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Shadow Slayer

Lookng to make a small group.

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I have decided to make a small group of about 3-6 people. I personally, am neither a bandit nor survivor. To join it does not matter what you are (bandit, hero, or in-between) I will accept any mindset.

Also, it doesn't matter how much experience you have with dayZ, wether you just joined or you've been playing since it was made.


1. Read EVERYTHING in this post.

2. Have TeamSpeak 3.

3.*Age 14+.

4.*Have the Taviana map.

5.*Have the Namalsk map.

6. Have a mic.

7. Be Able to kill if needed.

8. *Be on for at least 2 hours a day.

* = might be able to make an exception.

Application (not really needed, just want to know some things about you):

*In-Game Name


Rate your knowledge of DayZ _ out of 10.

Favorite map.

Do you have Requirements 4 and 5?

What other maps do you have (if any)?

Why do YOU want to join?

* = It is ok if you don't want to share these publicly, just PM them to me.

NOTE: This is NOT a clan. There will be NO ranks. We will all be treated by what we do and what we know. If you can't play that much, you will not have to worry about being kicked/demoted.

Also: If you have a friend that might want to join, he/she will not be denided as long as he/she has read the rules.

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1. Read EVERYTHING in this post. True

2. Have TeamSpeak 3. True

3.*Age 14+.True

4.*Have the Taviana map. True

5.*Have the Namalsk map. True

6. Have a mic. True

7. Be Able to kill if needed. True

8. *Be on for at least 2 hours a day. True

*In-Game Name Sakuraba

*Age 14

Rate your knowledge of DayZ _ out of 10. 7.5

Favorite map. Origins because that you can build houses.

Do you have Requirements 4 and 5? True

What other maps do you have (if any)? Origins

Why do YOU want to join? Because I think it's much more fun to play with a group of people, then being a lone wolf and this sounded pretty good!

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1. Read EVERYTHING in this post. true

2. Have TeamSpeak 3. yes

3.*Age 14+. yes

4.*Have the Taviana map.yes

5.*Have the Namalsk map.yes

6. Have a mic.yes

7. Be Able to kill if needed. yes

8. *Be on for at least 2 hours a day.yes

*In-Game Name hydro

*Age 14

Rate your knowledge of DayZ _ out of 10.9

Favorite map.chernarus because i know it so well

Do you have Requirements 4 and 5? yes

What other maps do you have (if any)? all of them

Why do YOU want to join? i would like to roll in a group insead of being a lone wolf

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In-Game Name: TeamNoobify.

Age: 15.

Rate your knowledge of DayZ _ out of 10: 8.

Favorite map: Breaking Point/ Modified Chernarus.

Do you have Requirements 4 and 5: Yes.

What other maps do you have (if any): I can download any map rather quickly.

Why do YOU want to join: Never really met a group to play with before.

Extra: I am not a fan of KOS. Unless the player is a bandit or we have evidence they're unwilling to be friendly.

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Ok sounds good. I'll try to be on soon.

In the meantime, I'll PM you guys a TS3 server for you to use, and get to know each other.

NOTE: TeamNoobify will be the temp leader, because he's the oldest. I know there's not ranks, but we need someone to make decisions until I can find out what strengths you guys have. (If he's not there, I'll be waiting in TS, but I wont be able to play so I can figure it out there.)

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1. Read EVERYTHING in this post. Alright, easy enough.

2. Have TeamSpeak 3. Oh yeah.

3.*Age 14+. 16 c:

4.*Have the Taviana map. Yup

5.*Have the Namalsk map. Yup

6. Have a mic. Oh yah

7. Be Able to kill if needed. Don't need to ask me twice.

8. *Be on for at least 2 hours a day. Always on.

*In-Game Name - Rob

*Age 16 c:

Rate your knowledge of DayZ _ out of 10. 10

Favorite map. Namalsk

Do you have Requirements 4 and 5? Yeah buddy.

What other maps do you have (if any)? Epoch and Origins

Why do YOU want to join? Playing by yourself can get boring. And once you meet someone who you think you can trust, Bamn. In the back of the head. So really, just need a team who I can trust.

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