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can't pick up hatchet...

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I have a little question, how can i pick up the hatchet now ?

It's say that i don't have enough room in my inventory ?! wtf? I have 6 slot free, and i remeber that was an "item"... how can i do ?


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It doesn't go into your inventory, it takes up your main weapon slot.

If you want it in your inventory it takes up 10 spaces.

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I had a hatchet before the recent updates but now its gone. I think I read (don't quote me) that the hatchet may get a melee attack and so its buggy for now until they iron out the problems? Idk, I'm tired and may have misread that earlier

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to pick it up you need to look at it and use the scroll wheel, just like picking up steel bolts from a zombie you shot with a crossbow.

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I had a hatchet before the recent updates but now its gone. I think I read (don't quote me) that the hatchet may get a melee attack and so its buggy for now until they iron out the problems? Idk' date=' I'm tired and may have misread that earlier


They removed it from people's inventories because it takes up the main weapon slot now. And yes, it can be used as a weapon currently.

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Didn't Rocket say he plans to have an axe for melee and add the old tool slot hatchet back in for gathering wood? Was hoping that went into the hotfix last night, having to choose between a hatchet or a primary weapon sucks.

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There have been a string of horrible mistakes with this game in the past 3 weeks this being one of them.

I doubt that it is a mistake. Probably they didn't have time to finish some other feature that would balance this out, or they were testing how well this would work in game.

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tried everythang

cant pick up hatchet

"no room in inventory"

i emptied my inventory for you!!!!

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I personally feel they should add an tool belt hatchet, to exist along side the one used as a weapon.

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hatchets are pretty broken at the moment, I had one and was using it to kill zeds then decided to pick up a crossbow which turned out to be far less effective than the hatchet so I dropped the crossbow and found I could no longer pick up a hatchet (any hatchet), also what's the deal with having ammo for the hatchet ? I presume that's what it was anyway - I had to reload it before I could use it and saw an icon for shotgun shells in my inventory named hatchet.

the whole thing seems like a total fudge, I'd much rather just have hatchets the way they were before (used for harvesting wood only) if this is the price we have to pay for having melee weapons in the game.

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