for somebody to play origins with I will add you on Skype

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hey im 19 and looking for people to play with , unfortunately no mic atm my wire isnt long enough on my turtle beaches but i will play with you

my skypes joeharper99 > an i can just listen, on what to do etc

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All of you should join Bloodred, where huge on dayZ we have alot of custom server addons and we provide teamspeak private channels for your own little group in our community.. try us out..

If you are going to post, do it right.

Your link does nothing and these people are UK based, I doubt that a US server will appeal.

Read the Stickies, use the Search Function.

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